Hearing that Cao Tian is going to recruit Su Xun to do something under his hand, Liu Xuan is in a hurry.

"Brother Tian, what can he do? He's a second rate bastard. He's not a good man. I'm familiar with Seoul. I'll help you if you want to find someone."

"Just like he said, when he was thirteen or fourteen, he went out to wander and hang out. If a child can live safely to the present, can he be a kind-hearted person? We don't need to get involved with this kind of people. "

As a senior licking dog who has been licking for several years, Liu Xuan knows Yao Yao very well. Yao Yao can understand each other's thoughts with one look.

No other, only heart and experience.

Seeing Su Xun's eyes changed several times from Yao Yao, he was on guard.

He knows very well that Yao Yao, a kind-hearted, idealistic girl who has never been in touch with the dark side of society and grew up in a honey pot, is not interested in high-end Western food and the so-called upper class society, because she has been used to it since she grew up.

On the contrary, Su Xun's life at the bottom that she had never touched aroused her interest. Because she had never experienced this kind of experience, she felt sympathy, curiosity and excitement.

And a woman's curiosity and sympathy for a man is the beginning of falling in love.

So Liu Xuan never wanted Su Xun and Yao Yao to have further contact.

Another reason is that he has always looked down upon these people at the bottom of society from the bottom of his heart. After all, everyone's class is different.

"Liu Xuan, what are you talking about? It seems that Su Xun didn't offend you." Yao Yao frowned and resented Liu Xuan's words: "what's the matter with his hands stained with blood? He was a child at that time. It's not easy for him to survive. If you throw away your thirteen years old, you can still live so much."

Yao Yao came back from studying in the four economically developed districts, full of justice and fantasizing about everything.

So she couldn't get used to Liu Xuan, who looked down on those people at the bottom of the society by his family background and identity, and felt that he was extremely philistine.

Feeling the disgust in Yao Yao's tone, Liu Xuan knows that he has made a mistake, that is, he should not show his hostility to Su Xun in front of her.

Because he knew Yao Yao, the more he spoke ill of Su Xun, the more he hated Yao Yao.

I haven't met this situation for a long time, so I just lost my sense of propriety.

Fortunately, Liu Xuan reacted quickly and said with a smile, "well, you know what I mean to you, so you're a little jealous. Don't worry about me."

At this time, we can't say "OK, my fault, OK." this kind of similar words, because it seems very perfunctory, and it's easier for women to disgust.

In reality, many men like to make this kind of mistake. Naturally, Liu Xuan won't. instead, he shows that he likes Yao Yao too much.

"Hum!" Yao Yao snorted and said nothing more.

Cao Tian shook his head slightly, took out a cigarette and lit it. He explained, "I'm going to work in Seoul. If I don't find villains, how can I deal with more villains?"

Liu Xuan understood that Su Xun's existence was Cao Tian's tool to break the situation. This kind of person wanted to be as ruthless as possible, and had brains.

"God, I'm not as much as you think." Although Liu Xuan was upset in his heart, he made a face of being taught.

This is a narrow-minded little Yin coin.

The black car sped away on the road and was engulfed by the darkness.

At this time, at seven in the evening, it was already dark.

On the other side, Su Xun also walked to the entrance of Wangjia village.

"Who, stop!"

Two young men with automatic steps in their hands stopped him with a hot breath.

The wild land is also bordered by wasteland, so every village and town will arrange night duty and patrol with guns.

Era 01 automatic rifle is the first rifle developed and produced after the establishment of the seven regions. Now it has been eliminated by the military and has become the main firepower of many forces.

"It's me, Su Xun."

Su Xun stood far away and cried.

Don't move around at this time, otherwise, if you can't tell the enemy from us, the person on duty will really shoot.

The next second, a bunch of glare light was shining on him, which made Su Xun squint subconsciously.

"It's Su Xun. Su Xun is back. Go and tell the village head!"

A watchman said a word to his companion.

Now is not the era ago. Don't underestimate the village head. The village head can pull out hundreds of villagers with guns to fight at any time.

Moreover, the village in the wild is autonomous. The village head is the local emperor in the village.

"What's the matter? How did you lose contact? Other people, goods, how did you come back alone?"

He sent his companions to inform the village head. The young man on duty went to Su Xun and asked several questions in succession.

"It's a long story. Take me to see the village head first."Su Xun waved his hand and didn't want to talk to a guy at the bottom of Wang's village.

Even though he belongs to the bottom now.

A few minutes later, Su Xun walked into the ancestral hall of Wangjia village.

At this time, the ancestral hall was full of people, but most of them were standing, with only three people sitting.

Sitting at the top of the table was a middle-aged man in a black long shirt, who was quite arrogant.

His name is Wang Li Li, the head of the clan of the Wangjia village. He is also the head of the whole Wangjia village.

Two middle-aged people were sitting in his hands, one was very fat, the other was very thin, and their faces were somewhat similar.

The fat man is Wang Shujun, the patriarch of Er Fang.

The thin one is Wang Shuqiang, the patriarch of Sanfang.

Wangjia village is not big, so it has only Sanfang village. 70% of the villagers are Wang, and the other 30% are settled people with different surnames.

The core power has always been in the hands of the Wang family. No matter how well Su Xun's work is done, he can't reach the core class.

These three sitting people represent the highest power of Wangjia village. Those standing are the second generation figures and important leaders of Wangjia village.

"Village head, uncle Jun, uncle Qiang."

Su Xun said hello to the three.

Wang Shujun answered with a smile like a Maitreya Buddha, while Wang Shuqiang didn't answer him.

The patriarch Wang Shili asked directly, "tell me, what's the matter?"

"Originally, it went well this time, but on the way back, I met Hu ziyong. He took people to rob our goods and kill our people."

Su Xun told the story simply and clearly.

After listening, none of them spoke.

"Hu ziyong? Are you kidding? Our Wangjia village has never been short of money to buy roads in recent years, and nothing has happened before. How can he suddenly rob our goods? "

A twenty-three-year-old said with a suspicious face.

His name is Wang Minghui. He is the only son of village head Wang Shili. He is proficient in eating, drinking, whoring and gambling. In short, he does everything except business.

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