Outside the territory, there is xuanyue continent. Xuanyue continent is vast and all ethnic groups coexist. The overlord of the continent is TIANYAO, who calls himself Shengzu and establishes TIANYAO kingdom.

The wolf demon named Xiaoyue is the son of the general in TIANYAO's country. He is a school captain in the army.

More than 500 years ago, when a member of the TIANYAO tribe went out for training, he came across a passage. Behind the passage was the earth, and the TIANYAO tribe gathered a large army to invade.

But I didn't expect that the strength of the earth's immortal Buddha was strong, the war lasted for a hundred years, and the TIANYAO clan suffered heavy casualties, but it was not as good as the monkey king, and even the South Tianmen didn't hit.

In the end, the demons had no choice but to withdraw, but they were not reconciled, because the stronger the earth monks were, the richer the world resources were.

The resources of a world, if you can occupy the world, the strength of the demon clan will only be stronger. How can they give up.

So when they retreat, the demons are ready to bury some seeds and lurk on the earth to prepare for the next comeback invasion.

The wolf demon Xiaoyue volunteered to stay, and he was also the one with the highest status among the lurkers.

Because the higher your status, the less you want to carry out this dangerous long-term task.

The place where the wolf demon Xiaoyue lurks is a village in Masri mountain. He takes his men and turns them into refugees and escapes here.

But unexpectedly, the villagers inadvertently found out the identity of the demon. They wanted to continue to lurk in another place in Tu village, but Tu village would attract great friars or immortals, and it was easy to expose themselves.

In desperation, he could only enter Masri mountain and become a mountain bandit. He summoned a large number of people and controlled the village by force to prevent the villagers from informing.

However, the villagers can not be restricted from going in and out and communicating with each other by letters. Otherwise, if the local God finds something unusual and comes to investigate, he will also be exposed.

So every time the villagers go out, he sends people to follow them for surveillance. Whenever there are letters coming and going, he has to check them first.

But I didn't know why I was sent the message and attracted the friars.

Fortunately, the monk was not strong enough to see that he was an extraterritorial demon. He just thought that he was an ordinary demon family in the world. He didn't report to the police after he couldn't kill him with all his strength. Instead, he used the array to seal him.

It also enabled him to survive to this day.

As for the heaven demon sect, it is a sect formed by the earth's local friars and Demons bought by the foreign heaven demons. It is a group of traitors who eat inside and outside.

After hearing this, Liu Qi and Liu An took a breath.

Now, Su Xun finally knew what happened to the corpses at the foot of Kunlun Mountain and the Dragon corpses at the bottom of the sea.

All of them were fighting with the God.

But there is another question. Since that battle was won, where did the earth immortal Buddha go?

Why has the aura of the earth dried up again?

"Where is your passage into the earth?" Su Xun thought about it, then asked aloud.

The wolf demon replied, "you are a place in the world called Kunlun mountain."

Su Xun clenched his fist. No wonder there were so many corpses there. It turned out that they were the main battlefield.

Unfortunately, that passage must have been blocked by the Buddhas after the war.

No, I think it's a good thing that passage is blocked.

Otherwise, if the demon clan kills again, this time there will be no resistance from the god Buddha in the sky, and the earth will have to wait to die.

But now this earth, presumably the demon clan has no interest in it.

Su Xun was a little absent-minded. This magnificent world is really attractive.

"Immortal master, I've already recruited everything I know. Can you let me go?" Seeing that Su Xun didn't speak, Xiao Yue was a little uneasy.

Su Xun regained his mind and gave him a smile: "of course, I'll give you a ride."

"Thank you, immortal master." Xiao Yue was relieved, thinking that she was hurt now, and it was inconvenient for her to be sent.

It's a stupid aboriginal human. I don't even know how to cut down the roots. Sooner or later, I will get revenge. I will!

"Puff -"

the next second, he suddenly felt a cold in his neck, subconsciously raised his hand to touch it, and warm blood overflowed out. He wanted to block it with his hands in confusion, but in vain, and the blood flowed faster and faster.

Xiaoyue felt that her life was passing by quickly. He looked at Su Xun with wide eyes: "you You But No letter... "

The throat was cut and the wind poured in, so it was very difficult to speak, almost word by word.

"I said I would be honest all my life and never cheat people, but I didn't say I didn't cheat demons." Su Xun showed a bright smile, just like the sun in the sky.

Xiao Yue was very angry when she heard this. She burst out a mouthful of blood and fell to the ground reluctantly. Her eyes glared violently and her body was still twitching.

Soon, it could only be the last goblins on earth swallowing their last breath in the world.

Su Xun looked at Liu An: "what do you think?"

"It's amazing that there's a world where you can have a hard encounter with the fairies and Buddhas all over the sky." Liu An sighed.As the prince of a great man, he is also a person who has seen immortals, although they are all little immortals.

But it was because of this that he realized how powerful and terrifying those towering Buddhas were. They all had supernatural powers.

But there is a world that can fight with mantianshenfo for a hundred years. How can he not be shocked?

Zhenyao sword said: "since this battle has been won, where have these fairies and Buddhas gone?"

"That's what I'm thinking about." Su Xun said, frowning.

For a moment, there was silence in the woods.

Half ring, Liu An shook his head: "we now think these are useless, too far away from us."

"Also, eating the life of white flour, holding the white, pink heart, go home." If you can't figure it out, you don't want to. If you think about it any more, you'll embarrass yourself.


At the same time, the story of Masri mountain was posted on the Internet.

The police's law enforcement recorder captured everything.

After the peak permit, it was sent to the Internet.

"So many monsters, my mother, make my scalp numb. Fortunately master Su came, otherwise those people would be miserable at that time."

"Why are these monsters different from what I imagined? They are bigger. Can't all monsters become human?"

"Master Su, Niupi, NIMA, just like the protagonist in the novel, you've got the whole audience

"Who is the man next to master su..."

The Internet and society are very calm, and did not cause any public outcry.

Because in recent years, all kinds of strange things that have caused a sensation in the world have made them psychologically prepared for everything.

These hundreds of demons are just like this in their eyes. They are just some bigger food.

Some people contacted Su Xun and said that they would spend a lot of money on the meat of the wolf demon. They said that they wanted to taste the meat of the big demon and what it felt like to eat it (* / ω\ *).

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