"My divine power can help you get pregnant, but it can't make you live forever."

Su Xun took back his hand and said faintly.

Zheng Kun bowed himself to ask for advice: "please God give me a way to live forever."

"Prepare a Dan stove for benshenzi, and send someone to collect materials according to the above. Benshenzi will refine a jiuzhuan Shengsheng pill for you."

Su Xun handed him a list, which he had prepared for a long time. On it were some precious medicinal materials that Liu An had told him existed in ancient times.

Whether the world has it or not, try your luck first.

At that time, it's enough to refine a health pill for him, and let him live another year or two.

By the day he died, he would have left the world.

Whoring, finish, lift pants to run, really exciting.

Let him live a few more years, as if to thank him for helping to collect these materials.

"Thank you, my Lord." Zheng Kun took the list with trembling hands and was very excited.

Jiuzhuan Shengsheng pill is a kind of elixir of longevity.

Su Xun said calmly: "there are many materials recorded above, only some of them are used to refine jiuzhuan Shengsheng pill, and the others are all my own."

This is to give a preventive injection first. Even if some materials can't be found at that time, he can practice the pills.

"Yes, yes. Lord Shenzi has given me a chance to live forever. It's my blessing to help Lord Shenzi do things." Zheng Kun said respectfully.

Go and find Sue

"That God son adult good life rest, I soon let people send Gong e over, I leave first."

Zheng Kun's voice fell and he turned slowly to leave.

Then Su Xun wandered around the star picking hall alone. It had to be said that the ancient engineering technology was good enough. This kind of high-rise building could be built.

At the same time, the imperial edict of building temples all over the country and conferring Suxun as the national teacher had been spread.

The capital is shaking.

"National teacher, we haven't had a national teacher for hundreds of years."

"What's the origin of Su Xun's son? I thought the national master would be master Le Yuan or Taoist priest Tian Xuan."

"I know. I know that Su Xun Shenzi is the Shenzi in jiuxiao Shendi temple outside the city."

"It's him. It's said that the stewed pig miscellaneous is the formula given by the immortal. It's also said that Liu Laoer's diseased seedling has been cured by the immortal."

"Yes, yes, if I say this one must be a true God, otherwise why did the emperor make him a national teacher?"

"Don't say, don't say, I want to go to the God Emperor Temple to invite a god statue back, or wait for each county to get the god statue, I can't invite it."

"Go together, go together..."

Compared with the common people, the reaction is greater for the princes, nobles and officials in the capital.

Wang Shigong, the Prime Minister of the dynasty, is also the elder left by the former Emperor. He is the head of all officials and has a high position.

At this time, the palace was already full of people.

They are all important officials of various departments in the capital, including six ministers.

"It's said that the wand was introduced into the palace by the king of Yong'an. The king of Yong'an is really wrong for his country. Isn't it enough to have a wish and Tianxuan?"

"Yes, now there's a more powerful one. We're worried about it."

"Your Majesty, I can't do things for you. The second thing is that you can't do things for him? It must be noted that there will be no other day! "

"Yes, Wang Xiang, it's ridiculous to ask your majesty to take back his will! Sooner or later there will be trouble

The whole yard was noisy, as if it were a group of flies.

"Here comes the great prince and the second prince."

At this time, I don't know who called out outside the door, and then everyone gave way.

The two young men trotted into the yard.

One is a little older. He looks like he is in his thirties. He is the eldest prince. He was granted the title of King Tai'an.

The other was a little younger, with a gloomy face and a fierce and murderous spirit. It was the second prince, King Feng Jingan.

The three sons were all kings, and so far no prince was established. It can be seen that Zheng Kun has a heavy view of power.

"I'll see you later."

Everyone in the yard said hello.

"You're welcome."

Prince Tai'an Wang said, without squinting, straight to the king Shi Gong.

"My father was bewitched by the treacherous people. Please take me to the palace to persuade my father to take back his life."

The eldest prince and the second prince bent over.

"What are you doing? Get up quickly. Even if you don't come, I won't sit down and see it implemented. I'll enter the palace now!"

Wang Shigong came forward to help the two princes up, and said with full air.

He is 80 years old, but he is still tall and straight. His pace is like a dragon and tiger, and he doesn't look old at all. It shows that he has done a good job in health preservation.The Royal Palace and a group of Ministers rushed to the royal palace.


At the same time, the back palace, the meditation hall.

A monk and a Taoist have dignified faces.

These two people are in charge of refining Changsheng pill for Zheng Kun.

"It must be clear that you and I are deeply favored by the emperor. We must not look at your majesty and bewitch others!"

Willing to look at the day Xuanyi righteous words said, eyes are flashing cold.

"Yes, I don't know where the magic wand came from. It's not a Taoist God or a Buddhist God. It's not a country grass God. You can't sit by and listen to the slander of the traitors!"

Tian Xuan also has this meaning, two people are hit it off.

This is the so-called peer is the enemy.

It was their exclusive welfare to cheat Zheng Kun, but now there are more people fighting for food, and they are still a strong enemy. As soon as they become a national teacher, how can they bear it.

"Go, Daoyou, you and I together. We'll go and kill the liar who bewitches your majesty now."

Willing to coldly said.

"It's all right." Tianxuan also revealed the murderous opportunity.

Two people directly step into the air and run to pick star hall, they are masters of martial arts.

They have no scruples about killing Su Xun.

Because if Su Xun was killed by them, it meant that he was a liar. The emperor would not punish them, but also reward them.

As for they can't kill Su Xun?

Ha ha, they didn't think about that at all.

If the two masters join hands, Su Xun will die unless he is a martial saint.

In the star picking hall, Su Xun opened his eyes and showed a touch of fun.

I haven't come to you yet. I didn't expect that you'd come to the door first.

Although the aura of this world is still thin, it is better than the earth, so he can not only practice Qi and cultivate immortals, but also collect and believe in gods.

He has fallen in love with this kind of crossing. Maybe he will go to a world full of aura in the future?

Isn't he still hopeful of becoming an immortal?

But that's all in the future.

Now, sharpen, kill.

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