At the moment when he and Tianxuan set foot in the air, the real Qi was released, and there were not many experts in the palace to feel it.

"How dare you be in the palace

"Your Majesty, if you want to be favored, do you really need to be favored?"

"Forget it, let them bite the dog. Don't worry about it. That son of a bitch is more dangerous than these two guys. In a few words, he will be the national teacher."

"That's true. As long as your Majesty's life is not in danger, and you can't survive, I'll sit and watch him rise and fall."

Several voices of conversation in the deep palace rang out from different corners, and then finally calmed down again.

After all, how can it be a great country with thousands of years without any details?

"I'm going to kill you, master Xuancai. I'm not going to kill you."

As soon as Zheng kuncai returned to his bedroom, he heard the eunuch report, and his face changed greatly.

He finally begged the son of God to live in the palace. If these two donkeys make his way of longevity come to nothing, he will set up an army to destroy the Buddha in Daqian.

Liaoyuan and Tianxuan are also capable people. They made many pills for him, otherwise he would not be fooled by these two guys.

But now with the real God in front of him, he would not want to be a bird for a long time.

That's right, it's just that the scum man's original appearance is changing when he sees different things, likes the new and dislikes the old, and turns his face ruthlessly.

"How dare you offend the son of God? Where is the Dragon Guard? Follow me back to the star picking hall."

Voice down, too late to drink a mouthful of water on the hasty step out of the door, behind a pair of Jiashi quickly follow.


"Slow down."

The wish says to the sky Xuan.

Tian Xuan eyebrows a pick: "why?"

"Every move in the palace can't escape your Majesty's ears and eyes. Your majesty may be rushing to the star picking hall. In front of your Majesty's face, except for the liar, isn't it better?" Willing to raise the corners of the mouth, evoke a smile of banter.

Tianxuan suddenly realized: "this is reasonable. You bald donkeys are treacherous."

"Amitabha, Taoist friends stay in Germany." His face darkened.

Buddhism and Taoism have not been dealt with since ancient times.

When they first entered the palace, they also had constant friction. The reason why they finally got along peacefully and harmed Zheng Kun together was that no one could do anything about it.

About ten minutes later, they saw Zheng Kun's son of heaven guard of honor in the air and arrived at the gate of the star picking hall. Then they speeded up and came to the sky above the star picking hall.

"Be bold, I wish Tianxuan, what do you want to do? Don't retreat quickly!"

When Zheng Kun saw the hall of stars, they were not relieved.

"Your Majesty is so wise and so powerful that you can't be fooled by a child. Today, the poor monk and Taoist friends of Tianxuan come here to get rid of this bully."

The righteousness of the wish words of say, looking at Zheng Kun that a pair of nervous appearance, in the heart is more angry.

Tianxuan also echoed: "yes, please don't interfere. I'm willing to help you to try this son of God."

"Lord Shenzi..." Zheng Kun didn't want to talk to these two silly beeps any more. He only cared whether Su Xun would be angry with him.

Su Xun interrupted the words behind him and said faintly: "Your Majesty doesn't need to say much. The son of God knows it in his heart."

"Hu ~"

Zheng Kun was relieved to hear this, and then he stood quietly to watch the play.

"Well! It's a lot of nerve to pretend to be a ghost and come to the palace

He was willing to hum coldly and looked at Su Xun with gloomy eyes.

"I don't like people standing higher than me."

Su Xun meditated cross legged, closed his eyes, and said lightly, his power surging out.

Then he felt as if he had been pinched by an invisible hand. He couldn't move, and his body fell down heavily.


With a loud noise, the two fell from the air and knelt on the ground. The slate split in an instant, and the smoke filled the air.

"How can it be!"

They could not care about the pain in their knees. Their eyes were frightened and their hearts were full of fear. At this time, there was no idea of killing people.


This must be a great warrior!

No! How can there be such a young martial saint!

Is it really the son of God?

It's impossible. There are no gods in the world. The gods of Buddhism and Taoism are just fictional.

Zheng Kun was very excited when he saw it. Is that what he said in the legend? If you are really a man of the gods, you can communicate with heaven by means.

"If you dare to offend the son of God, you should be punished."

Su Xun suddenly opened his eyes.Liaoyuan and Tianxuan felt as if they were falling into an ice cave. Their blood was frozen, and a cool air rushed straight from the sole of their feet to tianlinggai.

What kind of look is that.

Indifference, as if all things in the world in his eyes are no color, he seems to be looking at two ants, as if nothing in the world can make him emotional fluctuations.

The two religious people who are most sure that there is no God in the world begin to doubt life at this time.

But then I woke up.

"Please forgive me, sir. We are ignorant. Please don't bother with us."

"Yes, master, I'm the master of Taoism. My strength is unparalleled, but my Taoism is not a false name. As long as you let me go, I'll go out of the palace and never appear in front of you again."

At the moment, the two great masters were just like funny clowns. They were so scared that they were cold sweated and bloodless.

"Those who kill people will always kill them. If the two sects of Buddhism and Taoism want to seek revenge, the son of God will destroy Buddhism first and then Taoism."

Su Xun's tone was unshakable, without any fluctuation or emotion.

At the same time, he stretched out his right hand. A long sword made of divine power flew into his hand, and Su Xun cut it out with a sword.

It's an ordinary sword. After it's cut, there's no movement. Then the sword disappears.

And kneeling on the ground of the wish and day Xuan is slowly fell to the ground, eyes full of unwilling, regret, and don't understand.

They only saw Su Xun wielding his sword, then nothing happened, and then they died.

As everyone knows, Su Xun's sword was not aimed at their bodies, but at their souls.

In fact, it's not surprising that yuan and Tian Xuan are too weak, but Su Xun is too strong.

In order to prevent the failure of pretending to force, he just played down the sword with all his strength.

Killing two masters also gave him a more intuitive understanding of the world's warriors.

Martial arts practitioners only practice body, not spirit, which is their biggest weakness.

Of course, the martial Saint may not be included in it. Generally, the super saint can no longer be described by people.

Zheng Kun's heart is cold, if it is really immortal means, raise hands to kill in invisible.

"I'd like to ask your majesty to help clear those two pieces of rubbish."

It was not until Su Xun's voice came into his ears that Zheng Kun responded and nodded like a chicken pecking rice: "God son, don't worry. I will deal with this matter."

An old man in a Dragon Robe bows respectfully to a young man in a white robe. This scene seems particularly disobedient.

But the soldiers didn't think there was anything wrong.

It is natural for people to respect and fear God.

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