Xue Li regretted that he hadn't cut down the grass at the beginning. He should have killed the whole family.

The main reason is that I didn't expect Su Xun to come out anyway.

In his opinion, he is a noble. What's wrong with a few lowly poor people?

What made him even more scared was that he thought no one knew about it, but Su Xun knew so well.

Just for a moment, he thought of Xiuyi department.

This Embroidery Department is really all pervasive.

He was in a cold sweat, because he was not sure how much he had in his hands.

The key is why did the embroidery Department investigate him? Is it your Majesty's order? Or did the embroidery department make their own decisions?

This is the deep reason for his fear.

In fact, he thought too much. It's just a coincidence. One hundred households in the embroidery Department happened to be relatives of the cook.

After knowing this, I wrote it down. After all, Xue Li is not an ordinary person. Maybe he can come in handy one day. This is the professional spirit of the embroidery department.

Look, it's really useful now.

The materials that Xiuyi Department handed to Su Xun recorded the detailed identity background of these scholars and some things secretly investigated.

Nothing good.

"Since you haven't done it, why are you so scared and white, and your body is still shaking? Are you guilty?"

Su Xun looks at Xue Li with a smile.

"You You fart Xue Li, a scholar, couldn't help but utter a rude remark. He wanted to explain, but he couldn't speak at all.

Because as soon as Xiaocui's father arrives, the truth will come out.

Now everyone can see that Xue Li's heart is guilty, and he has done it.

"What a beast! I'll tell you how Xiaocui died so suddenly. You did it

"Yes, I live in the same alley with that girl. What a sensible child, he was killed in this way."

"We civilians are getting worse and worse. It's you who have done this..."

For a time, people were excited. Maybe they didn't dare to stand up, but now with Su Xun, people are not afraid.

On the third floor of the teahouse, Xu Yuan's face was gloomy and terrible. He said angrily, "I didn't expect that this villain should have done such a cruel thing. It's just unreasonable!"

The others in a private room were dismissive when they heard this.

Didn't you think?

It's very similar. It doesn't matter that the Xue family is in the capital. If you don't send someone to come forward, can this matter be suppressed so quietly?

Although we all know it, we still have to act on the surface. After all, we are all hypocrites. Who hasn't done two or three similar things.

"Lord Xu, calm down. I think Xue Li was confused for a while. Now he must have known his mistake."

"Yes, yes, people are not saints. It's good to change them."

"The mud legs scolded him twice, but it still didn't affect Xue Li's future. There's no need to worry about it."

In the tone of these people, a common people's life is so light, not worth mentioning, just like a piece of grass.

"Beast, beast, I didn't expect to look like a dog and do such a thing."

"You people don't have a good thing!"

"Kill him! Kill him

The abuse is becoming more and more intense. On the one hand, it's because of the real anger in my heart. On the other hand, it's because I was oppressed by these nobles for too long. Today, I finally have a vent.

"Shut up! Shut up

Xue Li was so angry that he looked around with red eyes and yelled: "a group of untouchables dare to scold me, who dares to kill me! Who can kill me

Looking at Xue Li with fierce eyes, everyone was really scared for a moment. After all, no matter how rich and powerful they were, they were just ordinary people.

Seeing that no one dared to scold him any more, Xue Li looked back at Su Xun provocatively with almost morbid madness in his eyes: "so what if you know? What if you say it? My teacher is the Minister of the Ministry of war, my father is a rich man in the south of the Yangtze River, and I'm a famous taxi. What can you do for me? "

He has broken the jar. Anyway, it has been revealed, so he has nothing to pretend.

After all, his future is not determined by these Dalits.

"I dare to kill you!" Su Xun said without expression.

"Ha ha ha ha ha..."

Shelley laughed: "kill me? How dare you kill me? In the history of Da Qian, there has never been a scholar sentenced to death. You dare to kill me. "

As the voice fell, he took a provocative step forward, almost face-to-face with Su Xun, and his eyes were undisguised ridicule and contempt.

Other people also looked at Su Xun with ridicule, trying to see how he could get off the stage.They can't punish the literati. This is the life preserver of their scholars.

Even the Emperor didn't dare to kill them, otherwise it would be against the patriarchal system and risking the world, so Su Xun's threat was a joke in their eyes.

Although Xue Li's violent killing shocked them, that's all.

After all, who hasn't done anything like that.

It's nothing more than killing a few petty pariahs. It's no big deal.

Not only will they not resist Shelley, but they will defend him even harder.

Because defending him is defending themselves. They are all from the same class.

For a moment, the whole room was so quiet that time seemed to be still.

The next second, everyone saw a flash of cold light.

Xue Li's neck was full of warm blood, his eyes were filled with reluctance, consternation and regret, and he fell back to the ground heavily.

"Oh Ah... "

After a while, he cut his throat and didn't stop talking.

He didn't think about it until he died. Su Xun really dared to kill him.

I'm a scholar. I'm a scholar with fame. How dare he kill himself!

All the people are staring at this scene, are confused, a blank mind.

Like Xue Li, who had already died, no one thought that Su Xun really dared to kill.

"My apprentice! Puff - "Xu Yuan on the teahouse opened his eyes angrily, his blood gushed up, his blood gushed out, and he passed out.

"Mr. Xu, Mr. Xu..."

The teahouse was in a mess.

"You You killed Shelley

A scholar pointed at Su Xun with a frightened face.

"Don't worry, I'll kill you as well as him."

Su Xun said in a calm tone. He threw the knife in his hand and flew into the scabbard on the waist of a Xiuyi guard.

The Xiuyi guards were all muddled, because until now he found that his knife had just been taken by Su Xun.

"Xiuyi Department obeys orders and kills them."

Su Xun's tone was cold and his intention of killing was strong.

The commander just thought for three seconds, then he gritted his teeth and pulled out the knife and rushed up: "kill!"


Embroider clothes department rush up, knife light in the sun under the irradiation of Pan cold awn, blood dyed red blade.

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