Lai yuan and Tian Xuan are here.

I'm willing to be forced by Tian Xuan.

Yueyuan and Tianxuan are dead.

Deep in the palace, a palace seemed very quiet.

"The breath of Liyuan and Tianxuan disappeared."

A voice broke the silence.

"Perhaps he didn't do it, and your majesty stopped it?"

Someone guessed with uncertainty.

"Let someone ask."

Then the palace was quiet again.

In a moment, the person who inquired about the news came back and brought back the second killing of yuan and Tianxuan.

There were several heavy breaths in the palace, and then there was silence.

"What do you think, wusheng? A martial saint of double ten years old? "

A strong martial saint can live 500 years, but his face can't recover his youth, but he won't grow old from the moment he becomes a saint.

So Su Xun's age matched with his strength, some of them were too dazzling.

"It's impossible. From the moment of the birth of martial arts, there will be no warrior who becomes a saint in double ten."

Another person did not hesitate to deny this sound unreliable speculation.

"How does that explain that yuan and Tianxuan are killed by one move?"

"There must be some secrets, but this son of God's strength will never be weak. He will enter the palace to bewitch his majesty. What's his idea?"

"It's a pity that Laozu closed the door, otherwise he would be imprisoned directly, then everything would be clear."

"I don't suggest to have a conflict with that God son before Laozu left the pass."

"I agree..."

After reaching a conclusion, the humble palace fell into silence again.

On the other hand, when Zheng kunzheng thought he could finally let go, trouble came again.

"Your Majesty, the prime minister, the two princes and the ministers of the court knelt outside the palace to ask your majesty to take back the imperial edict of appointing Shenzi as the national teacher. They also said that if your majesty did not agree, they would not be able to get up on their knees."

Mr. Liu carefully considered the mood and words.

"Since they are willing to kneel, let them kneel all the time. I'll see how long they can kneel."

Zheng Kun shook his long sleeves and said coldly, his eyes were gloomy and terrible.

Up to the prince, down to the minister, one or two have to do against him, do not want to see his longevity, want him to roll down from the throne as soon as possible.

He just won't let these people like him!

At the beginning, these people repeatedly impeached tianxuanhe.

Now God's blessing, let him meet the true God, with the hope of eternal life, this group of people actually began to force the palace!

Do you think I will compromise?

What a joke!

On earth, many wise and powerful emperors in the first half of their lives will become fatuous, violent and selfish when they get old.

Zheng Kun's current state is similar to this. He believes that Su Xun is the real God. He can't listen to anyone except Su Xun.

Because in his view, only the God above will not covet his throne and power, because God does not see these at all.

And those ministers, princes, generals, one count one, all covet the imperial power, all look forward to his death!

The only exception is king Yong'an, who can introduce immortals to himself. Only he is the real filial son.

He is now in a state of extreme. The more tough the ministers are, the more he will oppose them and never bow his head.

Liu Gonggong sighed in his heart. The eldest prince and the second prince were confused. They had no chance of the throne.

"It happened that all the ministers were there. They drafted a decree and announced a decree outside the palace. The third prince, Yong'an Wang Zheng Ji, was filial and had a good reputation. He was granted the crown prince's position and took charge of the east palace."

Forced by this, he decided to be the prince directly and cut off the ghosts and ghosts.


Liu Gonggong is a eunuch with pen. Writing imperial edicts has always been his job and professional.

"Come and see me, Queen."



Outside the palace.

In the scorching sun, a group of people in official robes knelt on the ground, sweating, moving their knees from time to time.

Wang Shigong and the second prince knelt in the front.

A moment later, kneeling at the front, they saw Liu An coming out with the imperial edict in the distance.

There was a smile on the three faces. They thought that this must be the imperial edict to remove Su Xun's position as national teacher. It's not in vain that they knelt here for so long.

The eldest prince and the second prince looked at each other, and they were greatly relieved.

The reason why they were so anxious after Su Xun became the national teacher was that Su Xun was a member of the third prince, King Yong'an.

The emperor trusted Su Xun so much, and Su Xun was a member of King Yong'an. How could they compete with King Yong'an for the crown prince?

Wang Shigong's eyes narrowed slightly. He enjoyed the feeling of forcing the imperial power to bow his head, which fascinated him."The emperor has a purpose --"

as soon as he stood still, Duke Liu called out in a shrill voice.

All the people had already knelt down, so Duke Liu directly opened the imperial edict and said:

"emperor Fengtian, the imperial edict says: since I ascended the throne by the imperial edict, all the military and state affairs, personnel administration, not tired of hard work, dare not escape. In the morning and night, he was revered as his ancestor, Mo liezhao fou. He was entrusted with the most important task, and was honored in Yuanliang. Zheng Ji, the third son of Yong'an king, is filial and belongs to heaven. He strictly abides by the early imperial edict, carries the ceremony, obeys the public opinion, informs the heaven and earth, the ancestral temple and the country, confers the book treasure, and establishes himself as the crown prince. He is in the East Palace, upholding the unity of thousands of years and the heart of the world. Thank you very much


It's like a thunder on the ground. Everyone's mind is full of blankness.

At this time, it seems that even the air is quiet.

The smile on the face of the big prince and the second prince is more instant solidification, the whole person seems to lose the soul general, dull kneel in place.

"Your Highnesses, take care of yourself. If you want to go to the Yongan palace to make a declaration, you will leave first."

Duke Liu dropped a word to the prince and the second prince, and then took a group of eunuchs to leave quickly.

At this time, the reaction of many talents, instant is fried pot.

"How can this happen? Your majesty suddenly made king Yong'an the crown prince."

"Yes, it's too hasty. The king of Yong'an is not like the emperor of Ming Dynasty!"

"It must be the wind in the ears of the national master. There must be evil when the country is going to die. What can I do for my apprentice?"

"brother Mingtai, be careful!"

Most of the people who came to kneel down to petition were supporters of the eldest prince and the second prince. The third prince was made the crown prince, which hit them so hard.

This means that their previous investment is all in vain, and once the third prince ascends the throne, they may suffer fierce revenge.

Because the third prince, King Yong'an, was selfish and cruel, and could not tolerate them at all.

What's more, Zheng Ji, the king of Yong'an, is really not Mingjun, which they are quite sure about.

"It's meaningless to keep kneeling here. Let's go back."

Wang Shigong stood up from the ground. When he left, he stepped and said, "it's just that the prince has not yet ascended the throne. Have the two Highnesses just given up?"

Let the third prince ascend the throne, in addition to the treacherous officials around him, this is the result that everyone does not want to see.

The great prince and the second prince heard the speech, and the spirit of the moment was a boost.

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