The capital is famous all over the world.

The state of Qi and the state of Yan immediately received the information sent back by the spies in the capital of Daqian.

When the emperors of the two countries saw this urgent secret letter, they had the same idea.

Is the detective crazy?

Is there no information back, so I made up a big news?

Then the two countries sent people to Qianguo to explore at the same time.

The news brought back silenced them again.

Although they really don't want to believe it.

But no matter from which channel the message is sent back, it shows that everything in the secret letter is true.

Incarnation of a giant, can be side by side with heaven and earth, this is not God, what is it?

In fact, of course, there is no Baizhang, but these ancients did not have a specific concept of particularly large numbers, they can only use exaggeration to describe them.

Then Qi and Yan did the same thing. They built the temple of God and sent messengers to Daqian to get the statue.

This incident is a serious blow to both countries.

At least there is a kind of public opinion in the two countries, that is, Da Qian is blessed by heaven.

Otherwise, how can we explain why God went to Daqian to be the national teacher instead of laiqi or Yan?

At least in a short period of time, the two countries will not act recklessly against Da Qian.

Because everyone is in awe of the gods, especially the common people.

If they fight against Da Qian, their people will feel that they are fighting against heaven when they attack a country that is blessed by God.

The emperors of Qi and Yan were jealous of Zheng Kun.

They all know that Zheng Kun is almost infatuated with Changsheng and used to ridicule him.

But now, Zheng Kun seems to really have this opportunity, let them just a lemon.

In fact, they think too much.

Five days later.

Daqian, capital, Jiexing hall.

The top of the Star Tower.

[congratulations to the host for completing the task: 1 beg once, 2 move the world. 】

[gain: begging buff. Note: when the host asks for something, the success rate increases by 10%. 】

don't underestimate the 10% success rate. Sometimes zero one is the key.

In front of Su Xun was a Dan stove. He was refining pills for Zheng Kun.

After all, people who have used this tool for nothing for so long will be leaving soon. We can't leave nothing for them.

What's more, this time he gained a lot. The people sent by Zheng Kun collected a lot of alchemy materials that the earth didn't have.

What he is refining now is the nourishing pill, just as the name suggests, which is used to recuperate the body.

Taking it for a long time can improve the physique. It's no problem to live three or five more years on the original basis.

Half an hour later, the refining of pills was completed, and a fragrance of pills filled the whole room.

Su Xun took a move, and a dozen green pills flew into his hands from the furnace.

Then he fell from the top floor of the star picking building.

"Guoshi, how is the living pill?"

The emperor, who was excited to meet him, had been waiting there for a long time.

Is his long life dream coming true at last?

"Your Majesty, look."

Su Xun spread out his hands, and a dozen green pills were lying in his heart with a faint fragrance.

Zheng Kun stammered: "this Here, National Teacher Is it for me? "

He thought that only one pill could be made from this elixir.

"Your Majesty, these pills are all for you. Take one pill every month until they are all used up." Su Xun said.

Zheng Kun swallowed a mouthful of saliva: "master, after eating all, I Can I live forever? "

"Naturally." Su Xun gave a little smile and made a fool of himself.

When you die, I will not be in this world for a long time. I can't hear you scolding me.

I'll live on my horse.

If I could refine the elixir of longevity, would I give it to you?

You just want to fart.

If you can live a few more years, it's a change of life for you, little brother.

Zheng Kun knelt down to Su Xun on the spot: "thank you, national teacher, thank you."

"Your Majesty, please get up quickly. Is your jade vase ready?" Su Xun couldn't stand the fact that the emperor of this country knelt down all the time. It really made people feel Cool.

Zheng Kun quickly got up and hurriedly took out a jade bottle from his sleeve: "teacher, I'm ready."

"Put it all in. Only if you bottle the spirit power in jade, it won't pass away." Of course, this is a bit of nonsense, but it must have a sense of ceremony to be authentic.

When Zheng Kun heard this, he didn't care to offend Su Xun. He quickly reached for the pill and put it in the jade bottle. He was afraid that the spirit power would be gone.After the eunuch Zheng dankun'e left, he was in a hurry to keep the secret.

After all, this is the elixir of life.

Su Xun pushed open the door of a bedroom and went in.

At this time, Queen Xu looked haggard. Her tender lips were slightly white and her pupils were like walking dead. She just sat on the edge of the bed.

Most of the red phoenix robe slipped from Xiang's shoulder, and there was no sign of it hanging inside.

But she is still no response, as if some crazy.

After Su Xun slapped Xu Yuan to death, she was like this. After all, it was her father.

Su Xun sighed. If it goes on like this, he thinks empress Xu will become a fool.

The only person in the world he's sorry for is probably the most beautiful woman in front of him.

There's no way. Xu Yuan wants him to die.

Naturally, he won't let Xu yuan go just because of Queen Xu.

"If you don't eat, you'll starve to death." Su Xun looked at the food on the table. It was cold.

Queen Xu said nothing.

Su Xun went over and sat down beside her. He stretched out his hand to put on the Phoenix robe. "You son, let me feel a little guilty."

"Aren't you the God above? If God presses a mortal like an ant to death, will he feel guilty? " Empress Xu finally spoke, with a tone of sarcasm and despair. Her voice was hoarse and powerless, which was the result of long-term dripping.

Su Xun laughed and pinched her chin: "you're right, so I don't feel guilty. I'm not afraid that you starve to death, because when you die, I can control your soul."

"You bastard!" Queen Xu collapsed and wanted to starve herself to death. As a result, her soul was threatened. Is there anything more desperate than that?

It's a pity that she didn't drop water. She didn't have any strength at all. She wanted to fight Su Xun. Her fist was so soft that she couldn't even scratch. On the contrary, she was so tired that she fell into Su Xun's arms.

The broad Phoenix robe slipped down again.

Su Xun stroked the creamy skin: "do you know why I didn't touch you?"

Queen Xu didn't say a word, because Su Xun said the reason. It was a sad story.

"Because I don't want to be interested in the queen." Su Xun came to her ear and said softly.

Empress Xu's eyes widened and looked at Su Xun as if he was looking at a change. She didn't expect that Su Xun actually liked men. Was that the real reason not to touch her?

Is it for Zheng Kun that Su Xun came down to earth?

She has already made up a love story between men.

Su Xun's face turned black. He knew that the woman was wrong.

"I mean, how about making you emperor?"

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