It took a full minute or so for the roar to calm down.

The people in the town were already frightened and pale as paper.

"What's the sound? Is it a tiger?"

"The tiger's voice is not so loud."

The crowd guessed what animal's call it was just now.

"The situation on the mountain is unknown. From the roar just now, we can hear that there may be giant beasts inside. Everyone leave, all leave here."

A police officer yelled with a megaphone, trying to evacuate the crowd.

But human curiosity is infinite.

No one left, and the reporters couldn't have left, leaving the police officers helpless.

At this time, the sun covered mountain.

Hundreds of intelligent monsters lie on the ground.

The believers of the demon sect are also among them.

At the front is a cave. At this time, the cave has been blown open. Inside is a wolf like creature. Its limbs are trapped by a red chain, and the surface of the chain is dense with mysterious runes.

There are runes hovering at the foot of wolf like creatures, which is obviously an array.

Chain is just a tool. These array runes are the key to trap this wolf like creature.

Standing upright, this wolf looks like a Western werewolf. It is nearly five meters tall, with green eyes and exposed tusks. It looks extremely ferocious and brutal.

"See you, general!"

Looking at the wolf demon in the cave, the believers of the demon sect knelt on the ground and cried out, all of them were very excited.

"Heaven demon cult?"

Wolf demon's voice is low and hoarse, and his eyes reveal a bit of banter and irony.

I didn't expect that all the saints had retreated. These spies still exist.

"Yes, general. I'm the 25th generation leader of the demon sect. Today I'm here to save the general."

The head said respectfully, his eyes full of fanaticism and excitement.

"What are you waiting for? Let general Ben out of here!"

The wolf demon let out a low roar.

"Yes, yes, I'll let you out in a minute."

The leader of the demon sect got up and went to several buckets full of blood. He picked up the buckets and went into the cave. Looking at the wolf demon, he said, "general, I've offended you."

"Cut the crap. For hundreds of years, I can't wait for a moment!" The wolf demon's eyes were full of violence and chilling.

The leader of the demon sect shivered and splashed the blood in the bucket into the cave.

There is a burst of black smoke in the cave, and the array is weakened.

"Go on, go on!"

Werewolf hysterical roar, emotional, chain was dragged clattering.

The leader of the demon sect poured three barrels of blood in succession, and the rune on the iron chain became more and more gloomy.

"Dang -"

accompanied by several clear sounds, the wolf demon broke the chain that trapped him and stepped out of the cave.

"Ha ha ha ha ha..."

Breathing the fresh air, he couldn't help laughing. For hundreds of years, he couldn't remember the specific time. Finally, he came out again.

"Congratulations on general getting out of trouble..." The leader of the demon sect came up.

The next second, the demon took him by the neck.

Other members of the demon sect all changed their faces when they saw this scene, but no one dared to step forward.

The leader had difficulty breathing and kept struggling. He said intermittently, "general, this is This is What do you mean

"You're too late. You're damned to have trapped general Ben for so long." The wolf wanted to show a cruel smile and broke his neck.

"Click -"

accompanied by a clear voice, the leader widened his eyes, crooked his neck and completely died.

In any case, he didn't expect that he tried his best to find the wolf demon according to some scattered clues, and then he killed and gathered blood to destroy the array to release him, but finally he died in the hands of the wolf demon.

"Putong -"

he threw the leader's body into the demon group and was directly divided.

The wolf demon twisted his neck, looked at a member of the demon sect and asked, "is the village at the foot of the mountain still there?"

"In "I'm here." The believer replied in fear.

"Good." The wolf demon showed a fierce smile, his eyes suddenly turned red, and roared: "sons, I slaughtered the village at the foot of the mountain!"

Having been in the cave for so many years, he had already thought clearly how he would have been found if there had not been a report from that village?

"Wait!" Then he suddenly found something wrong, looking at the demons: "hundreds of years have passed, why are you still so weak, not even a shape?"

"General, since the retreat of the saints, the aura of this world has become thinner and thinner. Now it is almost gone. We can't cultivate it at all."A mouse's voice was a little wronged.

"Yes, yes, general, there were only a few of us left by the saints in those years. Behind us were all the local demons in the world that we solicited. They just gave birth to intelligence and could not even speak."

A wild boar added hummingly.

Hearing this, wolf demon was stunned. Over the years, he did find that aura was getting thinner and thinner in the cave.

But he thought that it was because of the array that he cut off the aura. He didn't expect that it was the change of heaven and earth.

Now he suddenly doesn't want to go down to the mountain to slaughter the village. These men are so weak that they will kill people at that time. Once the gods of this world come down to earth, they can't run away.

The mouse saw his scruples and said, "general, please be at ease. After the retreat of our holy people, all the immortals in this world have disappeared, because the aura is thin, and there are no Taoist Masters in the world. The general is born at this time, and he can sweep the world!"

"Is that so?" Although there are many people who are confused about the world, they can't understand the problem.

"Sons, follow me down the mountain and have a good time!"

"Roar! Roar! Roar

For a moment, hundreds of demons roared down the mountain.

The wolf demon takes the lead.

The believers of the demon sect also drew their swords one after another.


"What's the sound?"

"Something seems to have rushed down."

In the town at the foot of the mountain, the onlookers heard a sound like ten thousand horses galloping from the mountain, and they all felt faint.


The sound is getting closer and faster.

Finally, the crowd saw the five meter high wolf demon rush out of the thick fog. Behind him are hundreds of monsters, as well as the believers of the demon sect.

"Ah! Monster! Run

"Here comes the monster! Run

See this scene from time to time, people fell on the street, sometimes into a chaos.

"Shooting for people's escape time!"

The police in charge of the guard didn't run. They pulled out their pistols against their fear and aimed at the demons.

This picture is like a crabby arm blocking the car, but they never look back!

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