"Hey, I'm not afraid of death today. Let's see if it's your hard bones or your hard fists."

The beggar at the head had some differences in Su Xun's reaction, but then he left the broken bowl in his hand and approached Su Xun with a ferocious smile.

The other two beggars are also good at learning. Their eyes are fierce, and they are ready to kill.

They are all people kneeling on the ground begging for food. Money moves people's hearts. For them, for one or two pieces of silver, it is enough for them to kill.

These days, the life of the poor is not worth money, life is as cheap as grass mustard, just death of a beggar, no one will care.

It's not the first time they've done this kind of thing. They've been fighting for food and money. There are not ten little beggars who died in their hands, but nine.

So it's very skillful.

If you beg by yourself, you can't rob others directly.

"Boy, go to hell with you!"

When he was less than five meters away from Su Xun, the beggar at the head roared and hit him with his fist.

However, the next second, his fist was grasped by Su Xun with one hand.

"Boy, let me go." The beggar struggled for a while, but he felt as if he had been clamped by a pair of pliers and couldn't move.

At this time, he was a little flustered and knew that he might have kicked the iron plate today.

He doesn't want silver any more. He just wants to get away.

Su Xun grinned: "good."

Voice down, hand power, directly hard to pull down.

"Pooh -"

the beggar's right arm was pulled down by him.

Blood sprayed on the walls of the alley.

"Ah, ah, ah!"

The beggar's face was pale, he let out a shrill scream, fell on the ground and rolled up, sweat and tears kept pouring out.

Unfortunately, the noise of the street outside covered everything, and no one could hear his scream.

"Ah Here, run, run. "

When the other two beggars saw this scene, they were scared out of their wits. They didn't dare to kill people and rob money. They ran away in a panic.

It's not a fat sheep. It's clearly the death of the king of hell.

Su Xun ran after them in no hurry, and stepped on the broken arm beggar on the ground.

"Click -"

the chest broke, the heart stopped suddenly, a mouthful of blood gushed out, convulsed twice, and then completely breathed out.

The kind-hearted Su Xun ended the pain of the beggar's broken arm.

There's no way. He's been miserable since he was little.

If you die, it won't hurt.

Su Xun walked very slowly, but after a few steps, he appeared at the exit of the alley and stopped the two beggars who ran away in panic.

Standing at the end of the lane, Su Xun was smiling and the sun was shining on him. His ragged clothes and handsome face were out of place.

The two beggars stopped abruptly, their eyes were frightened, and they kept retreating. Su Xun's smile was a symbol of death in their eyes.

Su Xun stepped forward slowly.


Two beggars could not bear the huge pressure in their hearts and knelt down directly.

"Sir, please forgive me, sir. We are all blind. It's because we are ambitious and bold that we have got our eyes on him. Please let us go."

"Please let us go..."

They kowtowed while crying, and soon there was blood on their forehead, and there were blood marks on the bluestone tiles.

"As I said, if you kill me, the silver will be yours. If you can't, your life will be mine."

"What's more, if I don't know this kind of Kung Fu, you won't let me go."

"It should be noted that those who kill people will always kill them."

Su's voice fell in the middle of the two voices.

Kneeling two beggars mouth overflow a trace of blood, eyes with unwilling and regret slowly fell to the ground.

Then, Su Xun bent down and took ten Wen from the three beggars.

"Well, it's useless to keep the money when you're dead. I'd better help you spend it to promote currency circulation. It's your last contribution to the world."

Su Xun said compassion, kind as he, people are dead, he is still thinking of others.

A moment later, he walked out of the alley.

Deep in the alley, three bodies were not yet cool through.

Su Xun came to a bun shop.

"Go and beg at another house. Don't delay my business."

The man who bought steamed stuffed bun drove away impatiently when he saw Su Xun.

"Jingle ~"

ten Wen was left on the table.

"Ten big meat buns." Su Xun said.

When he was a child, his mother taught him to spend the money he picked up outside as soon as possible."All right." The man immediately changed his face and quickly began to pack buns: "ten hot big meat buns, come on, my guest, take them."

As long as the other party pays, it's the guest's money, and the beggar's money is also money. Those who send money to the door will not make money.

After thinking about it, the man put another bun into the oil paper bag and apologized: "I was a little quick just now. Don't worry, my guest. This bun is mine."

It's obvious that this beggar is different from other beggars. Let's take it as a good relationship. It's only a bun and it doesn't cost much.

"Ask me something, do you know where there is a master who can carve things in the city? You can use wood or stone to carve flowers, birds, fish and insects. "

Su Xun took the oil paper bag with the buns, looked at the man and asked.

"You go along this street, and enter the fifth lane. There is a carpenter Li in the third house on the left. He can do the work."

The man showed sue a way.

"Thank you, brother."

After thanking him, Su Xun turned and left.

Looking at his back, the man felt a little strange. When there was such a beggar in the city.

Su Xun came to carpenter Li's house and knocked on the door.

"Kuang Kuang..."

This kind of courtyard door must be knocked loudly. If it is knocked in the way on earth, even if the hand is broken, people in the room may not be able to hear it.

A moment later, with the sound of some sour teeth rubbing, the door was opened.

It was a small woman who opened the door.

The woman looked at Su Xun for a moment. She stepped back and said, "who are you looking for? I don't have anything for you."

"I'll find carpenter Li. He has a job in hand." As he spoke, Su Xun took out one or two pieces of silver.

He knew that he would never believe him if he didn't take money out of his present dress.

After seeing the money, the woman's endurance improved a lot, and a smile came out on her face: "come in, he's at home."

When Su Xun was led into the yard, the woman called to the inner room, "master, come out quickly, there's work coming."

"It's coming, it's coming."

A moment later, a little dry old man with gray hair ran out in a hurry.

"Little brother, I don't know you..." The little old man looked at Su Xun. There were some beggars. Beggars were looking for what they could do.

Su Xun said, "I want you to help me carve a portrait. I don't know how much it costs."

To be exact, it's a statue.

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