"What did you say?"

Empress Xu looked at Su Xun strangely, and her mind was blank. Some of them could not digest the meaning of Su xungang's words.

"I said you should be emperor, OK?"

This is Su Xun's compensation to empress Xu.

Another reason is that Zheng Kun is really not a good emperor. Let him continue to be in power. It's only a small matter for him to perish. In the end, it's the common people in the world who suffer.

The dog emperor is full of immortals. He is very successful, but he doesn't like to be down-to-earth. He is a king of subjugation.

After spending so much time with empress Xu, Su Xun also got to know her.

It's certainly not good for her to be an emperor, but it's no problem for her to manage the country and keep the present territory.

At least empress Xu listened to the opinions and could distinguish loyal officials from treacherous ones, which was much better than Zheng Kun, who only knew how to cultivate immortals and seek immortality.

"Daqian has never had a female emperor. There has never been a female emperor in the whole world."

Queen Xu shook her head.

When she knocked on the blackboard, she did not refuse. Instead, she said that there was no precedent, which means that she wanted to.

At least she wants to be in the most control of her own destiny.

At least she didn't want to be taken as an object and sent.

The awakening of women's rights.

Su Xun put his arm around her and gently stroked her fragrant shoulder: "not before, but from you, I have."

For Su Xun, this kind of small matter is not solved every minute?

"Is that compensation for me?" Empress Xu looked up at him with complicated eyes.

Su Xun chuckled: "do I need to compensate a mortal? You are the only exception, because you make me feel the most special in this world. "

Empress Xu was teased. She felt her heart beat. In order to hide her reaction, she teased her hair.

As everyone knows, this action is the most provocative for Su shaonan.

There's a poem that says, "little, woman is a teenager.".

"Good." She promised to come down, she wants to control her own destiny, no longer at the mercy of others!

"Let's eat first, and I'll go out."

The voice fell, and Su Xun's figure disappeared in the room.

He found Zheng Kun and asked him to give up his position to empress Xu.

Zheng Kun hesitated at first.

But Su Xun promised to seek an official position in fairyland for him in a hundred years, and he was overjoyed.

In his opinion, it's meaningless even if he lives forever in the world. How nice it would be to be an official one hundred years later.

This silly old boy, I don't know, he can't live for 100 years.

Then Zheng Kun made a series of mistakes, such as abandoning the government, building large-scale projects, shaking the foundation of the country, and so on. So he decided to abdicate the throne to empress Xu.

The world was shocked.

Because there has never been a woman in power in history.

Many great scholars jumped out against it.

Then Su Xun showed his holiness again and told the world that empress Xu was the reincarnation of the nine heaven Xuan girl. All her mouths were blocked by such a sentence.

Everyone believed what Su Xun said.

He is a God, that is the greatest authority in the world. How can he lie?

Then people suddenly realized that no wonder Su Xun would come down to Daqian. It turned out that the reincarnation of Jiutian Xuannv was in Daqian.

No wonder Su Xun will let the queen sleep, because the queen is the reincarnation of God. If she is a common woman, how can she be worthy of God?

Then all the voices of opposition turned to support, and they were in high spirits. The morale of soldiers in the whole country was unprecedented.

In this way, a month later, an auspicious day was chosen, and the first female emperor in the history of the world ascended the throne.

Su Xun personally presided over the ceremony.

The empress Xu in the Dragon Robe is more exciting than that in the Phoenix robe.

Standing on the altar, looking at the ministers and soldiers below and the people watching the ceremony, Queen Xu was in a state of agitation, but more shy and exciting.

In order to meet Su Xun's requirements, she didn't wear anything under the Dragon Robe, which was empty, and her legs were faintly weak.

After all, on this sacred and solemn day, her behavior is too silver.

When the ceremony was over, empress Xu went back to the harem, her legs were so soft that she fell on the soft couch and gasped.

I can't help it. It's too tight.

Suddenly, she felt someone coming in.

Looking around, it was Su Xun.

She quickly curled up her legs, because she was just in that position, it was easy to walk out.

"Tut Tut, it's really different to wear a dragon robe. The temptation of making and wearing clothes is endless."

Su Xun turned and closed the door. He understood Mei Pang's hobby.Queen Xu was a little flustered because she knew what was going to happen next.

She has become the emperor, and then she will naturally satisfy Su Xun's wish to become the emperor.

Soon, the palace was filled with melodious sounds, which made the ladies blush.

It was an hour before peace returned.

There is a breath of life in the hall.

Empress Xu's Dragon Robe was in a mess, her black hair was scattered, and she could not sleep on the ground. Her eyes were blurred, and she was full of mist, and she was sweating.

It took a while for her to recover.

"I thought I was going to die." The empress said hoarsely.

Don't ask why you are hoarse, think for yourself.

"Did you have a good rest?" Su Xun asked

"Well." The empress answered in a nasal voice. She felt very tired and just wanted to sleep.

"Now that we have a good rest, let's start the second half."

The empress's eyes suddenly widened.

Only today did she know that the dramas about the love between immortals and mortals are deceptive, because mortals can't bear the suffering of immortals.

If it goes on like this, she feels like she's going to die.


When Su Xun was torturing the empress Xu Hui.

His cheap son Zheng Ji was furious at home and smashed the study to pieces.

When the empress ascended the throne, I'm afraid he was the only one who was not happy.

Because he knew that what Su Xun gave Zheng Kun was not the elixir of immortality at all. At most, he could improve his constitution.

So Zheng Kun's age, even if he took pills, would live for five or six years at most and die.

At that time, he will be in his twenties.

But now, his mother, the empress, is only in her thirties this year, and Su Xun is moistened by shenlu. At least she will be in power for another 30 years.

At that time, the crown prince was 50 years old, and he only ascended the throne at the age of 50. What's the point?

At the beginning, he thought it was a good thing for him to let his mother serve Su Xun, but now he can't even cry.

Because even if he has 10000 unwilling, it's useless.

Su Xun broke the contract because he was supposed to be the emperor.

But so what?

Did he dare to fart in front of Su Xun?

"This is life, this is life!"

Zheng Ji knelt on the ground, hands open, issued a desperate roar.


There was a thunder, and the rain was pouring down.

It seems that Zheng Ji is more desolate and desolate.

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