The next day, the villagers of Wangjia village knew one thing.

Hu ziyong robbed those living materials.

All the people in the village were furious and clamored that Hu ziyong would take money from the road and rob the goods. He didn't know how to do it. He had to hit him and hurt him.

In the ancestral hall, it's the same people as yesterday.

Wang Minghui, with a black nose and a swollen face, is also here.

Su Xun was among them because he was the only witness, so he was allowed to attend the meeting.

"My idea is to talk to him first and see if we can get the goods back. If we don't get along with each other, we'll fight. Second and third, what do you think?"

Wang said calmly.

It seems that chubby brother Wang Shujun has no opinion on his face

"I don't mind either." Wang Shuqiang made a statement.

Both of them knew that the goods had something to do with Wang Minghui, so naturally they would not express their opinions at will. To fight, they were also the main force of Dafang.

"Well, that's settled. I'll call him and ask him out."

Wang Li Li's voice fell, took out his mobile phone and dialed Hu ziyong.

But he didn't turn on the speakerphone.

"Hu ziyong, you didn't do a good job. You robbed our Wang family's goods Give it back what? You really want to fight. Ha ha, you are very capable. "

Wang set up face gloomy hang up the phone, cold spit out a word: "hit."

"It's time to fight, mad. He's just a bad bandit. Why should I pay him?"

"That is, a charge drill, turn them over!"

"Uncle, how to beat you to talk, the old and young men of Wangjia village are always ready."

Wang Shujun and Wang Shuqiang did not say a word, but the young people were all enthusiastic and eager to try.

Wang Shili took a look at Wang Shujun and Wang Shuqiang and said, "this time, we will take the lead in Dafang and let Minghui follow. He is also a member of the Wang family and has to work hard."

This is what he explained to Wang Shujun and Wang Shuqiang.

I'm not sure, but I have to.

Secretly, he has told the people in the big room to protect Wang Minghui. After all, he is his only son.

"OK, let's fight. I'll go back and gather the team." The Maitreya like Wang Shujun was the first to leave.

Without any tactics, the team will attack directly, and everything depends on firepower.

It can also be seen that the Wang family has enough confidence.

Su Xun was also on the list. This time, most of the people who could fight in Wangjia village went to fight for the purpose of fighting against the bandits Hu ziyong.

Su Xun is going to kill Hu ziyong himself. By the way, let's see if he has a chance to kill Wang Minghui.

He doesn't like to delay revenge for a long time. Otherwise, he doesn't feel comfortable.

An hour later, five off-road vehicles and a dozen pickup engines roared out of Wangjia village.

There were more than 40 bandits in Hu ziyong's Gang, and more than 100 of them went to Wangjia village.


At the same time, from the No. 3 field of Wangjia village to a mountain in the wasteland 400 miles north.

There is a small cottage on the mountain.

This is where Hu ziyong lives.

"Mad, that fool Wang Minghui has missed more than one million yuan. Are you willing to return it?"

Hu ziyong glanced at a group of brothers below.

He is forty-two years old, full of beard, with a fierce breath.

"There's no reason to return the meat to the mouth. The money paid by the Wang family for buying roads is the same as sending beggars. This batch of goods can't be returned!"

"Yes, I don't believe that wangjiacun really dares to fight with us. It's just to talk to us."

"Even if we have to fight, we have nothing to be afraid of. If it's a big deal, we'll have to touch it."

"That is, what scenes have we not seen? I've beaten zombies and killed people. How many of them are in the Wang family? "

The crowd below is full of emotion. After all, despite their prestige, they are all wanted criminals who can't settle down in the city. More than one million, who doesn't care?

This is an era of daring to take risks for 1000 yuan, let alone the million yuan.

What's more, these are still living materials. If you sell them in a remote place, I'm afraid the number will go up.

Hu ziyong was not ready to return the goods. When he saw that a group of brothers were also hard hearted, he immediately roared: "that's dry!"

"Although we are not afraid of Wangjia village, we should pay more attention to it. We should strengthen vigilance."

"Don't worry, brother. Just give me a gun for those soft footed shrimps in Wangjia village. I'll fight ten of them one by one."

"When we were fighting for territory with zombies in the wasteland, the people in Wangjia village were still suckling."

There was a certain amount of arrogance in people's words, and they didn't pay attention to wangjiacun at all.

The main reason is that wangjiacun has paid the toll on time every time for so many years, leaving the impression that they are counsellors.So in their opinion, wangjiacun is just like this.

If you go to Wangjia village, you can get more than one million goods.


Two o'clock in the afternoon.

Wang village car directly off the road to the foot of the mountain occupied by Hu ziyong.

There were special watchmen on the mountain, so as soon as the car stopped, it was found.

"Mad, fight. When elder brother hears the gunshot, he naturally knows that the Wangs are coming."

One of the bandits said a word and pulled the trigger with a pistol.


One shot hit the door of the SUV.

In real society, without professional training, it is impossible for everyone to be a sharpshooter. Therefore, it is normal that several rounds of bullets fail to hit one person in the exchange of fire.

On the mountain, Hu ziyong, who heard the gunshot, ran down with people and came to the hillside to fight.

They want to control the battlefield on the hillside and at the foot of the mountain. After all, the village has been a family property for so many years that they don't want to be completely destroyed.

"Brother of Dafang, today we'll take the lead, press up and get the goods back!"

Wang Minghui, with a black nose and a swollen face, yells with a pistol. It looks like an ear in the black cat sheriff.

What he said is to press it up for me, not for me. There is a difference between the two.

People in wangjiacun rushed up with guns, looking for shelter and pulling the trigger.

"Kang Kang..."

"Dada dada..."

The sound of gunfire broke the silence of the wasteland.

"Kill them! Dry, dead leader, ten thousand dollars

Hu ziyong roared.

Hearing this, the bandits were in high spirits.


"Throw thunder!"


"Big brother, I'm afraid that all the people who can fight in wangjiacun are here. It's not for fun."

The second ran to Hu ziyong with gunfire and said.

When Hu ziyong saw so many people, he realized the seriousness of the matter, but it was too late.

He could only gnash his teeth and say, "it's OK. We have a geographical advantage. More people are beaten and killed, and the rest are naturally afraid It's a trough

He burst out with a rude remark.

Second, looking down the mountain, he saw four men carrying a single rocket launcher aiming at the mountainside.

"Step on the horse and lie down!"

"Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom

Four rockets roared in, dust and corpses flew together, and several trees were directly broken.

The bandits in the tinnitus were confused.

I'm a grass mud horse. What a grudge! Didn't I rob a batch of living materials? Is it necessary to bombard us with a rocket launcher?

This is showing off the rich.

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