In the morning, Su Xun was having breakfast.

To be exact, it's breakfast served by Empress Xu.

Empress Xu has become a servant girl now.

Is eating, embroiders the clothing department to direct to make suddenly hurriedly ran to come in.

"Guoshi, something happened. A large number of scholars gathered outside the palace. They They are rude... "

The commander did not dare to tell Su Xun what those scholars said.

Needless to say, Su Xun already understood and nodded calmly: "let them make trouble. When I finish eating, will all the people in the embroidery Department gather?"

"Inform the national master that the embroidery Department has assembled." Since Su Xun didn't panic, the commander was calm.

After all, the emperor is not in a hurry. What is he in a hurry as a eunuch?

Su Xun opened his mouth and drank a mouthful of chicken soup. Empress Xu quickly picked up a handkerchief to help him wipe the soup from the corner of his mouth.

"Go ahead and surround those scholars first." Su Xun gave the first order lightly.

The commander suddenly raised his head: "National Teacher..."

He almost subconsciously wanted to advise Su Xun.

After all, the gentry is a group that the kings of all dynasties did not dare to touch, because 90% of the gentry came from the families of gentry and officials.

That is to say, most of the people who can afford to read books these days are the second generation of the rich and the second generation of the officials. In particular, the families of the scholars in the capital have more or less the relationship of high officials and dignitaries.

Deep rooted, lead a whole body.

And these scholars are the foundation of a country and the future officials, so this is also the reason why those scholars have no fear.

Su Xun's attack on the scholar group would arouse the anger of scholars all over the country.

"Your Majesty asked you to follow my orders, not to teach me how to do things, understand?" Su Xun interrupted the commander's words, and then added: "by the way, let someone send all the scholars' identities and backgrounds."

The commander pursed his lips: "yes, my subordinates know the crime. I will do it now."

Voice down, turn and go.

Since Su Xun was not afraid, he had no scruples.

In any case, the reputation of Xiuyi department in the court and among the people is very poor. It is called Eagle dog running dog, and almost no group does not hate them.

"You're going to fight Shizi. Are you crazy?" Empress Xu was very emotional.

Su Xun sneered: "a group of people who are full of arrogance, but they are just men, thieves and prostitutes behind their back. I have to see if their faces are OK?"

He doesn't like da Qian.

Because these scholars were born in high families, they were proud and lofty, looked down upon the people at the bottom, recited poems against each other, talked loudly and boasted, which were their strengths.

While eating the food planted by the common people and enjoying the protection of the frontier soldiers, they scold these people for being cheap, mud legged and Qiu bamaofu.

Just look at the ministers in the Da Qian court.

Almost no one is for the sake of the people, they only think about their own family, promotion and wealth, power and profit.

What made Su Xun even more disgusted was that some common people who came from taxis completely abandoned their own class after they became officials. They even felt that it was a shame to be born in poverty. In order to integrate into the upper class, they were willing to be the servants of the aristocracy to oppress the common people.

Of course, there are also those who sincerely work for the people, but most of them are not in the court, and they are struggling with the local forces while managing the people's livelihood.

Because these practical people put all their mind into doing things, and they have no time or mind to study these intrigues. Fighting for power and profit is a weak point, so all the ministers united to crowd out the capital, the center of power.

It's good. It's tragic. For example, Wuzhen, who is a rebellious person, has a broken family.

A love Xiuxian, the pursuit of longevity, a group of dirty mind of the Hun Jun, a group of Ministers for personal gain.

If such a country could last for another 50 years, Su Xun would have to praise the deep foundation left by the ancestors of Da Qian country, otherwise it would have been defeated long ago.

"No! You can't fight against the scholars. It's shaking the foundation of the country. " Empress Xu has a firm attitude. After all, she is also a member of a big family.

She came to see things from the perspective of the upper class.

If she doesn't want to talk nonsense, don't blame him.


Outside the palace.

Hundreds of scholars gathered here, looking away, one by one dressed luxuriantly, elegant and elegant, hanging jade pendant around the waist, you can see that they came from a rich family.

There was a crowd of onlookers outside.

"I'd like to ask your majesty to behead the monster and return the great fortune to you."

The first young man called out. His name was Xue Li. He was Xu Yuan's disciple and the leader of the scholars in the capital. He had a high reputation among the scholars.

Scholars can call themselves ministers."Your Majesty, please behead the monster!"

"Your Majesty, please behead the monster!"

Voice wave after wave, everyone is excited to blush, feel that they have done a great thing.

Therefore, if they were to be trampled on by Su Jingzi, they would be sure.

Of course, the most important point is that Su Xun's extermination of Buddhism and Taoism harmed their interests.

After all, which family has no interest relationship with Buddhism and Taoism? After all, there are countless believers in Buddhism and Taoism, which can be said to be a rich country.

Su Xun is an uncontrollable factor. His existence endangers the interests of the nobility and must be eradicated!

"Step, step..."

There was a rush of footsteps.

"Keep up, everyone around!"

The commander himself took a group of members of the embroidery department and ran over, surrounded by the soldiers.

A lot of scholars showed their fear. After all, the Xiuyi department was notorious. Although they didn't scold Xiuyi department in private, it didn't mean they were not afraid.

"Don't be afraid. We are scholars who have a reputation. He doesn't dare to do anything to us!"

Xue Li appeased the people and looked at the commander coldly: "as the official of the imperial court, you sit and watch the demons bewitch your majesty. What's the difference between your action and helping the tyrant!"

"Mr. Xue, I just do things according to your Majesty's orders. If your majesty asks me to obey the orders of the national teacher, I will naturally obey them." The commander said without salt.

Xue Li sneered: "is it the demon who asked you to come? How dare you do it to us? "

The commander stopped talking, because Su Xun only asked him to surround the people first, but didn't let him do it.

"Ha ha ha ha ha..."

Seeing this, Xue Li laughed and said triumphantly, "I didn't expect that the demon was afraid of us. I thought he wasn't afraid of anything."

As his voice fell, he turned to look at the palace and cried out, "Your Majesty, please behead the monster!"

The morale of the other scholars behind him was also greatly boosted, and they all yelled more vigorously.

Everyone is relieved, because it seems that the national teacher is also a person who knows the weight of the matter and doesn't dare to attack them at all.

Then they have nothing to fear.

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