Xie San with a group of people into the black tiger Gang hall.

All the way is smooth, because everyone knows that Xie San is the leader's best friend.

Inside the main hall, Liu Heihu is drinking tea.

Below sits a middle-aged man with two moustaches. He is Pei Tai, Liu Heihu's think tank.

"It's just dealing with a group of smelly beggars. Why hasn't Xie San come back yet?" Liu Heihu is a little impatient.

Pei Tai showed a flattering color: "don't worry, leader. You said it was just a group of beggars. Can Xie San fail?"

At this time, a gang member in a short shirt ran in: "tell the gang leader that the third brother has brought people back."

"Ha ha ha, talk about Cao Cao. Cao Cao will come. Go with me to meet the God of wealth."

Liu Heihu immediately put his heart back into his stomach and went out laughing.

In his opinion, Xie San must have come back with the formula of stewed pig miscellaneous, and it's not too much to call him the God of wealth.

Pei Tai followed closely, always lagging behind Liu Heihu.

Just go out, met with a group of people to meet Xie San.

"How about the formula? Let me have a look. I'll see what's so mysterious about this stewed pig

Liu Heihu can't wait to speak.

"No recipe." Xie San replied.

Liu Heihu was stunned, thinking that he might have heard wrong: "no, you What did you say? "

"I didn't get the recipe back." Xie Sanli repeated it again.

Liu Heihu's face was gloomy for a moment: "do these stinking beggars want money? I really think that no one can move them after worshiping some bullshit God

He thought it was Su Xun. They would rather die than hand over the recipe. Up to now, they haven't realized the seriousness of the matter.


Xie Sanwen said angrily, pointing to Liu Heihu and scolding, "what are you, you dare to speak rudely to shenzun. I think you are tired of living!"

Liu Heihu and Pei Tai were directly confused.

"You What did you say? " Liu Heihu felt that he might be hallucinating.

Hallucination, his younger brother actually dare to point to his nose to scold.

Xie San stood up with pride: "Liu Heihu, now I have sincerely worshipped jiuxiao shenzun. If you dare to insult shenzun in front of me, don't blame me for being rude to you!"

Liu Heihu understood, but he was even more confused.

Now the rebels have gone to the enemy camp.

Pei Tai is stunned. He doubts whether Xie San has been beaten out of his mind. Otherwise, how could he be killed in such a fancy way.

"Xie San, do you know what you're talking about?" Liu Heihu roared, trying to make Xie San realize the seriousness of the matter.

Xie San sneered: "Liu Heihu, you don't have to scare me. Now I've changed my ways. I'm not yesterday's Xie San. I know what I'm doing."

Liu Heihu and Pei Tai have 10000 grass mud horses running by in their hearts. What kind of ecstasy did those beggars give Xie San?

Looking at the upright and righteous Xie San in front of him, both of them have an unreal feeling.

"Well, well, Xie San, you betrayed me and even dare to come back. I think you are tired of living!" Liu Heihu was furious in his heart.

Xie Sanzhen is confident, because he has God's support behind him. He is fearless: "Liu Heihu, you are full of evil, and you will be punished sooner or later. In the past friendship, I advise you to take the initiative to teach all those ill gotten gains to Shenzi adults for disaster relief. In this way, you can wash away a little of your sins, so that you will not go to hell after you die."

Pei Tai, the chief military strategist of the black tiger Gang, was full of black question marks. Who am I, where am I and what am I going to do?

Standing in front of me, is this righteous person really Xie San, who is full of great light and breath?

Liu Heihu is so angry that he asks Xie San to grab the recipe but he doesn't get it. Now he grabs his own money and gives it to the smelly beggar, which makes his nose crooked.

"Ha ha ha ha ha..."

Angry and laughing, Liu Heihu's heart has been full of intention to kill, roared: "come on, kill this traitor for me!"

But as his voice fell, no one listened to him.

He said, "he's still the one who killed him, but he's still the one who killed him."

Unfortunately, no one moved. They just looked at him coldly.

Liu Heihu realized the seriousness of the matter, the forehead appeared dense beads of sweat, hands and feet cold in hot weather.

"You don't have to waste your efforts. They have long been as enlightened as I am, and they have invested in the vast mind of heaven and earth. They won't go along with you any more." Xie San looked at him and said coldly.

Liu Heihu wants to curse his mother, but his mother sells them. God, what did those beggars do!It's OK for Xie San to be a traitor. Other people are all his confidants. Now they all betray him.


At this time, Pei Tai, who has been silent, suddenly shouts and goes to Xie San step by step.

Looking at his proud and unyielding figure, Liu Heihu was deeply moved. It's really hard to see the truth at a critical moment. In such a dangerous situation, Pei Junshi was willing to stand up for him and reprimand Xie San, the traitors. It can be seen that he was heartfelt. How rare it is.

Pei Tai walks up to Xie San step by step, then suddenly turns around and looks at Liu Heihu and angrily scolds him: "wanton! Liu Heihu, up to now, you still don't know how to repent, and you still want to commit a crime. I think you should die! "

Liu Heihu

There is a kind of day in my heart, the dog's feeling, followed by anger.

Traitor! They are traitors!

Pei Tai didn't have time to think about his mood. He bowed his hand to the sky, then looked at Xie San and said, "brother Xie, to be honest, I've been famous for jiuxiao God for a long time, and I've been longing for it for a long time..."

"Pooh -"

before he finished his words, Pei Tai's head flew up and his body fell to the ground.

Xie Sanleng snorted: "it's very high sounding. Do you think I don't know that you are the one who gave me the idea to rob the business of stewed pig miscellaneous?"

"Ha ha ha Well done, well done... "

Looking at the body of Pei Tai's head on the ground, Liu Heihu felt happy and laughed happily.

But when he was smiling, he couldn't smile because the bloody knife was on his neck.

"For the last time, you unrighteous talents, are you going to hand it in or not?"

Xie San looks at Liu Heihu coldly.

Liu Heihu was dripping with cold sweat. He had no doubt that if he dared to say no at this time, he would come to the same end as Pei Tai in the next second.

"Hand it in, I'll hand it in."

His heart was filled with reluctance and despair.

Originally, it was a recipe for stewed pig miscellaneous, but unexpectedly, the person sent came back and robbed himself.

Is there anything worse than this horse riding from ancient times to the present?!

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