"Puchi -"

the sound of a long knife passing through the flesh comes and goes one after another. These embroidered guards are perfect killing machines. They all kill a group of unarmed taxis with one knife.

"No, don't kill me, my father's minister of rites Ah

"You can't kill me, you can't kill me!"

"Master, master, spare your life!"

The blood spattered and screamed. The high-ranking taxis in the past fled in a panic, but they could not avoid the knife of xiuyiwei.

Only at this time did they realize in horror that the savages they had looked down upon could reap their lives so easily.

Xiuyiwei has already killed red eyes, because they don't like these scholars.

As Xiuyi guards, they are the people who have the most access to all kinds of information. Naturally, they know what evil activities these so-called scholars who read books of sages have done secretly.

In the Three Kingdoms of Qi, Yan and Qian, the status of the literati was the highest and their behavior was the worst.

"My son! My son

"Stop it! Come on, stop it

"Ah, stop it..."

Teahouse, a group of people crying panic downstairs to the palace gate.

They are here to see the play today. Maybe the play is too touching, so they all shed tears (๑‾ꇴ‾๑).

When they arrived, the ground was covered with corpses, the blood could almost merge into a small channel, and the smell of blood filled the air.

"My son!"

A group of grown-ups in regular clothes fell down beside the bodies of their sons, nephews, or apprentices and wept bitterly.

After crying, he stood up and looked at Su Xun with red eyes. He growled in a hoarse voice: "you dare to kill Shizi, your majesty can't protect you this time!"

"Let's go into the palace to see your majesty, and let the demon pay for his life, so as to make the hearts of the scholars in the world safe."

"Yes, I will let you pay for my son's life!"

Su Xun just casually said, "if you want to go, why do you tell me so much? I'm still busy going to exterminate Taoism and Buddhism. "

As the voice fell, he was about to leave, and people from the embroidery Department kept up with him.

"You must not go! You want to take this opportunity to escape, right... "

Xu Yuan stopped Su Xun and his eyes were red. After all, Xue Li was his most important disciple.


Su Xun raised his hand and slapped him in the face. He said with a smile, "your daughter is very moist. If you look at her body, I won't kill you."

The voice dropped and bypassed him.

Xu Yuan was so angry that he didn't dare to stop him, because he was afraid of death.

"Lord Xu, please be patient. This time, the national thief will surely die. Even if his majesty doesn't order to kill him, the experts of Buddhism and Taoism will not let him come back alive."

Among the dead scholars, there were no relatives of Wang Shigong, so he could keep calm and comfort others.

"We're going to the palace now!"

A group of people did not care to collect the corpse, with full of anger and killing intention, mighty into the palace.

Then there were only corpses and onlookers outside the palace.

All of a sudden, an old man came forward trembling and spitting on the face of one of the corpses.

Then there was a second one, and then it evolved into a beating and kicking whiplash to vent their anger.

From this, we can see how sharp the class contradictions in the great Qian state are.

In the past, no one dared to take the lead, so we had to bear the loss of our families, because there was no way to sue, and we could not even do it.

Now with the support of Su Xun, their courage naturally increased, as if they saw hope.

In ancient times, no matter which dynasty, the common people always had the hardest time.


Su Xun took the people from the embroidery department out of the city, and the Dragon army outside the city had been waiting for the battle for a long time.

Tenglong army is all Armored Cavalry, even the kind of horses are armored, majestic.

"At the end, the commander of the Tenglong army came to see the national division."

A middle-aged man in armor kneels on one knee.

The army and the embroidery department were controlled by the emperor, and their orders to the emperor were executed unconditionally.

This is also the capital that Zheng Kun can be willful. With the army in his hand, he is not afraid of those civil servants jumping up and down.

"No gifts."

Su Xun's eyes looked at the four middle-aged men in robes standing in the front.

"Royal worship, see the national teacher. Your majesty asked us to follow the instructions of the national teacher."

The four of them were respectful. After all, they all knew that the national teacher was powerful.

"What cultivation." Su Xun asked.

"We are all masters."

Su Xun nodded and turned over to mount the horse: "let's go to Buddhism first."In fact, it must be faster to fly, but for the sake of safety, it's better to have a large army.

After all, there are thousands of monks in Buddhism, and there are many experts at all levels. No matter how powerful Su Xun is, he will be exhausted by the wheel fight.

Fortunately, both Buddhism and Taoism are in Daqian, not far away.

Buddhism and Taoism are just two general names. The exact names are Lianhua temple and Guizhen temple, which are the bearers of their respective orthodoxy.

You can get to Lianhua temple before dark tomorrow.

Five thousand dragon army and one thousand embroidered guards gallop on the official road like a long dragon.


"Your Majesty, the demon Su Xun slaughtered the scholars. I implore your majesty to give them justice and ask your majesty to make decisions for the scholars in the world!"

Wang Shigong is duty bound to stand in the front.

"Your Majesty is in charge, sir!"

The others are like a yes man.

But Zheng Kun didn't know what happened outside the palace.

Because he didn't want to stop Su Xun, he just wanted to live forever. For this reason, it was worth sacrificing anything.

What's more, these literati hide the officials who can't be punished. They are too rampant one by one. They just pour cold water on them to calm down.

"Dear Sirs, I already know about this. The national master is not a murderer. Look at Xue Li. If he didn't do such a cruel thing, how could he kill him? This man should be punished

Zheng Kun said lightly.

Xu Yuan's face is very ugly, because Xue Li is his disciple. Zheng Kun's words fall in his ears, which is beating him.

King Shi Gong said: "Your Majesty, even if Xue Li should die, how innocent are the other scholars?"

"Ah, that's not what Wang Xiang said." Zheng Kun shook his head and said: "since the national master killed them, it means that they must die. After all, the national master is a fairy. He must have figured out what dirty things those people have done."

"Your majesty! Why do you convince the public when you say this? It's to chill the hearts of scholars all over the world! "

Wang Shigong's voice was shrill. He knelt down on the ground and kowtowed.

"Your Majesty, please punish Su Xun!"

Others fell to their knees.

Zheng Kun's face was cold: "how, do you want to force me?"

"I dare not..." Wang Shigong replied.

Zheng Kun blocked the words behind him directly: "since you dare not, get out, I'm tired."

As the voice fell, Zheng Kun walked away.

"Your Majesty, your majesty, think twice, your majesty!"

Wang Shigong wanted to catch up, but he was stopped by the eunuch.

To everyone's surprise, the emperor really dares to defend Su Xun.

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