
It's another day to extract new identities.

"System, extract the 16th new identity."

[drawing Successful extraction. Congratulations on the new identity of the host: beggar. 】

[you are an ordinary beggar in Daqian country. You are as stubborn as a weed and survive in the cracks. Everyday life is begging day after day, numb and stiff. 】

[identity ability: begging buff. 】

[identity task: 1 beg once, 2 move around, half a year. 】

Su Xun

In any case, he did not expect that he would get the identity of a beggar.

Also, where is the state of Daqian? Does it exist like R star?

Su Xun put forward his doubts to the system.

[back to the host, Daqian kingdom is a parallel world. There are countless parallel small worlds in our time and space, and Daqian kingdom is one of them. 】

"to cross?" Su Xun raised his eyebrows.

[it can be understood that after the completion of the task, the host can choose to return, and then freely enter and leave the world. 】

Su Xun sighed: "can I choose to refuse this identity?"

Nima, let him to be a beggar, and it's stipulated that he must beg once. Madder, it's a shame to think about it.

[yes, the system has a high degree of freedom, and everything depends on the host's decision. The system is just a tool to assist the host, and can naturally accept any choice made by the host. 】

Su Xun was surprised. He just said something casually. He didn't expect that he had the right to refuse to accept his identity.

He suddenly felt a little bit in love with the system.

If you look at the protagonist's system in other novels, you can force them to finish their tasks and kill them.

Compared with his system, this is a little angel.

In the past, he always felt that the system was a conspiracy, and that there must be some purpose for him to experience one identity after another.

But now he's really a little convinced that pie will fall from the sky.

In the end, he refused the task, but he didn't.

After all, who hasn't had a dream yet.

"Can I bring something in?" Of course, what Su Xun thought was glass and Zhenyao sword.

When you enter the world for the first time, you can't carry anything. 】

think about it. If he goes in with a nuclear bomb, it's OK.

Accompany an Zizhen they had breakfast, and then arrange some things after he left, he went out of the door, came to the wilderness, under the command of the system to enter the identity.

Su Xun only felt a flower in front of him, and then the next second he appeared again, he was already in a busy street.

"Sugar gourd, delicious sugar gourd."

"Selling pancakes, fresh and delicious pancakes."


"Uncle, come to play. Oh, Uncle Li, you haven't been here for a long time."

The streets are full of street vendors, with restaurants, brothels and shops on both sides.

There are men with short shirts carrying the burden to sell pancakes, and there are young men with long robes holding folding fans to talk and laugh, which is a look of ancient streets.

Su Xun was in a trance. He looked down at himself.

A tattered black blouse with sour smell, arms and legs still exposed, and a pair of old straw sandals on his feet.

If you touch your hair again, it's a mess. Good guy, you can shave off two liang of oil for cooking.

There is a bowl with a hole in front of it, which is the guy he eats.

"Jingle ~"

a crisp voice sounded, and a fat man in Royal dress threw three copper coins into his bowl, and then swaggered away.

Su Xun

He really wants to shout that I'm not a beggar.

But if you think about what you look like now, I'm afraid there is no more authentic beggar than him.

In my memory, his name is still Su Xun. He is 20 years old. He was born in Sujia village of Tang county. Six months ago, there was a flood in his hometown. His parents died, leaving him to beg along the road and come to the imperial capital.

Yes, this is the capital of Daqian.

There are three countries in the world, Qian, Yan and Qi.

Qi is the strongest, Qian is the middle and Yan is the weakest.

Well, he doesn't know more about state affairs. After all, he used to be a rural boy, but now he is a beggar. He can't expect to know much about state affairs.

If you know the affairs of the state like the palm of your hand, then this identity is too unscientific.

Next, think about how to complete the begging task that must be completed.

Finish this mission and he can take off.

Looking at the shops and restaurants around the street, his eyes finally fell on the brothel named chunfenglou.Looking at the little sisters who were wearing gauze and laughing to attract guests, Su Xun decided to put the first begging object on them.

Pick up their own broken bowl, get up from the ground, staggering to the spring breeze building.

"Oh, why, you little beggar want to open a meat restaurant? I can't eat steamed bread with white flour. Do you want to eat my sisters' steamed bread? "

Looking at Su Xun, a woman joked, which made everyone laugh.

"Don't say, this little beggar is a bit of a beggar. It's a pity that he is a beggar."

"If not, one of your sisters will do a good deed and let the little beggar sleep for free."

"Screw you, I don't want to lose money."

A group of women teased Su Xun, but they didn't drive him away.

Su Xun was brewing. He begged for the first time in his life, but he didn't open his mouth.

"Sisters..." Mad, let it go. No one in the world knows Lao Tzu anyway.

"Come on, you can't put down your face and open your mouth. You're a poor man. Take it and buy something to eat."

Before he had finished, a woman took out a piece of broken silver and threw it into his broken bowl.

And then the first task was done.

Su Xun looked at the woman who broke silver for himself and said solemnly, "thank you, sister. I will repay you as Yongquan in the future."

"You're a little beggar. I expect you to repay me. Come on, let's go, or you'll have bad luck if your mother comes out and sees you later."

The other side didn't take Su Xun's words to heart, but they were the same poor people in the end of the world. They just did it at will, and they didn't expect a beggar to repay her.

Su Xun turned and left. He was always a man who would repay his kindness. He wrote it down for the time being.

In the distance, several beggars quietly followed.

Su Xun didn't look back when he walked in front of him. The corners of his mouth rose, and he recalled a look of contempt.

In order to facilitate the people behind him, he went into a small alley.

"Boy, give me the silver that Miss fragrance just gave you."

As soon as I entered the alley, a sharp sound came from behind.

Su Xun turned around and looked at three beggars with fierce eyes:

"kill me, silver is yours, if you can't kill me, your life is mine."

Don't worry about killing people in this world!

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