As Liu Xuan's voice fell, the two women in the back seat also noticed that Su Xun had blood on him.

The girl named Yaoyao was also a little scared.

Cao Tian, the co pilot, still looks the same.

Su Xun looked down and said in a casual tone: "I came from behind. I met two zombies and solved the problem. I had some blood on my body."

After hearing this, the four people on the bus looked at Su Xun in disbelief, even Zhou Tian.

"You killed those two zombies?" Zhou Tian asked calmly.

Su Xun grinned: "yes."

"That's great." Yao Yao's eyes have some worship.

Liu Xuan was not happy: "just with your mouth, who knows if it's true or false, in case your blood is caused by murder? We don't want to drive a gangster

"I think one of the zombies' heads has been cut open. Is there any crystal in it?" Cao Tian said lightly.

Su Xun directly took out the crystal nucleus: "the crystal nucleus of an intermediate zombie."

The reason why he didn't cover it up was that he knew he would not covet his own crystal nucleus by looking at the four people's clothes and their car.

Liu Xuan is embarrassed. Su Xun takes out the crystal nucleus, which shows that the two zombies were really killed by him.

"How about selling it to me?" Cao Tian looks at Su Xun with great interest.

A person can kill two zombies without being injured, and there are two intermediate zombies among them, which is not strong.

Su Xun was going to sell it, not to mention taking a ride, so he would not refuse.

But he said, "it's just a white crystal nucleus. It's a great favor for you to give me a lift. Just give it to you."

"Ha ha, I'm not bad at you, but you're bad, so I won't take advantage of you. Get in the car, the window is open, and the air conditioner in the car is invalid. It's very cold. My name is Cao Tian."

Cao Tian said with a smile, in addition to buying crystal nucleus, he had some other ideas in his heart, but he didn't show them.

"Thank you, brother Cao. My name is Su Xun."

Su Xun opened the back door, Yao Yao moved to the middle to make room for Su Xun.

"Thank you." Su Xun gave her a smile, then took off his bloody coat and lost it.

The main reason is that I don't want to see other people.

Seeing his action, Cao Tian's eyes were even more smiling.

Everyone likes people who can fight, have courage and brain.


Su Xun closed the door.

"This is my little brother Liu Xuan, my sister Yao Yao and my girlfriend Ye Qianqian."

Cao Tian made an introduction for Su Xun.

"My name is Su Xun. I really want to thank you this time. Otherwise, as soon as it gets dark, I'll have to account for more than 100 Jin of meat."

Su Xun said gratefully, and then handed the crystal nucleus to Cao Tian: "brother Cao."

"Here you are, at the market price, a thousand dollars." Cao Tian took Jinghe and handed him 1000 federal dollars.

After the reconstruction of the seven regions, it is still the mode of federalism, the military and political autonomy of each region, and the currency are unified.

One thousand federal dollars. Let's put it this way. Now a regular worker with a contract in the city is only five hundred dollars a month.

"Thank you, brother Cao."

Su Xun didn't show any affectation either. He said thanks and collected the money.

"You don't look muscular. How did you kill those two zombies?"

As the car starts again, Cao Yaoyao looks at Su Xun with an inquisitive look on her face.

Su Xun said casually, "when I was 13 years old, I have been living in the wild and wasteland. I have been practicing. I can't help it. If I can't kill zombies, I have to be killed by zombies."

Although he said it lightly, Yao Yao could imagine the hardships and sufferings.

"You've been out since you were 13. What about your parents?" Yao Yao asks curiously.

Su Xun was silent for a moment: "they were all dead. They were killed by zombies."

"Ah, I'm sorry, I..." Yao Yao was surprised, then a little flustered and sorry.

Su Xun shook his head: "it's OK. There's nothing I can't say. It's been so many years."

Yao Yao looks at Su Xun's young face. She really can't imagine that this man has gone through so many things.

They are all of the same age, but it seems that their lives are different from the beginning.

She felt sorry for Suxun and sympathized with him.

Liu Xuan saw this scene in his rearview mirror and was annoyed: "Yao Yao, there are many seven districts like him. It's normal."

Yao Yao felt thoughtful and ignored him.

"Drive well." See Liu Xuan for a while and then sweep a rearview mirror, Cao Tian scolded.

He is satisfied with Liu Xuan on the whole, but he is too jealous. He doesn't like it because of the chirping of a big man.

No wonder after Yao Yao for so long, Yao Yao didn't like him.Liu Xuan instantly counseled and drove as honestly as a primary school student, but he always wanted to look back, some of them were up and down.

Ye Qianqian said: "Su Xun, it's convenient to ask, what are you doing now?"

Cao Tian mouth up, he knows Ye Qianqian see his mind, this is to help him ask.

"There's nothing inconvenient. I'm working as a pawn in Wangjia village at present."

"How old are you this year?"

"Just twenty."

Then ye Qianqian asked several questions, and Su Xun answered them one by one. He also told some of his own experiences and so on.

Along the way, he had a good chat with ye Qianyao and exchanged phone calls.

However, his mobile phone was touched away, so he just used his head to record the phone calls of Ye Qianqian and Yao Yao.

But he'll never make that call.

Because he doesn't think they can go together, because they have different experiences and they have different things to do.

And he can also feel Liu Xuan's hostility to himself. He can't laugh or cry. I'm afraid I'll rob you of Yao Yao?

Is it because you are not confident in yourself or your Yao Yao?

Sure enough, licking dogs is everywhere.

It was Cao Tian who made Su Xun interested. He could feel that the other party had a military temperament, but he didn't speak like a pure military.

Two hours later, the car stopped at the edge of the road.

"Brother Cao, sister-in-law, thank you. You have a good journey. I'll go first."

Su Xun got out of the car and said goodbye to Cao Tian.

"Remember to call."

Yao Yao uses her fingers to make a phone call.

Ye Qianqian also said: "if you need any help, you can call me."

"Well, I'm sure I won't be polite that day." What Su Xun said was a polite word.

Watching the car leave, Su xuncai turns and walks to the brightly lit village not far away.

That's Wangjia village.

In the meantime, in the car.

"You want to recruit Sue?" Ye Qianqian asked.

Cao Tian nodded, did not deny: "there is that idea, you know I transferred to Seoul, went is a black, no one under his hand can't, Su Xun is very good, but he said not, still need to investigate his background."

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