"I'll walk and lie down."

Su Xun said softly.

If it is before, in the face of such a strange situation and the strength of the enemy and ourselves is unknown, he must be a little bit unsuspecting.

But now, he has expanded, and feels that he can be strong and cheat the whole world!

After all, he's a God, big and small.

"The alliance leader, the situation is not clear. We'd better first transfer our manpower from the main roads, and then go to find out."

Yu Yangzi was a little worried. After all, Su Xun was the highest fighting force in the Taoist League.

If anything happens to him, it will be a great loss to all mankind.

"No, I have a helper myself. That's it."

When the voice dropped, Su Xun hung up.

"What are you going to do?" Liu Yun asked.

Su Xun put away his mobile phone and touched her white chin: "of course, it's business."

"Put it on. It's obvious that Pikachu's eyes are protruding." Su Xun returned the black lace dress to her.

Liu Yun's pretty face flushed, and quickly grabbed it. Just now, she was so nervous that she forgot that her little clothes had been taken off by Su Xun.

Su Xun made a gesture of goodbye, and then got up and left.

Liu Yun spat at the asshole in a low voice, then went into the bathroom and put on a small dress.

In the bathroom, looking at her slightly red face and white body in the mirror, her heart beat violently at the thought of Su Xun's recklessness.

This bastard, Ying Ying, is so ashamed.

This is the last time. Next time, we must never let him take advantage of us. We must never let him bully us again. It's really hateful!

Liu Yun waves a powder fist in front of the mirror to cheer herself up. However, she looks like she is not strong enough.


Su Xun went back to Yuliang mountain manor.

I came to the villa where Mei pangzi, Liu An and Zhen YaoJian lived.

As soon as I entered the door, I saw a fat plum with a black nose and a swollen face like a pig's head.

"Liu An and Zhenyao sword, come with me."

Su Xun called.

"What are you doing?" Zhenyao sword flew to Su Xun's side, and he was already very powerful as a weapon.

Liu An also looked at Su Xun with inquiring eyes.

Su Xun said about it: "there's a change on the other side of Masri mountain. Go and have a look."

"I'll go with you." Liu An left the game machine in his hand and got up.

"Where's the spicy nest?" Mei asked

He was beaten so much that he couldn't speak clearly.

"People with disabilities should stay at home, and you can't fly." Su Xun said casually.

Then he took Liu An and Zhenyao sword to fly out of the door and disappeared.

"The ash fee is great! It's a big deal. Shit

Mei Pang ran after him for a while, jumping and erecting a middle finger to the sky.

Masri mountain is a long way from Jiangnan City. Even if it's flying, it won't be able to arrive in a short time, at least it will take about half an hour.

"What kind of strength are you now?" Liu An and Su Xun fly together, chatting with each other.

Su Xun replied, "I don't know that."

Liu An changed the question: "you used a few parts of your strength to attack me today."

"Seven points, it's still me when the strength of the earth is suppressed." Su Xun was a little proud.

Liu An frowned: "that's too weak."

"Weak?" Su Xun almost fell from the sky with a somersault: "little brother, are you expanding? You didn't force me to count if I didn't hit you for several hours?"

"No, you must be better than me, but you are a little weak in God. Forget it, you haven't seen God, and I can't understand you." Liu An wanted to explain, but in the end he was too lazy to waste his saliva.

But Su Xun was moved in his heart: "you have seen how strong the most powerful God is."

This time, without Liu An's opening, Zhenyao sword broke in: "I've seen a king of hell who came to the sun to catch the ghost king, but I don't know which one of the ten palace king of hell is. When I saw him from a distance, I palmed down and flattened a mountain."

When zhenyaojian talked about it, Liu An and Su Xun could hear the yearning between his words.

After all, even with a sword, he has his own dream.

If people don't have dreams, what's the difference between them?

On the surface, there was no fluctuation, but in his heart, he was shocked.

A king of hell has such strength.

After tanima was promoted to the Yin emperor, he could not even level a mountain with one slap.

Sure enough, I'm the Yin emperor of the sunset version.

Originally, he still had some doubts. Is the handle of the prefecture so weak?

Now it seems that it's not the local government that is weak.

Xizi is just his own version.Fortunately, it's called the kingdom of God, and it doesn't pretend to be the name of hell.

Otherwise, when the genuine underground comes back, won't you be embarrassed?

"Why are they all gods? There is such a big difference in strength. I basically monopolize the belief of R star." Su Xun asked his doubts.

Liu An replied: "because they don't just follow the Shinto, they all practice the immortal way. Shinto is just because the world worships them, and they don't want to waste their faith, so they practice it by the way. Only the God of land, the God of City God, these grassroots gods that can even be sealed by the emperor in the world, are completely following the Shinto."

Then he asked, "how strong is the City God?"

"You can't beat me." Liu An stood up with his hands in the air and pretended to be a force.

It's not bad for you to practice the immortal way as long as you are in the immortal way

Su Xun was thoughtful.


Cover the sun mountain.

Masri mountain is a single mountain, surrounded by gentle mountains. Only this mountain rises like a long sword, as if it can block out the sky and the sun.

At this time, the whole mountain is covered by thick fog, only the top of the mountain is exposed, as if floating above the clouds.

Birds and animals in the mountains contend, and demons in all directions run to the mountains.

At the foot of the mountain is a town. Thanks to the fact that Masri mountain has attracted many tourists, the town is relatively prosperous and has a large population.

At this time, the villagers have drawn up a line of warning, and there are people from other places to rush up the mountain.

"It's not in vain this time. I can see this beautiful scenery, just like fairyland."

"Fairyland? I think it's weird. After all, I haven't seen any immortals. I often see news about suspected monsters on the Internet. "

"Can't there really be a monster in it, or what big demon is going to rob?"

"Ladies and gentlemen, I'm reporter XX. Behind me is the sun mountain covered by thick fog. At this time, we can see through the camera..."


"Roar -" roar - "

all of a sudden, there was a loud noise in the mountain, followed by several strange roars, all of them covered their ears subconsciously, and their faces turned white.

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