"The national teacher has returned to Beijing!"

Suddenly, I don't know who yelled in the crowd.

The taxis outside the palace were suddenly quiet.

The teahouse was full of laughter, as if all the ministers in control were stunned.

"He Why didn't he die? " Wang Shigong said incredulously.

Xu Yuan guessed: "did he not attack Lianhua temple and Guizhen temple? Hum, but when he returns to Beijing this time, we can let him die as long as we keep putting pressure on the emperor. "

Su Xun sleeps the queen. The queen is his daughter. Xu Yuan's family is disgraced. Xu Yuan wants to pull Su Xun out of his bones.

"Step, step..."

"All around, come on, come on!"

At this time, accompanied by a rush of horse hooves, the people of the embroidery Department surrounded the group of scholars.

Su Xun rode slowly behind.

As for the people of Tenglong army, their camp is outside the city. They can't enter the city without emperor's edict and warrant.

Surrounded by the people of Xiuyi department, those taxis from all counties and cities in China were a little flustered.

After all, the emperor did not dare to kill them, but Su Xun did.

Isn't that how those Beijing taxis died two days ago?

Even if after Su Xun killed them, the emperor killed Su Xun again in order to calm down the anger of the scholars in the world, what's the use for them?

"Dang Lang ~"

all of a sudden, the commander of Xiuyi Department threw two heads in front of the scholars and cried out: "the national master went out to destroy Lianhua temple and Guizhen temple, and personally killed Lianhua temple's presider forgetting Kong, Lianhua ancestor and Guizhen temple's leader Yu Fei!"


The whole scene exploded in a flash.

"No way! It's impossible. The lotus ancestor is a martial saint. How could he kill the martial saint? "

"Who knows where you got two heads to impersonate? Lotus Temple and Guizhen temple will never be destroyed!"

"That's right. It must be fake..."

The scholars didn't believe this at all, because in their cognition, the Lotus Temple and Guizhen temple can't be destroyed in any case.

On the teahouse, Wang Shigong and others looked at each other.

Seeing Su Xun's safe return with his own eyes, and thinking that there was no news from the Lotus Temple and Guizhen Temple these two days, their hearts were empty.

The next second, Su Xun stepped into the air.


Then a great power poured out from Su Xun. He changed his body and transformed himself into a God Emperor. His body suddenly rose several meters, just like a giant overlooking heaven and earth.

Or that sentence, after knowing that wusheng is not his opponent, he has nothing to worry about in this world.

No, I'm showdown. I'm God!

Everyone was staring at the scene.

"Impossible? Do you tell me that it's impossible? "

When Su Xun opened his mouth, his voice spread all over the capital. He was so powerful that he oppressed the heaven and the earth, making everyone feel depressed and breathless.

"Immortal! The national teacher is really an immortal

"My Niang Le, the immortal has come down to earth, the immortal has come down to earth!"

"See immortals..." "See the son of God."

All the people, traders, craftsmen in the capital, who saw this scene, knelt down one after another to kowtow to Su Xun's divine body.

Those scholars and the ministers in the teahouse looked up at the giant in a daze, as if there were thunder in their mind, a blank.

"Ha ha, they are the people who believe in the immortal kingdom

In the palace, Zheng Kun couldn't help laughing when he saw this scene. He could almost think of the expressions of shock and panic of those civil servants and ministers.

With Sushen's support, he could do whatever he wanted.

"He It turns out that He is really a God. He didn't cheat me, but How can it be, how can it be. "

In the star picking hall, Queen Xu looks up at the huge figure. Her eyes are shocked at first, then at a loss. She has fallen into self doubt.

"Don't you want to cut off the head of our God? Our God is standing here. Who dares to take it?"

Every word of Su Xun was like thunder.

Those scholars were pale and sweaty, and their spirits were almost shattered.

"God Let the gods calm down. Let the gods calm down. We know it's wrong. We know it's wrong. "

"Immortal grandfather, please forgive me. We don't dare any more. We'll go back now. We won't come to the capital for the rest of our lives."

"It's all Wang Shi Gong and Wang Xiang who asked us to do this. God spare our lives..."

The taxi drivers, who were full of arrogance and awe inspiring righteousness, were so ugly at this time that they cried and cried one by one, and scared their excrement and urine to flow. They did not hesitate to sell them.

Wang Shigong and others in the private room of the teahouse are also bloodless.Now who dares not to admit that Su Xun is a God?

This horse is not a God. What else can it be?

In their hearts there was no need to cry.

Brother, no, sir, since you are so good, you can show it on the first day.

Then we've been kneeling and licking you for a long time. How can we dare to offend you.

Isn't this a deliberate hoax?

All of a sudden, they saw a huge hand coming down from the sky to the teahouse where they were.

There was panic on all the faces.

"Master, please spare your life, old man. I know I'm wrong. Please let me go."

The iron King Shigong knelt down.

"Master, I'm the father of the empress. One day, my husband and wife will be gracious. Please forgive me."

"Spare my life, master..."

At this time, all the people who were calculating Su Xun were so scared that they cried for their parents.

But the big hand was photographed without stopping.

For the sake of face and ostentation, they wrapped up the teahouse. As for the cooks and sophomores on the first floor, they had already gone out to kneel down to the gods.

So now there are only Wang Shigong and others in the teahouse.

Su Xun took one hand and killed all the people who should be killed. There were no innocent bystanders.

"Under the palm of our God, we will not pursue those who can survive."

As the voice falls, so does the giant palm.


The teahouse was smashed in a flash.

All people are afraid. Is that the power of God? It's really despairing.

Su Xun took back his hand. There were no living people in the broken teahouse. There were only human scum left.

After all, how can a mere mortal survive under God's hand?

Therefore, from the moment when they repeatedly targeted Su Xun, their ending was doomed.

Su Xun has never been a great saint who returns good for evil.

If you have a revenge, you have to take revenge. As long as you kill all the enemies, he will have no enemies.

"It's a capital crime to blaspheme God, but God is kind to you. He gives you a way to live. Those who scatter all their wealth to relieve the people can live. Those who violate the law will be killed by God."

Su Xun gave the scholars a way to live, but he also had to let them suffer and harvest a wave of fame and faith among the people.

It's better than killing them.

After all, he had killed a wave of scholars in the capital before, and it would be a little frightening to kill them again.

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