It was not until then that the public reacted.

They met the real God!

Zheng Kun, the emperor, was even more at a loss. He hurried forward to detain him and kept apologizing: "Shenzi has calmed down. It's because I have eyes and don't know Mount Tai that annoys Shenzi. I hope Shenzi is magnanimous. Don't take it seriously."

Su Xun directly ignored the emperor, looked at the king of Yong'an kneeling on the ground, and said coldly, "hurry up, king of Yong'an, I see you are outstanding and have dragon spirit. You are the leader of the generation of Zhongxing. You can't force me to join you."

Well, he flattered the king of Yong'an. With these words, he could not run away as the crown prince.

After all, even Shenzi said that he was the master of Zhongxing. Could it be wrong?

The king of Yong'an was grateful and excited, and cried even harder: "Lord son, please give my father another chance. I really can't bear to see his father frown every day for the sake of eternal life. Please."

With that, he released Su Xun, knelt down and kowtowed his head.

They both improvised and had no script, but they cooperated perfectly.

In particular, the king of Yong'an, the film king, is really bold, kneeling down and kowtowing. He is a filial son, and there is no way that the king is superior.

Looking at the red and swollen Yong'an king on his forehead, everyone was shocked. The third prince's sincere filial piety was really moving.

The emperor Zheng Kun was also deeply moved and felt guilty.

Huang'er was so devoted to his eternal life that he even introduced the immortal to him. However, he just suspected that huang'er had ulterior motives. How shameful!

Emperor son finally invited a real immortal, longevity Avenue in front of you, never give up!

Zheng Kun clenched his teeth and knelt down: "the little king of the world has no eyes and offends the son of God. Please make atonement for the son of God. As long as the son of God is willing to stay, the little king is willing to treat him as a king side by side and invite the son of God to share the whole world."

He almost even shared the harem and let Su Xun be lucky. However, he realized that he could only say it in private, so he swallowed it back.


Looking at the emperor kneeling, and also say share the world this kind of words, Liu Gonggong and others were all shocked.

But when they thought of Su Xun's identity, they thought it was no big deal for the emperor to kneel down.

After all, it's a real fairy.

Mr. Liu is still a little flustered. It seems that the Shenzi has little heart. He just offended him on the way here.

"Oh, king? It's such a big name. It's easy for Shenzi to take over the world, but he just doesn't like these vulgar things. "

Su Xun's eyes sneered, as if he had been humiliated, and his voice was even colder.

To these people, we have to show this kind of high attitude. The more proud we are, the more we fear him. If we are submissive, we will despise him.

Of course, this is to show their strength.

If you have nothing and are proud, you will die without a place to die.

Zheng Kun's face was blue and white, and he realized that he had said something stupid: "as long as the son of God is willing to stay in the palace, Zheng Kun, the mortal king, will answer whatever he asks and will never refuse."

He's a little weak, because he can't offer anything else.

As for mobilizing the palace experts to control Su Xun, this is something he didn't dare to think about.

Because in his opinion, no matter how powerful wusheng is, he will not be the opponent of immortals.

"Son of God, please help your father. I beg you. I'm willing to go through fire and water for you."

The king of Yong'an is still playing, his forehead has been hit with blood, and the floor has been dyed red.

Zheng Kun was worried when he saw this scene. It's my good son. I misunderstood you for my father.

"Well, that's all. You are also a kind of filial piety. God just ordered me to do some small things. Just stay in the palace for the time being."

Su Xun was moved by Yong'an's busy filial piety, and reluctantly agreed.

Both Zheng Kun and King Yong'an were overjoyed and got up from the ground: "thank you, son of God."

One is a real surprise, the other is a pure actor.

"Father and emperor, the little thing that Shenzi said was to preach for jiuxiao God Emperor. I also hope that father and Emperor will order the temple to be widely built, and then make Shenzi the national teacher and the king side by side."

Yong'an Wang looked at Zheng Kun and said.

Without hesitation, Zheng Kun said: "it is proposed to order all prefectures and counties to build the jiuxiao God Emperor Temple and seal the God son..."

At this point, he stopped, because he didn't know what Su Xun's name was.

"The son of our God is named suthen. In addition, all the statues in the temple can only be used after being handed over by the son of our God." Su Xun said.

Zheng Kun continued: "the son of Fengshen, Su Xun, was the national master. He was king side by side. If he saw the national master, he would like to see me. In addition, he ordered the counties to send people to the capital to collect the statues."

"No Mr. Liu answered, and then wrote the edict.Zheng Kun respectfully said to Su Xun: "Lord Shenzi, there is a star picking hall in the back palace. It's better to ask him to stay in it temporarily. Lord Shenzi has the right to pass through the halls of the back Palace at will."

This is almost telling Su Xun that you can sleep with any princess you want in the harem, and you can sleep with any imperial concubine you want.

You should know that there are restrictions for master yuan and Taoist priest Tianxuan to pass through the harem.

Su Xun nodded: "Your Majesty can arrange it."

He was not interested in working as a planter in a different world, so Zheng Kun's suggestion was not understood.

However, the identity of Queen seems a little exciting.

Let the queen put on the Phoenix crown, and then gallop on her.

"Ah, Lord Shenzi, this palace is no longer available ~"

it's exciting to think about it.

Cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough?

"I'll take Lord Shenzi to have a look." Zheng Kun said.

The king of Yong'an said goodbye: "my father, my son, I will leave first."

"When you go back, first call the doctor to deal with the injury on your forehead." Zheng Kun is now satisfied with what Wang Yong'an thinks.

I have made a decision in my heart to pass on the crown prince to him.

After King Yong'an left, Zheng Kun took Su Xun to the star picking hall.

The hall of picking stars is the tallest building in the whole palace. Zheng Kun is crazy about immortality. He thinks that building a high-rise building may be able to communicate with the gods in the sky.

This is how the star picking hall came to be.

"Lord Shenzi, the hall of picking stars is uninhabited, so there is no gong'e. later, I will choose some gong'e to serve Lord Shenzi in his daily life."

Zheng Kun was half a step behind carefully. He was respectful. He only called me, not me, in front of Su Xun.

"Well." Su Xun nodded, took Zheng Kun's arm and helped him repair his old body.

Zheng Kun felt refreshed for a moment. He seemed to be several years younger. He was overjoyed: "thank you, Shenzi."

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