After receiving the invitation from King Yong'an, Su Xun was a little surprised, but he went with the soldiers.

Because at present, he does not want to compete with the officials. After all, this is a world of armed people, and the government is the strongest force.

When I came to Yong'an palace, I found that the middle door of the palace was wide open, which gave Su Xun enough face.

Because only when you meet important guests, you will open the middle door. Usually, you go through the side door.

Moreover, the place where King Yong'an met Su Xun was the main hall, not the side hall, which also showed enough respect.

Thus it can be seen that the emperor's sons may be bad, but none of them is simple.

But Su Xun was more curious about what he was going to do.

The soldier took Su Xun to the main hall and left.

Then two servant girls came in with hot tea and cakes and put them on the table.

"Sir, please take your time. The Lord will be here in a minute."

Su Xun nodded and wandered around the main hall. His eyes fell on a painting on the wall and began to appreciate it.

"I never thought Su Shenzi knew how to draw?"

Soon, with a low voice, King Yong'an walked into the main hall.

Su Xun turned around and looked at Wang Yong'an with a smile: "I'm not afraid of Wang Ye's jokes. I'm just waiting for embarrassment, so I'm just pretending."

He looked at the king of Yongan.

Well, it's a talented person with extraordinary bearing. It's just that there are some obvious dark circles under the eyes and kidney deficiency.

"Su Shenzi is also a wonderful person." Su Xun's reply surprised the king of Yong'an, and then he laughed.

While Su Xun looked at him, he was also observing Su Xun.

Well, it's like a banished immortal coming down to earth. I can't see that he was born as a beggar. This detached appearance can really deceive people.

Su Xun asked: "dare to ask the king what happened to the next Cao min?"

"Grassroots? Su Shenzi is modest. In a few days, he has gathered nearly ten thousand believers in the capital. Can su Shenzi also be called a grasshopper The king of Yong'an's eyes narrowed slightly, and then said, "but Su Shenzi knows that you are going to be in great danger soon."

"Oh, please tell me." Su Xun was very cooperative and showed his curiosity.

The king of Yong'an said in a calm voice: "Su Shenzi is so active that he will soon be watched by the government. Maybe some people will give you a name of gathering people to revolt for credit."

"Why am I afraid of God's protection?" Su Xun gave a cool smile.

"Ha ha ha ha..."

The king of Yong'an laughed and pointed to Su Xun: "Su Shenzi, you and I are all smart people. Why do you say all these irrelevant words? Do you really believe that there is a jiuxiao God in the world? "

"Naturally, I believe it." Su Xun said lightly.

Seeing Su Xun's lack of oil and salt, the king of Yong'an was still holding up his airs. His tone became stiff: "in this case, Su Shenzi must be the son of God, and most of them would also use three or two magic tricks. How about opening our eyes?"

Do you really think you are the son of God?

How ridiculous!

"Since the Lord wants to see it, I'll make a fool of myself." Su Xun gave a little smile, pointed to the teacup, and a wisp of magic power flew out.

Then the cup floated in the air and flew to Sushen.

King Yong'an was a little shocked, but he could still accept it, because the master of martial arts could also use Qi to get things from the air.

He was only shocked by Su Xun's strength.

Su Xun held the cup floating in front of him, tasted it, and laughed at the king of Yong'an: "it should be good tea."

Voice down, from the cup to take out a piece of tea bubble open, throw on the ground.

Then the tea became a sapling, and then quickly grew into a green tea tree, a fragrant light fragrance filled the whole hall, also emitting Yingying wave light.

"This How can it be, how can it be. "

Seeing this scene, the king of Yong'an could not accept it. His mind was blank. He felt that his previous cognition of the world had been overturned.

Is his father right?

Is there any immortal in the world who can live forever?

Su Xun waved, an empty tea cup flew into his hand, and then more than ten pieces of tea on the tea tree automatically flew up and fell into the cup, and the tea tree withered and disappeared instantly.

Su Xun threw the cup to the king of Yong'an: "it's not polite to come here. Why don't you try my tea?"

King Yong'an looked at the floating cup in front of him. He didn't see Su Xun adding water, but the cup was steaming hot tea.

The light smells refreshing and sobers the mind.

"Gulu ~"

he swallowed a mouthful of saliva, reached out his hand tremblingly, held the cup floating in front of him, and tasted it carefully.

As if the whole spirit of a lot of people are floating up.

He couldn't help thinking, is this immortal tea?Ignoring the hot mouth, he quickly drank the tea. Then he looked at Su Xun and bowed deeply: "Xiao Wang has eyes and doesn't know the real God. I hope Shenzi doesn't care with Xiao Wang."

Try to be calm, but your voice is shaking as you speak.

There are gods in the world!

Out of nothing. It's not an immortal means. What is it?

"You are welcome. I am not a God. There is only one true God in the world." Su Xun said with a smile.

Just now, all that was made by his divine power. If ordinary people swallow a little divine power, they will feel good, and it's good for their health.

Of course, swallowing too much must be a body explosion.

King Yong'an said, "the son of God is too modest. In Xiao Wang's opinion, the son of God is a man of the gods."

"Lord, let's get down to business." Su Xun showed his pride as a son of God, and a mortal king was not in his eyes.

King Yong'an was speechless when he heard this. He thought Su Xun was a liar, but he didn't expect that he was a real fairy.

That's a bit difficult.

After a moment's silence, he gritted his teeth and summoned up the courage to ask: "dare to ask Shenzi, can Xiaowang live forever?"

"There are no mortals who live forever." Su Xun gave up the idea directly.

The king of Yong'an was a little disappointed, but he also gave up on the way of longevity. He only wanted the throne: "Su Shenzi, Xiao Wang asked Shenzi to come here. He asked for something. If Shenzi should come, Xiao Wang would be very grateful."

Then he told Su Xun what he thought. For a fairy, he had nothing to hide.

"Once you enter the palace, you will be valued by your father and Emperor. It's not difficult to set up a son as a national teacher. The temple of jiuxiao God Emperor can also be spread all over Daqian."

After hearing this, Su Xun's mind moved to deceive the emperor, make trouble for the imperial court, and become a national teacher. How could NIMA feel like a villain? He was so lewd! It's a real thing!

So in the face of this kind of request, Su Xun didn't even think about it and agreed directly.

People can help him spread his belief with the help of the spread of deities, but being a national teacher can help him harvest the belief of the middle class and above.

What's more, in addition to Daqian, there are two countries' beliefs that can't be ignored. Only when they are in a high position can they have more room to operate.

He just wanted to reap a wave of faith, and then he talked about it.

Seeing Su Xun's promise, the king of Yong'an was overjoyed and immediately said, "I hope the son of God can say a lot of good words for Xiao Wang in front of his father."

"Naturally." Su Xun nodded.

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