"I don't know."

Su Xun shook his head.

"Ha ha." Wang Minghui gave a strange smile and looked at Su Xun coldly: "we have been living together with Hu ziyong for so many years. Nothing has happened before. You have only been here for a month, and this month something has happened. If Hu ziyong really did it, now that other people are dead, what does he want you to do when you come back alive? Did you come back to expose him? Don't you think that's a coincidence? "

After hearing Wang Minghui's words, many people in the ancestral hall looked at Su Xun in the wrong way.

Because Wang Minghui is right.

Why did Su Xun come back alive when everyone else died?

If Hu ziyong really did it, how could he let people come back alive to report?

"You doubt me?" Su Xun's eyebrows picked. He seemed to understand why Hu ziyong deliberately let him back.

In the memory of his identity, Wang Minghui was not so active and intelligent.

Wang Minghui stepped forward, put his hand on Su Xun's shoulder, and looked at him with a smile: "it's too coincident to be doubted."

Maybe he did it to show more momentum and pressure.

But it was the biggest mistake he made. He shouldn't have physical contact with Su Xun.

Su Xun used psychics to share each other's memory.

"Why don't you talk? You feel guilty, don't you?" Seeing that Su Xun was subdued by his own momentum, Wang Minghui was very satisfied. He turned to Wang Jianli and said, "Dad, second uncle and third uncle, it's very obvious."

"This boy has only been here for a month, and our goods have gone wrong. He must have colluded with other people to rob the goods. Then he deliberately came back to pour dirty water on Hu ziyong. In this way, they not only took the goods, but also provoked us to fight bravely with Hu ziyong. It can be said that his mind is sinister!"

A few people were so curious that they suddenly realized how Wang Minghui had changed his mind.

"That really makes sense. Maybe the boy came to our Wangjia village for the purpose of robbing the goods."

"Madder, it's a matter of death. It's up to our Wang family!"

"Those living materials are worth more than one million, not small money."

Others felt that Wang Minghui's inference was very reasonable. They agreed and clamored to chop Su Xun and feed him to the dog.

Seeing this scene, Wang Minghui's eyes flashed a successful color.

Wang Li Li didn't say a word, but his face became more gloomy. The hand holding the armrest of the chair turned white because of too much force.

Wang Shujun always looks like a smile. He looks at Wang Minghui with a smile but does not express his opinion.

Wang Shuqiang was always expressionless.

Wang Minghui sees his father's face getting more and more ugly. He knows that he is angry. He must be angry with Su Xun.

He released his hand on sutian's shoulder and looked at him coldly: "do you have anything else to say?"

Instead of paying attention to him, Su Xun looked at Wang Li, the first man with a gloomy face: "village head, I have a different idea, and there is evidence. Can you tell me?"

He has learned the truth of Hu ziyong's robbery from Wang Minghui's memory.

Wang Ming Hui is a bad gambler. In order to prevent him from gambling, his family won't give him money to go out to play, so he made a game of eating inside and outside, and joined hands with Hu ziyong to make his own goods. After that, he got three or seven points.

Finally, let Su Xun take the blame and everything will be OK.

The reason why Su Xun didn't tell the truth directly was that he knew that from the moment Wang Minghui stood up, Wang Shili and Wang Shujun and Wang Shuqiang had already seen something wrong.

Wang Ming Hui thought that he was very clever, but he didn't know that when he opened his mouth, he fell in front of the old fox.

If Su Xun tells the truth directly, Wang Jianli will be in danger in order to protect his son's face and reputation.

After all, it's taboo to collude with outsiders to kill one's own family.

Wang Li Li will never let his only son bear this charge.

So once Su Xun tells the truth, Wang Jianli will jump over the wall in a hurry, take advantage of Wang Minghui's conjecture, and then kill him decisively.

Without magic power and divine power, he can't choose a village alone.

On the contrary, if Su Xun didn't say it, it would be good for him. I'm good for you and everyone. He defended Wang Li's face. Wang Li owes him a favor.

And Wang Li Li will not attack him, because he is not forced to the corner, and has a choice, so he will not do so absolutely.

After all, Wang Shujun and Wang Shuqiang can also see that Wang Minghui is not right, and the relationship between the three rooms is not so harmonious.

It would be great for him to hurt the killer even when Su Xun sold him. The second room and the third room must have a gap with him, and the internal contradictions of the Wang family will definitely expand.

"What do you say when you step on the horse? Did I speak to you Seeing that Su Xun dared to ignore himself, Wang Minghui was furious.

"All right!" Wang Li Li yelled angrily, and the ancestral hall was quiet for a moment.Wang Li Li took a deep look at him, and then said, "it has nothing to do with Su Xun."

Hearing this, everyone was stunned. They thought Wang Minghui's analysis was very reasonable.

"Dad, how could..." Wang Minghui is in a hurry.

Wang set up a cold stare at him, scared him to swallow back the words behind.

"Go back and have a good rest. I know that the robbery has nothing to do with you." Wang Li Li looked at Su Xun and said calmly.

Su Xun nodded: "village head, uncle Jun, uncle Qiang, then I'll go first."

This time, Wang Shuqiang, who had previously ignored him, answered.

Su Xun turned and left.

Wang Minghui, Hu ziyong, the enemy is recorded in the small book first, and then I will come to work with you slowly.

He, Su Xun, will take revenge!

"You go first, too."

Wang said to others.

Although the crowd was full of fog, they all left one after another.

Wang Shujun gave Wang Minghui a smile when he left.

Wang Shuqiang also gave him a cold look when he left.

This makes Wang Minghui, who has already done a bad job, feel a little weak.

"Dad, then Then you go back and have an early rest, and I'll go first. " Wang Minghui, who is uneasy, wants to walk.

Because tonight's story goes beyond his script.

Wang set up a expressionless face waved: "you come here."

"Dad." Wang Minghui stepped forward carefully.


A ceramic teapot directly hit him on the head, split, tea mixed with blood flow all over his face.


Wang Minghui was almost knocked down directly, and staggered several steps back to stabilize his body.

"Dad, why are you beating me? I haven't been out gambling these days." Wang also felt aggrieved.

Without saying a word, Wang Li Li grabbed a strong bolt and beat Wang Ming Hui.

Wang Minghui fell to the ground soon.

"Ah! Dad, stop fighting. Stop fighting. "

The scream came from the ancestral hall, which made everyone wonder. I don't know where Wang Minghui angered his father.

But it's a habit for everyone, and I don't care.

Just listen to the scream, this time it seems to fight harder than before.

Only Wang Shujun and Wang Shuqiang know the reason why Wang Minghui was beaten.

The reason why they said it was clear was that they could infer from Wang Minghui's performance that the goods were robbed might be related to him and planted Su Xun.

But I don't know the more specific details.

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