Xie San and Pei Tai are Liu Heihu's right-hand men, one is a think tank, the other is a knife.

So the real people who dare to fight under Liu Heihu are all in Xie San's hands.

The people he took to the temple this time were the elite of the black tiger gang.

After Pei Tai's death, Liu Heihu surrendered, and the whole black tiger Gang immediately fell into Xie San's hands.

Xie San immediately asked people to count the accounts, take back the cash, and then all of them were loaded and sent to the temple for the God son to dispose of these ill gotten gains.

Apart from the silver, even the antique furniture has been emptied.

Liu Heihu is sitting in the yard in despair. Once he was rich, now he has no family.

Looking at the empty hall, he was full of anger and humiliation.

Good, good, just a group of beggars, at the foot of the Imperial City, can you turn the sky?

There's some money you can't touch.

Liu Heihu ran out with anger and blundered to Zhuque street.

Zhuque street is inhabited by princes and nobles. The three princes who have already opened their houses all live here.

Although the rumor is not credible, we should know that there is no air in the air, but there is always some truth in the rumor.

It is said that Liu Heihu is backed by the royal family. In fact, there is a prince standing behind him.

Daqian, King Yongan.

The third son of the Emperor today.

The emperor was addicted to the cultivation of immortality, so he was not very keen on the creation movement. He had only three sons and four daughters.

At present, there is no prince. All three princes have the chance to enter the East Palace and finally ascend Dabao.

Seventy percent of the activities Liu Heihu was engaged in had to be handed over to the king of Yong'an, and he himself accounted for only 30 percent.

That's why he was able to make a living in the capital.

This time, he not only wants to get his money back, but also let those smelly beggars die without a burial place!

"What are you doing, stop!"

When he came to the Yongan palace, he was stopped by the guards at the door before he got near.

"Please inform me that Liu Heihu has something important to report."

Liu Heihu looked at the two guards and said in a hurry.

Seeing his anxious appearance, the bodyguard did not dare to neglect him. He turned around and went into the palace to report.

A few minutes later, the bodyguard came out again, looked at Liu Heihu and said, "come with me."

Into the palace, under the guidance of the bodyguard, seven turn eight turn came to a loft.

"Lord, come here, touch others, Lord, you are eccentric ~"

"ha ha, beauty, let me comfort you."

"Cluck, Lord, you are good or bad ~"

there is a woman's playful voice in the attic, mixed with a man's voice. Just listening to the voice is enough to make people fantasize.

"Lord, here comes Liu Heihu." Standing at the door of the attic, the guard didn't dare to go in and reported through the curtain.

"Get him in here."

From the attic came a man's voice that was a little short of breath. As soon as he heard it, he knew it was overindulgence.

Liu Heihu went into the attic and turned a blind eye to the beautiful women in gauze. He cried and fell to the ground.

"Lord, you are going to make the decision for me, Lord..."

Above, a young man in his twenties was surrounded by beautiful women. He interrupted Liu Heihu's cry with some boredom: "OK, if you have something to say, fart quickly. Do you know that you have delayed our king's pleasure with beautiful women? If it's not a big deal, don't blame our king for not being hospitable to you."

"Lord, my money has been robbed..." Liu Heihu added fuel to the story.

After hearing this, the king of Yong'an burst into a rage, grabbed a wine cup on the table and smashed it.

"Bang ~"

Liu Kaihu was smashed a hole on his forehead, but he could only kneel down there and even dare not hide.

"Waste! You rubbish! Even a group of beggars can not fight, but also asked to come here, waste! I'll do better than you if I change a pig! "

The king of Yong'an scolded angrily. After scolding, he didn't get rid of his anger. He got up and rushed up to kick him to the ground.

"Lord, it's useless to be small, and I'll ask him to do it. It's nothing to be humiliated. The key is that those beggars don't pay attention to you, they rob you of your silver!"

Liu Heihu got up and knelt down again, hugging King Yong'an's leg with both hands and howling.

Wang Wenyan of Yong'an was so gloomy that he asked, "does that stewed pig really make money?"

Liu Heihu's eyes brightened: "the Lord doesn't know. In just a few days, stewed pig miscellaneous has become popular in the streets of the capital. It's estimated that those smelly beggars earn at least ten thousand taels of silver a day."

He deliberately exaggerated the amount in order to arouse the greed of King Yong'an and take revenge by his hand.

Wang Wenyan of Yong'an's face turned bright and dark, as if he was thinking about something, which made people unable to see through.Liu Heihu thought that the other party had been moved, and added a fire: "Wang Yeming Jian, my initial idea was to snatch the business of stewed pig miscellaneous from those smelly beggars and give it to Wang Yeh. A group of beggars can't die of hunger. How can they have so much silver?"

"What's the matter with that jiuxiao God Emperor?" The king of Yong'an suddenly asked again.

Liu Heihu said: "Lord, that's just a cover. There's no immortal. It's only the beggar named Su Xun who made a fool of him."

Hearing this, the king of Yong'an flashed a haze and waved: "go away first."

"Yes, Lord, I'll leave." Liu Heihu is very smart to get out of here. The fire has been set off, so we can see how prosperous it will be next.

Ma De, a group of smelly beggars, I don't believe you can play with a king?

Unless there are gods.


Looking at the back of Liu Heihu, the king of Yong'an scolded scornfully.

Liu Heihu only focuses on the business of stewed pig.

But king Yong'an saw something deeper through this.

He valued the emperor jiuxiao!

No, to be exact, he valued Su Xun.

A beggar can deceive nearly ten thousand believers in just a few days. This is his ability!

And it's a great skill.

At least he was sure that the monk and Taoist in the palace did not have this ability.

If the son of God is introduced to his father, won't he have his own people around him in the future?

Be more bold. If the other party can deceive his father and win his father's trust, maybe he will be the leader in the future?

The more he thought about it, the more excited he was, because as a son, he knew too well how crazy his father was about immortality.

Careful calculation, in order to shut up meditation and digest Shendan, it seems that it has not been in court for half a month.

"Come and invite the son of God, Su Xun, from the temple of God Emperor jiuxiao outside the city, to see the king."

He was afraid that it would be a little later. Even the day lily was cold.

"Yes, Lord."

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