In the morning, the birds jump around the forest like a mist, which is full of beauty.

"Step, step..."

The sound of a horse's hoof hitting the ground broke the quiet and harmonious beauty.

Su Xun took the lead, followed by the commander of Xiuyi department and the commander of Tenglong army, then four Royal worshippers, and finally the mighty Xiuyi guard and the heavy Armored Cavalry of Tenglong army.

"Hua La ~ Hua La ~"

the sound of the collision of iron armor was clear and sweet, and the birds playing happily in the forest were startled to fly everywhere.

"Step on it

Su Xun's horse stopped.

All the horses in the back stopped.

In front of them is the gate of Guizhen.

In front of the gate are the leader of Guizhen temple, the elders of Guizhen temple and the disciples of Zhenchuan.

These disciples are holding a brocade box in their hands.

"Yu Fei, the leader of Guizhen temple, welcomes the National Normal University with the children of Guizhen temple."

Yu Fei, the leader of Guizhen temple, cried out.

"Welcome the national teacher."

The elders and disciples of Guizhen temple also drank together.

But deep in their eyes, they could not hide their humiliation and anger.

Su Xun laughed and looked down at them on his horse: "dare to ask you Taoist priest, which one is this

"There are many offenses in our school before returning to China. Please forgive me. There are thousands of old ginseng, hundred year old Polygonum multiflorum, and countless beautiful jade here. I hope I can turn the fight with the national teacher into jade and silk."

Yu Fei pointed to the brocade boxes in the hands of those disciples and said, keeping his posture very low.

Before, they all despised Su Xun. They thought that killing him was nothing more than killing an ant.

It is said that Su Xun bewitched his majesty and led the imperial court. As the head of the world's Taoism, they have the responsibility to remove this demon for the people of the world.

But now, after the demise of the Lotus Temple, these people have to muddle along and beg for mercy.

They were the ones who fought and killed Su Xun.

Now it's them who ask for mercy.

It can only be said that these people are real.

"I'd like to thank you for finding out these things for me in advance, so as not to damage them when the army horse steps back to the truth later."

Su Xun said that he came to kill people. How could he let them go?

As his voice fell, everyone in Guizhen changed greatly.

Master Yu Yifei said: "I can't solve the problem..."

"You're all dead, aren't you?" Su Xun interrupted him directly.

Sweat oozed from Yu Fei's forehead: "Guoshi, we're going to go back to the truth. The martial saint's ancestors haven't come back. If you want to think about it, why do you want to die?"

"Fish die, but the net doesn't break." Su Xun corrected his mistakes in language, and then raised the reins: "kill! No dogs and no chickens


Xiuyiwei and tenglongjun swarmed up.

"Mad, fight with them."

The elders of Guizhen Temple yelled with red eyes, then drew out their swords to meet the enemy.

"Catch the thief first. Third younger martial brother, let's work together to deal with Su Xun."

Yu Fei called to the three elders of Guizhen temple. Then he stood up in the air and pointed his sword at Su Xun.

They thought that Su Xun must have been hurt by the lotus ancestor.

Seeing that Su Xun sat on the horse and didn't make a move, he strengthened their speculation.

So in Yu Fei's opinion, in the case of Su Xun's injury, he and his third younger martial brother should be able to cooperate with Su Xun.

After all, he is a half step martial saint, and the third younger martial brother is the peak of his master's realm.

So, two people resolutely rushed up.

Then Su Xun made a move.

And then they went down the street.

In less than three seconds of the whole process, they flew upside down and hit the ground heavily. They didn't even see Su Xun's hand.

With shock and panic in their eyes, they were convulsed for a moment and then breathed out at the same time.

Don't say it's five or five, it's not even three or seven.

It wasn't until the moment when they were dying that they realized that it was not because he was injured, but because he didn't want to do it.

As long as he wants to, he can destroy the whole family of Guizhen temple.

"Elder master!" "Third Elder martial brother!"

Seeing this scene, all the people in the Guizhen view were grieved and wanted to make a decision. They turned grief and anger into strength and broke out.

It's a pity that a brief outbreak is useless.

After all, the main thing a real man looks at is persistence.

So after the ultra short outbreak, these people entered a period of malaise and began to be overwhelmed.

Half an hour later, Guizhen temple came to the same end as yesterday's Lotus Temple.

"Clean up the battlefield, find out all that should be taken away, and then burn a torch here."Su Xun said casually.

An hour later, Guizhen temple was engulfed by the fire, and Su Xun returned with the army.


Two days later.

Capital, inner palace.

"Your Majesty, taxis from all over the country, with blood letters, ask for the beheading of the National Teacher outside the palace gate. It's very loud. What should we do?"

Mr. Liu looks at Zheng Kun anxiously.

Zheng Kun was also full of sadness: "what do you want me to do? Do you really want me to kill the national teacher? Those idiots outside don't know. Don't you know that the national master is the real God? "

"No, I dare not." Liu Gonggong immediately knelt down and kept kowtowing.

Eunuchs can call themselves slaves.

"Have you heard from the national teacher yet?" Zheng Kun asked.

"Since the day when Liu Gong answered," he has been on his knees

Lotus Temple and Guizhen temple have been destroyed. Because of the tragic death of the whole family, no one can take the initiative to use the pigeon to send messages.

But according to the time, perhaps today, the news of the collapse of Lotus Temple and Guizhen temple will be sent back to the capital by those who find it.

Today is also the day for Su Xun to return to Beijing.

"Let those people outside continue to make trouble. Don't worry about it. We'll wait for the national master to come back."

Zheng Kun impatiently waved his hand. If he could, he really wanted to send troops to kill all the scholars outside.

But he knew that he could not do that, otherwise the whole world would be in chaos.


Outside the palace.

Taxis from counties and cities across the country gathered here with blood letters.

"Your Majesty, please behead Su Xun

"Your Majesty, please behead Su Xun

The voices of these people are rising one after another. Even a few days ago, the taxi in Beijing died on the land where they are standing. They are not afraid.

Because they were sure that the emperor did not dare to do anything to them.

Facts also show that this is the case.

Because from this morning until now, there has been no official department to deal with this matter.

It's still the teahouse opposite the palace, the private room, and the ministers like Wang Shigong and Xu Yuan.

Everything seems to be back a few days ago.

"The palace has been quiet all morning. It seems that your majesty has not been able to distinguish between the important and the negative."

Xu Yuan said in a strange way. After Zheng Kun asked the queen to serve Su Xun, he had a big opinion on the emperor.

"Ha ha, Xu Shangshu, the taxi here represents all the scholars in the world. If your majesty really dares to attack them, it's strange."

"Why hasn't there been any news from Lotus Temple and Guizhen temple? What's the matter with Su Xun?"

"Don't worry, there is a martial saint in Lotus Temple. Most of Su Xun can't come back."

"So it is."

Now they let these scholars do things, not to kill Su Xun, but to fight against the imperial power and strive for a higher position for the literati.

If the imperial power retreated this time, the status of the literati would be even higher, and even the imperial power would be completely elevated step by step.

In contrast, what can Su Xun do with a magic wand?

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