"Dong Dong..."

Su Xun knocked on the door of the study.

"It's Sue. Come in."

Li Jianguo's excited voice came from his study.

Su Xun opened the door and went in. He saw Li Jianguo on the desk.

Close the door, then walk over and ask, "Professor Li, what do you find again?"

"Look at this." Li Jianguo handed Su Xun a piece of data that he had sorted out, and then explained to him: "I've been reading the Ming Dynasty ancient books you sent me last time day and night these days. The scholar who wrote these books is not an ordinary scholar! The invasion of foreign people, the resistance of immortals and Buddhas, and the great calamity of the world, did an ordinary scholar have time to calm down and finish these books at that time? "

Su Xun nodded and waited.

Li Jianguo said: "if you look at these ancient books, you won't find anything. They are nothing more than ancient diaries. But the first word at the beginning of each book is a sentence."

Su Xun looked down at the piece of paper he had given him before, and read out: "there is something strange in the sun covered mountain."

Masri mountain he naturally knew that it was located in daze, a deep mountain in the southwest of the Dragon kingdom. The mountain was steep and could almost cover the sun, so it got its name.

"Yes, that's the sentence. The author of these ancient books should be a person near Masri mountain. Many of the things he recorded above are located in Masri mountain, so the sentence" there is something strange in Masri mountain "is not a coincidence."

"The author may be controlled. He wants to use this method to deliver the message to someone, but he doesn't know if he has succeeded."

Li Jianguo was right in his analysis, but Su Xun had to pour cold water on him: "Professor Li, after so many years, no matter whether he has succeeded in spreading the news or not, what does it have to do with us?"

"This..." Li Jianguo said, yes, so many years have passed, anything can happen, this outdated news has little value.

After all, it's not a treasure map.

It's equivalent to an encrypted military intelligence during World War II. Now someone decrypts it, but World War II is over, so this intelligence is useless.

Half a sound, Li Jianguo sighed: "I'm a little bewitched, just, you go down to chat with Xiaoyun, I'll read for a while."

"We can't say that. If we have time, we can go to Masri mountain to have a look." Su Xun comforted him.

Li Jianguo waved his hand: "blind toss."

Susian went downstairs.

Liu Yun, who is sitting on the sofa watching TV with her legs crossed, turns her head: "is it over so soon?"

"Mainly because I want to come down and talk to you." Su Xun sat beside her with a faint fragrance, which made her relaxed and happy.

Liu Yun curled her lips: "what do we have to talk about, and want to take advantage of me?"

"No way." Su Xun was calm, and then he lay on Liu Yun's big leg.

Liu Yun was a little annoyed: "let's go."

"No Su Xun could only look up at Liu Yun when he lay down, and then he said sincerely, "Pikachu's eyes are really wide open."

"Go to hell with you." Liu Yun is so ashamed and angry that she grabs a pillow and covers Su Xun's face.

Su Xun struggled at first, and then stopped struggling soon.

Liu Yun was a little flustered. She threw away her pillow and called out tentatively: "Su Xun."

However, Su Xun's eyes closed tightly, his hands and feet drooped powerlessly and said nothing.

"Su Xun, don't pretend. I know you're scaring me."

Liu Yun pushed him, and his voice was shaking.

However, Su Xun did not move.

Liu Yun's pretty face turned white and trembled. She put a finger under Su Xun's nose.

No breathing.


Her mind exploded, a blank, the whole person lost soul general dull sitting in place.

It's dead. Sushen's dead.

I killed him myself.

Then the next second, Su Xun, who had already died, suddenly threw her on the sofa and greedily gnawed at her beautiful red lips.

"Ah! "No..."

Liu Yun was startled, and then slowly over the God, to this bastard just deliberately scared himself, the mood is like riding a roller coaster, angry and angry.

However, because his mouth was blocked, he could only make a whine. He reached out to hit him, and Su Xun didn't care.

Liu Yun couldn't really fight hard, so he had to close his eyes and let Su Xun control him.

I'm asleep. I don't know anything.

Liu's self hypnosis method.

Then, feeling that her tights had been unbuttoned, she suddenly opened her eyes and said, "No."

The hypnosis won't go on.

Su Xun came up to her ear and whispered a word.

Liu Yunhong nodded, closed her eyes and pretended to be dead. The bottom line became as long as she didn't take off her pants.Look, that's it.

When you want to achieve a certain goal, first put forward a more excessive goal, when the other party refuses, you then take the opportunity to put forward the goal you want to achieve at the beginning.

The other party will not feel so excessive and difficult to accept.

More than 20 minutes later, Su Xun got up from Liu Yun's soft body.

Liu Yun reddened and straightened out her messy Pikachu vest. She didn't dare to look into Su Xun's eyes, and didn't know what to say.

"Miss Liu, you're so smooth." Su Xun hit it, hit it, really praised it.

Liu Yun now knows what to say and blushes: "get out of here!"

"Naughty." Su Xun smiles, hugs her and kisses her again. He picks up his cell phone with the other hand.

Liu Yun helpless, can only let the oil and salt not into, the flow of shameless, hooligan holding to eat tofu.

The key point is that Su Xun is handsome.

If a person who is not handsome still has a bad face, then in women's eyes, he is a real rascal.

As soon as I turned on my mobile phone, a pushed news came out.

Seeing the three words on the title, Su Xun subconsciously went in.

The content of the news is that the mountain is sunny today, but there is a big fog. There are birds and animals in the mountain, and many large birds and animals are still rushing to the mountain.

As soon as Su Xun's face changed, he almost subconsciously thought of the conversation he had just had with Li Jianguo in his study.

"What's the matter?" Although Liu's expression was solemn, it was hard for him to hide his concern.

Su Xun said with a smile, "it's OK. I'll make a phone call."

Then his cell phone rang first.

"Ding Ding..."

It's yuyangzi.

"Hello." Su Xun is connected.

Yuyangzi some dignified and anxious voice into the ear: "alliance leader, did you read the news about Masri mountain? From all directions, we are not ordinary birds and animals. All of them are demons born with intelligence. Besides, we have been staring at the heaven. Some of the demons have also gone. "

Although Su Xun has not officially succeeded to the throne, it is a firm decision for him to become the leader of the alliance. Naturally, he has to be formally called.

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