Outside the palace.

Wang Shigong has recovered. At this time, he and Xu Yuan are sitting in the private room on the third floor of the opposite teahouse, quietly looking at the scene outside the palace.

"Wang Xiang's move is really wonderful. Look at those eagles and dogs. How arrogant they used to be, but now they only dare to encircle but not attack."

"That's right. Su Xun has nothing more than martial arts. How could he dare to fight against Shizi in the world?"

"Isn't he going to destroy Buddhism and Taoism today? It depends on how he gets out of the palace! He can fly, but the people in the embroidery department can't fly. Ha ha ha... "

A group of faces are with a happy smile, quite a feeling of elation, the heart is full of joy.

Wang Shigong held the teacup and said faintly, "I hope he will do something to the scholar."

Other people heard this is a Leng, some puzzled look at him, waiting to speak.

"If he does something to Shizi, his majesty will never keep him." Wang Shigong said firmly.

When people heard this, they suddenly realized.

If Su Xun killed Shi Zi, and if the emperor continued to protect Su Xun, it would be the scholars all over the world who would be angry.

So probably, if Su Xun dared to move the scholar, the emperor would have to be forced to kill him with tears in his eyes.

"It's a pity to see that the people of the embroidery Department don't dare to work around them. They know that the monster won't be so rash."

Someone sighed in disappointment.

Xu Yuan said: "it's better not to do it. After all, many of those scholars are the leaders trained by our families."

When they heard this, they felt justified.

Yes, if Su Xun started, those scholars might die.

For a Sushen, it's not worth losing so many talents cultivated by his family.

In particular, many of them are nephews or sons.

Now the people looked at the man who just sighed, and their eyes became dissatisfied.

"In a hurry, I said something wrong, and my son was in it." The man quickly defended himself. He just blurted out subconsciously.

"The boy is out!"

Suddenly, a man looked at the palace gate and exclaimed.

All of them went along the line of fame in an instant. A white robed Su Xun walked out of the Palace door.

There was a sneer on all the faces.

It's a good show.

It depends on how you deal with it.

When Su Xun appeared, all the taxis were subconsciously quiet.

"Monster, I didn't expect that you, the leader of the cholera court, would have the courage to come out

Xue Li stepped forward and angrily denounced Su Xun. He was upright and seemed to be the embodiment of justice.

"That's right. You and other traitors who have brought disaster to the country and the people will surely have a bad memory for thousands of years!"

"You will be nailed to the pillar of shame..."

Other people responded that they all followed suit one after another and yelled at Su Xun.

"Ha ha ha ha..."

Looking at the turbulent scene, Su Xun couldn't help laughing.

All of a sudden, he laughed and made everyone look at each other.

Can you still laugh when you are scolded like this? Is there something wrong with your brain?

"What are you laughing at?" Asked Shelley.

Su Xun restrained his laughter, and his eyes sneered: "I laugh at you for confusing black and white, right and wrong, saying that I am the leader of cholera court. Dare you ask me where I am?"

"There is no God in the world, let alone immortality. You bewitch your majesty, make your majesty indulge in immortality and ignore the government. This is not what the court program is!" Xue Liyi's rebuke way.

"Brother Xue said it well!" The scholars cheered one after another.

Su Xun looked at him with silly eyes: "I'm willing to deceive your majesty with Tianxuan to practice martial arts, so that your majesty is too drunk to practice politics. Why don't you come out? Besides, I didn't let your majesty waste time on those so-called meditation exercises. Your majesty has plenty of time to deal with government affairs. "

"You are a person who pretends to be gods and ghosts, and you are worthy to be compared with master yuan and master Tianxuan?" Xue Li said coldly.

Of course, he can't say that the reason why he didn't stand up at the beginning was that they all received the benefits of Taoism and Buddhism.

"Ridiculous." Su Xun sneered: "the son of God took out the recipe of stewed pig miscellaneous for the benefit of the common people. Now there is no beggar in the capital. What did you do for the common people? And where's the face accusing me? "

"That's right! At the beginning, my daughter-in-law was forcibly occupied by you so-called scholars, and my family was ruined and reduced to beggars. It was the son of God who gave us enough food and clothing! "

"Yes, although I'm not a beggar, it's because of the formula of Lord Shenzi that we poor people can spend a little money to eat oil and water in three days. You high-ranking scholars can understand our life!"

"It was shenzun who saved my sick baby..."One voice after another sounded in the crowd, just like slapping Xue Li's face one by one. The pain was burning, but more was anger.

These damned Dalits, who don't understand the overall situation and don't know the general situation, actually bribe you with a little favor.

Of course, he does not know that these so-called small favors are very rare for the people at the bottom.

This is the big dry version of why not eat minced meat.

Xue Li's face turned green and white: "we, the public, will benefit the people for the government in the future. How can we condescend to do those humble things like you."

"The official side?" Su Xun showed a contemptuous smile: "I think it's just for disaster."

After that, without waiting for Xue Li to speak, Su Xun said in a cold voice, "Xue Li, one in twenty, came from the Xue family in the south of the Yangtze River. He is a military minister. Xu Yuan has married a concubine in his hometown in the south of the Yangtze River. Last year, he raped Xiaocui, the daughter of a cook in the capital. In the process, he strangled her to death. At last, he suppressed this matter with his identity. Am I right?"

"If you are such a beast in human skin, you can read the book of sages? Should we call ourselves an official to benefit the common people? How sad is this big dry! "


Everyone was in an uproar.

Not to mention the onlookers, even the scholars looked at Xue Li inconceivably.

Xue Li's face was very white, and sweat oozed from his forehead. He pointed to Su Xun: "demon, demon, don't spit out blood. I'm from a rich family. What kind of woman can't be found. Who knows my reputation? How can I do such a thing?"

Hearing this, all the scholars felt that it was reasonable.

"Yes, elder brother Xue is not such a person. It must be made up by this monster!"

"You're right. Don't be cheated by him. Brother Xue is so tall. How can he do such a thing?"

Several people close to Xue Li began to help him wash the floor.

Xue Li was finally relieved and looked at Su Xun with a sneer: "open your eyes. I'm Xue. No one will believe your lies!"

Su Xun's face was expressionless: "really? Xiaocui's father has always held a grudge against you, but he can't get revenge because of your identity. Now with my support, do you think he dares to report you? "

Xue Li's face turned pale again, and his hands with the folding fan were shaking slightly.

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