He's yelling for ten thousand years.

But I wish the old man would die early to make room for myself.

After all, daqianguo has no prince yet, so he still has a chance.

The emperor also came from the Prince stage and naturally knew what his son was thinking.

The older a man is, the more he is afraid of death and losing his rights. This is why he has never established a prince.

It's so kind and filial.

Zheng Kun a smile: "come quickly, sit down to eat together."

"My son thanks my father." King Yong'an got up and took a small step to the nearest position of Zheng Kun.

Although he has had breakfast twice.

He took a few mouthfuls symbolically, then the king of Yong'an put down his chopsticks and said, "father and emperor, my son's ministers are not only missing father and empress, but also introducing an expert to father and Emperor."

"Oh?" Zheng Kun's eyes narrowed slightly and looked at the king of Yong'an with a smile. He said faintly, "I'm very curious. How tall is this master?"

There was a smell of danger in him.

He repressed his anger and thought that the king of Yong'an had deliberately found a magic wand to deceive him.

In Zheng Kun's opinion, only master Liaoyuan and Taoist priest Tianxuan are talented people.

Other people who come here on their own initiative or are introduced by others are all guys with ulterior motives.

The older he is, the more sensitive he is to power. Therefore, he thinks that Wang Yong'an is kind-hearted.

King Yong'an also instantly guessed what the emperor was thinking. He could not help but burst into a cold sweat. Fortunately, Shenzi was a real immortal.

Otherwise I would be miserable today.

"HuiFu emperor, this master is the God son of jiuxiao God Emperor. I saw with my own eyes that his cultivation is unfathomable. I hope the master and Taoist priest Tianxuan can't discuss with him, and he will realize his dream of eternal life."

Since the emperor doubted him, and he was full of confidence, he would just make a plan.

After Su Xun showed his strength, the emperor would be more moved by his filial piety.

Zheng Kun's heart is full of anger, and he doesn't believe what king Yong'an said. If the other party can really let me live forever, you rebellious sons who wish I would die early and abdicate will kindly introduce this kind of immortal to me?

What's more, what bullshit jiuxiao God Emperor?

He had never heard of such a God between heaven and earth.

I really think I'm a fool obsessed with longevity!

Mr. Liu kneaded sweat for the king of Yong'an in his heart. He knew that the king of Yong'an was finished and doomed to lose the throne.

It's also pitiful to think of using this method. Isn't it taking your majesty as a fool?

Although Zheng Kun was furious, he still had to endure it. He said with a smile: "in this case, please invite that son of God to let me know."

He specially emphasized the tone of the word "Shenzi".

"The son of God is outside the palace, and he asked his father to make a decree." The king of Yong'an is now a stable group.

He knew that the more angry the emperor was, the more moved he would be and the more he valued him.

Zheng Kun took a deep look at him and said coldly, "the son of God is here."

"No Mr. Liu answered, then turned and left.

He's going to call Su Xun himself.

Because of something in his heart, Mr. Liu walked very fast and came outside the harem in a few minutes.

"Come on, your majesty." Liu Gonggong looked at Su Xun and said coldly.

Did Su Xun offend himself?

But he was not slow in his legs and walked into the harem.

Liu Gonggong said in a low voice: "boy, if you are smart enough, you will take all the things on yourself, saying that you used the filial piety of King Yong'an to bewitch King Yong'an, so you can die quickly."

He wanted to go out in person to xuansu for an audience, just to protect the king of Yong'an.

"Mr. Liu, I don't understand what you're talking about." According to the words, Su Xun had already guessed the course of the incident, but he looked as if he were.

Seeing this, Duke Liu snorted coldly: "your trick has been seen through by your majesty. Don't take any chances. Do you understand?"

"Mr. Liu said I was a liar?" Su Xun asked with a smile.

Don't you laugh at Liugong

"Ha ha." Su Xun laughed and stopped talking.

Seeing this, Duke Liu sighed. Lord, Lord, I have tried my best.

A moment later, they walked into the palace where Zheng Kun had dinner.

As soon as he went in, Su Xun felt a sense of depression.

Su Xun looked at Zheng Kun, who was like a volcano about to erupt.

"Presumptuous! It's just a little civilian. Don't get down on your knees when you see your majesty! "

Seeing this, Duke Liu gave a roar.

"At the end of the day, no one can make me kneel, including God."Su Xun said softly.

"You are bold, someone..." Duke Liu was furious.

"Wait a minute." Zheng Kun stopped him, looked at Su Xun and said, "my emperor says that you are the son of God and an expert. I want to see what kind of high law you are. If I'm not satisfied with it, I'll punish you for bullying you! The crime of disrespect

He said this not only to Su Xun, but also to the king of Yong'an.

"Ha ha ha ha ha..."

But Su Xun laughed and looked at Zheng Kun jokingly. He said respectfully, "I'm also curious. You are a mortal king. How can you treat my sin?"

Mr. Liu's face changed greatly.

"You are presumptuous! I will kill you Zheng Kun clapped his case and could no longer suppress his anger.

No one has spoken to him like that for years.

Even if the master and Taoist priest Tianxuan face him, they will be respectfully called your majesty.

Su Xun is nothing. He dares to insult him like this.

"Well, the king of Yong'an sincerely asked, and Ben Shenzi agreed to come to see you. Unexpectedly, Ben Shenzi was extremely disappointed. If you want to see the immortal Dharma, well, then Ben Shenzi will let you see it clearly."

As the voice fell, Su Xun pointed to the table and drank softly: "change."

Then the food on the table suddenly came to life.

The roast suckling pig turned into a live pig scurrying in the palace. The roast pigeon grew feathers and flew around Su Xun. The fish also jumped up from the soup and danced on the ground.

All the fruits and vegetables take root and grow into shape. For a moment, the fragrance diffuses, just like being in the jungle.

Seeing this scene, Zheng Kun, Liu Gonggong, and the palace maids and bodyguards were all stunned. Their minds were blank and gaping.

Although the king of Yong'an had seen such superb means last night, he was still shocked to see you again at this time.

"You've finished reading it. In that case, the son of God will leave first."

With a wave of his cold hand, susian's fresh food flew back to the plate, changed back to the original, and then turned to leave.

The king of Yong'an rushed to the ground, knelt down, hugged Su Xun's leg, and cried out: "God son, God son, please don't worry about him."

Drama essence, tears, comparable to Su Xun this movie emperor.

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