"Kill them!"

Wolf demon face with sick madness, full of bloodthirsty.

Now that this world has not been able to threaten his existence, he naturally has no need to be soft hearted.

He wants to turn the world over by himself!

"Kang Kang..."

A dozen policemen kept shooting.

The bullet hit some little demons, which could hurt them.

But he couldn't hurt the wolf demon at all. Before the bullet came near, it was shocked by him.

"Mole ant, die!"

Wolf demon roared, burst out a strong evil spirit, countless wind blades flying out.

Suddenly, the wolf demon's face changed, because he felt a dangerous breath, almost subconsciously sliding back.

"Stab -"

at the same time, a sword came whistling and landed on the place where he just stood.


A loud noise, smoke everywhere, running in the front of a dozen monsters were directly broken into pieces.

"Bold demon, heaven and earth are so arrogant that no one can kill you!"

With a roar, Su Xun came in the air with his sword. Behind him was Liu An.

"It's master Su! Master Su is here, we don't have to run! "

"Master Su is here, master Su, kill these monsters!"

Seeing Su Xun in the sky, the crowd who was still in a panic was overjoyed and put his heart back in his stomach.

More than a dozen sweaty policemen were also relieved.

If Su can't come, they will die in 10 seconds at most.

The wolf demon looked at the ground in front of him. He had been cut into a deep gully by the sword, and there were cobweb like cracks around him.

Then he looked at Su Xun in the air, and finally at the mouse demon.

Is that what you're saying that doesn't threaten my existence?

The momentum of Su Xun's identity made him despair.

Rodenticide is also very ignorant. The aura is so thin. How can there be such a person with low accomplishments? It's totally unscientific!

"Let me go, and I promise to be safe with you humans."

Wolf demon began to show weakness. After all, if you don't fight, don't fight, because you can't fight.

"I don't need you to promise that I'll be more secure if I take my breath and kill you."

Su Xun said lightly.

The wolf demon was furious: "human friar, do you really want to kill yourself?"

"A beast is worthy to negotiate with me?" Su Xun did not hide his contempt and ridicule.

Wolf demon gnashing his teeth said: "I have hundreds of demon soldiers, you can kill me, they can also kill those ordinary people!"

"Too much nonsense." Su Xun said lightly.

The wolf demon's pupil shrinks and realizes that the other party is going to fight. He roars: "kill those human mole ants for me!"

He didn't believe it. In order to kill him, Su Xun could kill those ants.


Hundreds of monsters roared.

"To die."

Su Xun cold spit out two words, step out, a mighty power poured out.


The dozens of monsters in the front burst and died in an instant.

Su Xun stepped out again and climbed up again.


This time it's more.

Every time he took a step, a group of monsters would explode and die, and there would be no place for them to die.

The people in the town have been stunned.

"Lying trough, this is already a fairy."

"A big harvest step by step, too NIMA hanging, Hollywood special effects are not so hanging."

"Look at the wolf demon. He's flustered. He's flustered."

Wolf demon is really flustered. Although he is called a general, he is a small leader. His strength has not reached the level of demon general, so he can't compete with Su Xun.

If there is no aura, why can someone practice to this point!

Why on earth!!!

If I had known him, I would have been locked up in a cave.

Freedom is precious, but life is more expensive.

"Do you still think you can threaten me?" Su Xun looked at the wolf demon contemptuously.

The wolf demon turned into a bald man, and then he knelt down on the ground with a puff: "please spare my life, I'm willing to be a mount for the immortal master."

He didn't want to die like this.

Bear humiliation and be a mount first, wait for the saint to fight back, he will let this human die miserably!

Su Xun can't deny: "when I mount, do you deserve it?"

I'm used to riding Kirin, but I don't like wild dogs.

The voice fell and the sword waved.Several swords roared away.

As soon as the wolf demon's face changed, it turned into an evil wind and was about to run away.

Unfortunately, he was not as fast as Su Xun's sword.

"Pooh - Pooh -"

the sword flashed by, and the wolf demon's legs were directly cut off, blood poured out, fell to the ground and screamed.

"Liu An, kill all the animals except him."

Su Xun said coldly that the reason why he left the wolf demon was that he wanted to take out some news from the other side.

And cutting off his legs is to prevent him from running away.

Without saying a word, Liu An rushed into the demon group and killed them.

A group of undeveloped demons have no chance to escape in Liu An's hands.

For a moment, the scream continued, and the blood flew.

Everyone saw this scene with numbness in their scalp and fear in their heart.

More than ten minutes later, hundreds of little demons all became the souls of Liu An's men.

"Didn't you kill all the animals?" Su Xun asked.

Liu an a Leng, then the vision fell in love with those day demon religion's believer.

In Su Xun's eyes, these were animals.

Feeling that Liu An's eyes fell on him, the believers of the demon sect were shivering, kneeling on the ground and kowtowing for mercy.

"No, don't kill us, please don't kill us!"

However, Liu An was indifferent and didn't blink his eyes. They were killed cleanly.

For a time, the smell of blood filled the foot of the mountain, and the murmur of blood dyed the ground red and the grass red.

"Comrades, I'll leave it to you to deal with."

He dropped a word to the police. Susian picked up the wolf demon who had been cut off his legs and flew into the sun covered mountain.

"To die or to live."

Throw it on the ground, Su Xun said coldly.

Wolf demon beat a spirit: "want to live, want to live."

"If you want to live, just answer my questions honestly and don't play tricks." Su Xun stood in front of the wolf demon and looked down at him.

Wolf demon looked up at him: "I said you really will let me go?"

"I've been honest all my life, and I don't want to cheat." Su Xun said with pride.

Liu An pulled the corners of his mouth, and I almost believed it.

But the wolf demon really believed it, or he had no choice now. He was as good as the chick: "yes, fairy master, don't worry. I will tell you everything

He knows a lot about human culture. Idioms are all handy.

"First, talk about your relationship with the demon sect." Su Xun began the interrogation.

The wolf demon blurted out without hesitation: "the sky demon sect is our saint in this world, or in other words, they are traitors who betray this world."

"Holy family? This world Su Xun's face changed and he said in a deep voice, "I want to know everything."

He had some guesses in his heart, but he still wanted to hear the answer from the wolf demon.

"Yes, immortal master." The wolf demon didn't dare to hide and told what he knew

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