It's another journey through time and space.

The time ratio is still 30:1.

Blue Star 30 days, earth one day.

When Su Xun regained consciousness, he only felt a bitter wind.

He blinked.

In front of us is a road with ice on its surface. On both sides are deserted lands. In the distance, you can see the mountain peaks.

The cold wind roared across the earth, and the chill was so bitter that Su Xun's mind was clear.

"Ma Dan, the last time I started, I was a beggar. This time I was lying in the wild. It's no different from a beggar."

Su Xun got up from the ground with a curse. Every time he said a word, a stream of heat could be seen from his mouth.

This shows how cold it is.

In his memory, his name is Su Xun. He is 20 years old, and now he is an orphan.

Originally, he was from Seoul, the seventh district, and his parents were teachers of Seoul middle school. In this post disaster society, his parents have stable work and good family conditions.

But later, when their parents went out of the district to teach in the wild, they were attacked by zombies when the car passed through the wasteland, and all the teachers in the car were not spared.

In addition to the seven regions and wasteland, there are also wild lands.

There is no specific name for the field. They are all District names and numbers.

For example, the field near area 7 is area 1 of area 7, or area 2 of area 7, and so on.

The environment of the field is also suitable for human beings to live in, but there are no cities in the field. They are all self built towns and villages, without the protection of the military and law enforcement agencies, belonging to a state of complete autonomy.

If the seven districts are to be expanded, the fields will also be planned to build new towns in the city.

When his parents were attacked by zombies, he was only ten years old, and his uncle's family became his guardian.

He could not inherit his parents' property until he was sixteen years old. Before that, all his parents' property was in the charge of his uncle.

But his uncle and aunt swallowed his parents' property and beat and scolded him frequently. His uncle's son and daughter also sneered at him.

The reason to do this is to make him feel sick and leave on his own.

In fact, they did.

Su Xun couldn't stand it anymore. When he was 13 years old, he ran away. Because he ran away, it was equivalent to giving up his hukou. He didn't have a residence card and ID card, so he couldn't live in the city for a long time.

All these years, he has been wandering in the wild and wasteland. A month ago, he found a long-term job, that is to work as a pawn in Wangjia village, No.3 field, District 7.

Just as the name suggests, it is the person who is specially responsible for escorting the goods, who delivers the goods from one place to another.

Before the era, it was very easy to guarantee the goods.

But now, it's a high-risk job that you will lose your life if you are not careful.

After the truck enters the highway in the wasteland, it should not only guard against zombies, but also against bandits who make a living by professional road blocking and robbing in the wasteland.

It's easy to imagine how vicious these bandits are if they can settle in the wasteland with zombies.

This time, he bought living materials from Seoul in the seventh district and pulled them back to Wangjia village. As a result, he met a bandit on the road and had a gunfight. When he moved to shoot, the road was too slippery and he fell down. He knocked on a stone and fainted and escaped.

As for why bandits rob living materials, in this era of resource scarcity, living materials are worth more than guns.

As for the others

Su Xun looked around, and there were more than a dozen corpses, most of them were his colleagues. In this kind of weather, the blood had solidified.

The lorry had already disappeared.

He recalled that the robber had no face at all. He was national and bald.

Hu ziyong, a little-known bandit in this area, heard that a cousin was a battalion commander of the garrison outside the customs of the seventh district.

It's a little bit of a relationship, which is one of the reasons why he can run wild in this area.

He has been wandering around the periphery of District 7 for five or six years, but he has got a lot of information.

However, he knew that the Wangs seemed to pay Hu ziyong the transportation fee every month. How could Hu ziyong rob the goods of the Wangs village?

After all, he had only been in Wangjia village for a month.

A cold wind was blowing, and he was excited.

It's freezing and snowy, and there may be zombies. I'd better make a phone call first and let the people of Wangjia village come to pick me up.

Subconsciously, he felt in his pocket, but it was empty.

He was stunned.

In the memory of his identity, he was carrying a mobile phone.

Mobile phone and money are touched, but he is still alive, which is not right.

Su Xun's eyes narrowed slightly.

Since the other party took away his mobile phone and money when touching the corpse, it should be found that he was not dead. Why didn't he mend the gun?

There is only one possibility to think about it.

That is, the other party intentionally left him alive, or deliberately left him back to Wangjia village.And why?

Su Xun couldn't figure it out, but he decided to follow each other's way of thinking, because he had no place to go now.

What's more, the money he saved for buying a residence permit is still in Wangjia village. If he runs away, he will have to start all over again.

In that case, let's play.

Su Xun sucked his nose, bent down to pick up a bloody dagger on the ground, pinned it on his waist, and walked along the road to Wangjia village outside the district against the cold wind.

Don't ask him why he didn't pick up the gun. It's impossible for bandits to stay when they clean the battlefield, because this is the guy they eat.

He tried his best to walk along the road. First, he wanted to take a chance to meet a car. Second, he wanted to reduce the possibility of meeting a zombie.

He's cold and hungry now. It's OK to meet two or three kittens. If he meets groups of zombies, I'm afraid he'll have to account for more than 100 Jin of meat here.

Suddenly, his face changed slightly and he stopped.

Cao Cao, Cao Cao, Cao Cao will arrive.

Not far in front of him, two zombies also found him and ran to him.

Two low-level human zombies. Please refer to the zombies in movies and TV plays for specific images.

I don't pay attention to this kind of shrimp.

Su Xun pulled out his dagger and set his attack posture.

Because it's useless to run at this time. It's just a waste of energy. Zombies don't get tired.

If you don't have enough physical strength in the ice and snow, you will die.


The two zombies roared, almost jumped up at the same time, and rushed to susian.

"I'm a grass mud horse!"

Su Xun's mouth was sweet and sweet, just like the sound of nature. He aimed at one of the zombies and kicked it out.


The zombie flew out and hit the ground hard.

Meanwhile, the dagger in Su Xun's hand stabbed another zombie.

"Puff --"

when the dagger came into the body, the zombie just stopped for a moment, and then a paw fell on Su Xun.

"Stabbing -"

the thick down jacket was directly scratched.


Su Xun kicked it away.


The zombie, who had been kicked off, rushed up again.

Su Xun dodged and stared at the second zombie who had been kicked away. He jumped up and pressed him on the ground. The dagger went straight into his neck.

"Puff -"

some blackened blood gushed out, and the zombie twitched twice, then died

a strong wind came behind him, and Su Xun pulled out a dagger, a donkey rolled away, and the zombie flew over him.

Su Xun, a carp, straightened himself up, rushed up and hugged the zombie, strangled him, fell down, and stabbed him with a dagger.

Without using mana and divine power, with his skill and strength, this knife can pierce the skull completely.

"Puff -"

the blade enters the brain, the zombie whines and dies.

But Su Xun frowned, because the dagger didn't pierce the Zombie's head, and was blocked by something in the middle.

What's in your head?

Su Xun thought of crystal nucleus.

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