"Do you want to be gods?"

As Su Xun's words fell, Ding Xu and Ding ye were stunned for a moment, and then they could not help sitting up straight, shortness of breath.


That's a God. I saw Su Xun's great power last night. The two brothers had already broken out.

Now I heard Su Xun ask this question without hesitation.

"Well, I'll give you this opportunity, but if you don't do it well, or use divine power to harm others for personal gain, I'll take back everything you have and punish you severely!"

Su Xun's last words were harsh. They both shivered, but they could barely keep calm.

Children are relatively simple. They don't think as much as adults, and they don't have any scruples. In addition, they think that they will never make mistakes. Naturally, they won't be afraid of Su Xun's warning.

Then Su Xun sealed them as the God of day and night. Ding Xu was the God of day and night, and Ding Ye was the God of night.

It's equivalent to one on the day shift and one on the night shift.

Day and night wandering God's duty is to travel around the sun, monitor good and evil, and record.

Su Xun was promoted to the queen of Chu River, and now he has the power to be a God. After he sealed the seal of Chu River King, the twin brothers completed the transformation from man to God.

Shinto is so damn, even a mortal, or an ordinary soul, can be canonized as a God.

"See God."

After the twin brothers became wandering gods day and night, they did not dare to sit any more and knelt down on the ground.

Because Su Xun instilled in them the responsibility and power of wandering God day and night, as well as the information of subordination with himself.

"Go and patrol the world on behalf of our God, and monitor the good and evil in the world. If you have anything, you can report it directly to the local city god or to our God. I hope you will live up to our God's expectations."

"Yes, God."

Day and night wandering, with excited mood disappeared in place.

Then riyoushen started to work directly, as if he couldn't wait to do something for Su Xun.

After wandering around day and night, Su went back to the divine realm.

A city has been built in the realm of God, a city completely belonging to the soul.

The difference from the outside is that there is no electricity and no net, which seems to be back to the ancient dragon kingdom.

However, it seemed that this was enough for Su Xun. He was dead after riding on horses. What else would he need?

People Wrong, ghost, you have to know how to be content.

"See God!"

Back to his palace, the guard at the gate knelt down on one knee.


Su Xun left a word and went in.

At this time, there were many busy figures in the palace in addition to the patrolling divine guards.

These are selected officials.

"Ah, you are back at last, so many things to deal with, I am almost exhausted."

Qin Zhu, who was lying on the case to see the memorial, saw Su Xun come in, and was relieved in a moment, and collapsed powerlessly.

These folds show that she has a big head, some in the sun and some in the divine realm.

Moreover, they are all handed over after being screened by officials of various ministries. If they are all handed over, I don't know how many.

"Well, well, I know you've worked hard. I'll treat you to chicken in the evening." Su Xun put his hand on the chair and touched her head.

Qin Zhu climbed to his feet, arched into his arms and opened his eyes like autumn water: "add one."

Su Xun didn't respond at first.

But I soon understood.

Eat chicken, add a bar, not become eat chicken, right?

Hiss -

it's so terrible. If you're not careful, the car won't get on the highway again, and the traffic police can't stop it.

"What about Zhenyao sword and Liuli?" Su Xun pushed her head away from his arms.

Because if he doesn't push it away, Qin Zhu will have to eat chicken.

After being pushed away, Qin Zhu's eyes complained: "the development of Shenyu, Liuli River and Qin Zhu are playing outside."

Today's divine realm is not like the foggy one in the beginning.

As his strength improved, mountains, rivers, flowers and trees began to be born in the divine realm.

It's just that these things are not from the sun.

"Somebody Su Xun called out.

A soldier with a long knife on his waist came in and knelt down on one knee

"Pass on the order, let each department come up with a charter, and select a large number of people who can serve as the land and City God. If the God domain is not enough, go outside to find them."

The land and the City God are the gods of politics in the sun. Now that he is promoted to King Guangwang of Qin Dynasty, he has already dared to build temples in other cities. So many City God and land vacancies must be prepared in advance.

and other planets are filled with Town God's Temple and the earth temple. Each of them sits on the moon and sits on the altar."Yes, God."

The soldier retired at his command.


, Hancheng and other border four cities have built up the Town God's Temple, the earth temple, and the people are gladly worshipped.

This matter was reported to the general government.

Yucheng's Lord's mansion, the main hall of discussion, and Yulin, the leader of the Yulong legion, are superior.

"What a shame! That's ridiculous

Yulin yelled: "a person who pretends to be a God and plays tricks on the people while evil spirits are rampant. What does he want to do? He wants to make me rebel!"

What makes him angry is not this matter. It is after the four cities have been bewitched that he actually knows.

"Marshal, calm down. He's nothing but a guy who can only cheat stupid people. His subordinates are willing to lead their troops to arrest him!"

"Yes, marshal, it's just an ostentatious clown. How can you be so angry for him?"

"Please give the Marshal's order, and the general will be willing to lead the troops to encircle and suppress the evil doer."

The conference hall is noisy. You and I have not paid attention to this so-called God.

Because they all know one thing.

That is the history of R star for tens of thousands of years, there is no such creature as God.

Therefore, that God is nothing more than a means of pretending to be a God or a ghost, which is not worth mentioning.

"Newspaper! Report to the general, the source city is urgent

At this time, with a loud cry, a soldier rushed in, knelt on the ground, hands raised above his head, hands is a transparent cube.

"General Qi, Yuancheng urgent report. This is the latest image from the brothers in Yuancheng."

It's not easy for Yuancheng to communicate with Yucheng and send out information.

"Let it out." Yulin has a dignified face.

Because the word "urgent report" can't be used for all kinds of information.

"Yes, general."

After getting the order, the soldier got up and put the transparent cube on the ground.

Then the cube shoots up, giving a beam of light.

Then last night, the image of Su Xun's exterminating evil spirit reappeared. The image was very clear and real. Standing aside, it seemed that he could be personally on the scene.

Even if you just look at the image, you can feel the mighty power overflowing, which makes people feel stuffy.

After watching the video content, everyone was stunned. The whole meeting hall was so quiet that people could only hear the sound of breathing.

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