Crystal nucleus, the blue star in the new era, is nothing strange.

After the disaster, human beings are rebuilding society, and zombies are evolving with the development of time.

At present, zombies are classified as low-level zombies, middle-level zombies, high-level zombies and zombie kings.

Like Su xungang just killed those two heads, they look like low-level zombies on the surface.

Without a trace of wisdom, it's all by virtue of bloodthirsty instinct, and it's hard to get rid of them.

The sign of becoming an intermediate zombie is the birth of a nucleus in the brain. Not only will the body be stronger, but also there will be a little wisdom at this time, which is equivalent to a child of five or six years old.

The wisdom of high-level zombies is equivalent to that of teenagers aged from 10 to 12, which is more difficult to deal with.

There is also the Zombie King. This kind of zombie wisdom is mature, equivalent to adults, with strong fighting capacity and stronger vitality. Once it appears, it will be a disaster for a city.

There is a historical lesson. Every time there is a Zombie King, it represents a large-scale tide of corpses. In the end, it will cost a lot to eliminate, and human beings will suffer a lot.

There is no crystal nucleus in the low-level zombie, the crystal nucleus of the middle-level zombie is white, the crystal nucleus of the high-level zombie is red, and the crystal nucleus of the Zombie King is blue.

Crystal nucleus is not only useful for zombies, but also for human beings. Special scientific research institutions buy crystal nucleus at a high price, and then develop different levels of strengthening potions according to different crystal nuclei.

These potions can strengthen the human body, so that a small number of human beings have the ability to fight head-on with zombies without large caliber weapons.

The reason why it is a small part is that these fortified potions are extremely expensive. Although we only know the formula, because of the retrogression of science and technology, the probability of successful production is very small.

We don't have to use this medicine to kill zombies. Otherwise, there's no way to strengthen it.

Thinking of the possibility of crystal nucleus, Su Xun was still a little excited. After all, even the lowest level white crystal nucleus could bring him a lot of extra money.

This zombie should not have evolved completely, otherwise Su Xun would not have solved it so easily.

In the ice and snow, Su Xun used a dagger to complete his first craniotomy without anesthetics.

As for the patient, he said that the doctor's skill is very good, so that he does not feel pain.

After opening the head of the zombie with a dagger, I saw a white crystal core with white light inside.

Su Xun reached out and observed carefully.

The crystal nucleus was rhombic and the size of a ping-pong ball. It looked very hard, because Su Xun's dagger didn't leave any traces on it. Instead, the tip of the dagger was bent.

"thank you for the old fellow's core."

Su Xun expressed his most sincere thanks to this strange world zombie brother who could not wait to send him express delivery before he had finished his evolution.

The foreign people are so warm. Even the zombies are so friendly. They sacrifice themselves to help others.

Zombie: can you still be a man

After putting away the crystal core, Su Xun continued to wander along the road. It snowed and cleared for a while. The only constant thing was a gust of wind from time to time.

This kind of weather is really bad, the environment is too bad.

Mom, the world is too fucked. After walking for so long, I can't touch a car and my feet hurt.

If it goes on like this, it will be dark. There will be not only zombies but also wild animals outside.

Su Xun thought, I'm too hard, too hard.

Dog system, if he is allowed to use divine power or mana, can he still suffer so much now?


All of a sudden, the roar of the engine sounded, getting closer and closer to him.

Su Xun was overjoyed. He looked back and saw a car coming from the road.

It happened to be the same way, so Xun waved.

In the new era, all the people who can drive cars are rich. Many city people can't even get enough food and clothing.

There are four people in the black car, including the driver.

Two men and two women.

They were all well dressed. The air conditioner was on in the car and it was very warm. Compared with Su Xun on the roadside, Su Xun was a beggar.

"Big brother, there's someone in front of you. Stop."

In the back seat, a woman with long hair looked at Su Xun and said.

The woman looks 17 or 18 years old, with delicate oval face and long hair tied into a ponytail. She looks cute.

She was wearing a light blue hollowed out dress. The hollowed out edge was held up in a high arc. The skirt was knee high. The straight leg was more slender under the decoration of the flesh colored pantyhose. The white flat shoes added a bit of youth.

"Yao Yao, you are just too kind. There are all kinds of people on the road, but you can't stop. Who knows if that guy is a good person or a bad person."

The young driver said in a soft voice, the white suit is appropriate, it looks like the taste of a little fresh meat star before the era.

But as soon as he opened his mouth, he knew it was an old licking dog."Yes, Yao Yao, you used to study in the fourth district. I don't know how chaotic it is in the seventh district. You can't touch these people on the road. Didn't you see the two dead zombies on the roadside at the back? Zombies are fierce enough, but in seven districts and eight districts, people are worse than zombies. "

Yao Yao side of the woman also echoed a sentence, this woman is more mature, hair perm, black skirt, black silk, socks, black heels, coupled with flaming red lips, Miaoman figure, enchanting to the extreme.

"Oh, sister-in-law." If you look at yaozai and shake his arm, I guess he will not be the bad guy

She also knew that her sister-in-law was right, but after all, she had never experienced this personally. She was pure and kind-hearted, and idealistic.

There was no way to save him. Moreover, Su Xun looked so clean that he didn't look like a bad man.

Therefore, no matter in which world, beauty is more important.

Because when strangers first contact you, they don't understand your inner world at all. The first thing they see is their face.

"Xiaoxuan, stop. It's flat all around. He's the only one who doesn't see any ambush. If there's anything wrong, I'll let him die ahead of time."

The young man in the co pilot's voice was calm. He was twenty-six or seven years old, with sword eyebrows and stars. He was slender and powerful, with a calm voice, but with a strong sense of self-confidence.

"Yes, one day brother in, even if he has a bad idea, he can turn the sky."

Liu Xuan praised the young man, then accelerated to Su Xun, pulled over and stopped, but did not turn off the engine, and slowly opened the window.

"Brother, I'll go to Wangjia village in front of me. Is it convenient to give me a ride? It's going to be dark in two or three hours, and I think it's enough alone. "

Su Xun came forward and said to Liu Xuan very politely.

After all, it's asking for help, and people don't owe him, so naturally we have to show our attitude.

Liu Xuan looked at him, frowned: "brother, venture to ask, what's the matter with your blood?"

He didn't see the blood on Su Xun's body. He didn't want to carry Su Xun now.

However, it's not easy to walk directly. I'm timid in front of the people I like, so I asked.

Nowadays, people dare not trust each other. After all, people's hearts are broken.

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