After breakfast, we set out in a RV.

The family headed downtown.

I haven't been shopping with them for a long time. I've been idle these two days as compensation.

Mei Pang, Liu An and Zhenyao sword. These two swordsmen have driven to Kunlun Mountain and brought a lot of things with them. It is estimated that they will not come back soon.

Su Xun also let them go, even if let them find the seal, but immortal set the seal, three weak chicken can break it?

What's more, although he got nothing in Kunlun mountain that day, Su Xun always felt that the earthquake and the glow photographed by tourists were not right.

So it's better to let the two swordsmen study. Maybe there will be something unexpected.

Oh, I have to say that his elegant long hair has been cut. Although it's very handsome, it's too troublesome to take care of it.

Ma Dan, last night, when we had a deep academic exchange with Mr. Liu in front of the mirror in the bathroom, he saw in the mirror that he had black hair and a shawl. If he didn't pay attention, he thought it was two women communicating.

So Su Xun cut his hair. After all, if he wanted to keep it long, he would grow it in one thought.

The RV was parked in the underground parking lot, and Su Xun put on his sunglasses.

Although sunglasses can not block his charming charm and handsome, but at least better than nothing.

Su Xun walks in front with an Zizhen who is pregnant. After him, Liao Yu, Yan Yurou, Qin Zhu and Xiao Bai follow him with Liuli in their arms.

This scene is very attractive, many people recognized it, but no one came forward to disturb, just far out of the mobile phone to take photos.

It doesn't matter for Su Xun. Just take a picture and don't disturb them.

"Oh, we're going to have activities today. If we spend more than three million yuan, we'll give Rolex a piece."

Taking the elevator from the parking lot, Su Xun looked at the huge billboard and said.

"What's the use? There are too many watches at home to wear."

Liao Yu is lack of interest. Luxury goods are the best in his family.

During the Spring Festival, all the gifts from all parties can be taken out to open a shopping mall.

In order to put these gifts, the manor also specially vacated a villa, which can't be installed at present.

"That's miss an. Next to her is Su Xun. She's so handsome."

"They are so happy. They must have nothing to buy."

"Damn, the most arrogant man in the world, shopping with his five wives. It's a crime of bigamy. Actually, bigamy."

"It's so sour. They're not married. Why do you care so much?"

After shopping, the group had lunch in a restaurant in the mall.

Then I went to the zoo and aquarium in the afternoon and didn't go home until dark.

This time, Su Xun was the real product. He accompanied these women all day and made them very satisfied.

They were satisfied, so was Su Xun at night.

After all, he is a God now. A King Kong's kidney is not bad enough for him to wave freely.

But in fact, he thought too much. The women were tired of shopping during the day and didn't care to serve him at night.

So he was alone in the empty room and became a wife.


In the twinkling of an eye, it's Monday.

Although it's not mandatory to extract identity every week, Su Xun did.

Because the plain days are too boring.

What's the difference between a life without excitement and a salted fish waiting to be cooked?

Experiencing one identity after another is equivalent to experiencing one life after another. It is full of ups and downs and makes people indulge in adventure.

He is used to it. He wants a colorful life and never knows what his next identity will be. This is the most fascinating part of the system.

"System, extract the 17th new identity."

[drawing The extraction is successful. Congratulations on the new identity of the host: survival of doomsday. 】

[in 2134, the world abandoned the boundaries between countries and established the blue star Federation society. With the rapid development of resources sharing, technology sharing, and technology, intelligence has become the main theme of the world. Mass emigration to other planets is not a distant dream, and everything is thriving. 】

[in the year 2150 of the blue star calendar, there was a sudden acid rain all over the world. The acid rain lasted for three days and three nights. No matter people or animals were wet by the acid rain, they became zombies. Science and technology were paralyzed, and human society regressed for a century. 】

[Blue Star calendar 2200, also known as the first year of the new era, after 50 years, human society began to rebuild in chaos. Blue star was planned into seven regions, in which human beings lived and worked in peace and contentment, and outside the seven regions, it was called wasteland. In the wasteland, zombies and monsters were rampant, the weather was cold, and the natural environment was harsh. 】

[in the third year of the new era, human society has been rebuilt for three years, and the seven regions have gradually stabilized. It seems that the zombies in the wasteland have evolved more cleverly, but they are ready to move. It is also this year that you, Su Xun, wake up from the ice and snow in the wasteland. 】

[identity ability: none. 】

[identity task: to survive and become a celebrity who affects at least three regions. Note: you are not allowed to use divine power and mana in this identity task. There will be special rewards after completing the task. ]In Su Xun's heart, ten thousand grass mud horses raced by.

Even if I don't have the identity and ability, I can't use the supernatural power and magic power to make me live. But it's a little difficult to have the strength to influence more than three regions.

So you look up to me, big brother.

But think about it, it's the end of the survivors. If they can use the divine power and magic power, they will become zombies, not him.

But even if he doesn't use magic power and mana, his skills and physical fitness are still there, and he's already flying.

In such a world, he can't solve the threat of zombies if he doesn't open it.

[whether the host grants permission to allow the system to block the mana and divine power in the body during this mission. 】

the voice of the system sounded again, and Su Xun was stunned: "do you still need to ask me?"

When he read the novel, he found that the system was all controlled by the master. What he wanted was that the host was completely controlled.

He felt that his system was very humanized, but he didn't expect that this kind of thing needed his own consent.

[yes, the system cannot execute the program without host authorization. 】

Su Xun asked thoughtfully, "what if I don't agree? Can you still get this identity? "

The answer is very concise.

[No. 】

Su Xun

Fuck, isn't this the same as the mobile phone software now?

A lot of permissions, you have the right to disagree, but you can't use them if you don't agree with authorization.

"Consent to authorization." Su Xun said.

[the access is successful. The host's mana and divine power will be temporarily sealed during the world mission. The seal will be automatically released after the mission is completed. 】

Su Xun said hello to an Zizhen and said that he had something to go out again. In the mountains, the phone may not be able to get through, so they don't have to worry.

He disappears a few days a week, and the women at home are used to it.

Who makes his man strong.

The greater the ability, the greater the responsibility.

They all thought that Su Xun was busy saving the world.

This time, it's really saving the world.

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