Outside the district is a place of chaos where there is no law.

When fighting, automatic stepping, micro charging, even machine guns and grenades often appear.

But guns are different.

Guns and guns are two different things.

It's easy to get guns with money, but if you don't have a way, you can't get guns.

Not to mention a rocket launcher.

In order to fight Hu ziyong for one time, the Wang family took out this kind of heavy firepower and directly confused Hu ziyong and others.

Four rockets, the bandits were killed on the spot, turned over eight.

Within three minutes of the fighting, 12 bandits had been killed in a bandit's den with only over 40 people.

Although a lot of people died in Wangjia village, there were many of them, and their firepower was strong enough.

"Big brother, what should we do? We can't go on fighting hard. The Wangs have even got the rocket launcher, so our geographical advantage will not be dominant."

Old three also came over, he was shot in the arm, is bleeding, no mind.

They dare to fight with the Wangs. First, they make a wrong estimate of the strength of the Wangs. Second, they rely on their geographical advantages and many ruthless people.

However, within the range of the rocket launcher, the geographical advantage disappears. No matter how hard the person is, he may be able to carry the gun, but he can't carry the shell.

"Brothers of the Wangs at the foot of the mountain, can you talk about..." Hu ziyong also knew that he could not continue to fight.


Before he finished, a bullet flew over his head.

"Talking about you in malagobi, if you don't do it or die, you are all sorry for the fuel cost of running so far."

"Rocket launcher ready, let go!"

"Boom boom..."

"The people of the Wang family are pushing up and burying them all on the mountain today."

"Dada dada..."

"Kang Kang --"

under the cover of the rocket launcher, Hu ziyong and a group of bandits were beaten so hard that they could not even fight back.

It's not a matter of strength, it's a gap in firepower, so it's more frustrating.

"No way, brother. Run, or we'll have to explain it here."

Looking at the death of more and more brothers, the second urgent roar said.

"Mad, if I don't die today, sooner or later, I will destroy the Wang family, drive to the mountains, separate and drill into the woods until dark."

Hu ziyong reluctantly gave the order to retreat. At this time, there were only 28 people left.

More than 20 bodies were left on the hillside, many of them incomplete and all of them were killed by explosion.

"If they want to run after me, they will stare at Hu ziyong and fight!"

The first time he took part in such a large-scale exchange of fire, Wang Minghui was so enthusiastic that he seemed to have become a general. He felt that the whole person was on fire.

Regardless, with the big room several people in charge of protecting him rushed in front.

If Su Fei gets shot, he can't catch up with everyone.

"Kang Kang..."

"Dada - dada..."

Hu Zifang and others ran to separate their families.

After all, since this kind of thing has been done, we should cut down the grass roots, otherwise we will have endless troubles.

Wang Minghui stares at Hu ziyong. He follows six people, and Su Xun is seven.

Hu ziyong was injured in two hands.

Wang Minghui glanced at Su Xun in the right rear, with a sneer on his lips.

Although Wang Li Li said that he couldn't fight Su Xun.

However, Wang Minghui thinks that such a good opportunity will be wasted if he doesn't kill him.

He worried that Su Xun would threaten him with the so-called evidence one day, so he had to get rid of it quickly.

But he didn't worry. He killed Hu ziyong first. He was the one who was dealing with himself face to face.

However, Su Xun and he had the same idea.

"Wang Minghui, can't you give me a way to live by stepping on the horse? Believe it or not, I'll shake out all the things you've done!"

Hu ziyong roared as he ran and shot back without looking back.

"Kang Kang -"

a man beside Wang Minghui was shot and fell to the ground.

"Trying to frame me for my life? See who will believe you, Hu ziyong. You're dead. "

After his father's education, Wang Minghui was not afraid of the threat of Hu ziyong.

"Grass Mud Horse, you people, your heart is dirty."

Listening to Wang Minghui's righteous words, Hu ziyong couldn't help scolding his mother.

"Kang Kang -"

another man fell down beside Wang Minghui, and there were four left, one of them was shot in the shoulder.


Suddenly, a bullet hit Hu ziyong's right leg and screamed. He lost his balance and fell to the ground."Big brother, get up quickly."

The second and third quickly went back to help him.

"Leave me alone, run, run!"

Looking at the two people, he shouts with pain.

Second and third hesitated.

It's the time of hesitation that makes them lose their last chance.

"Kang -"

"Kang Kang -"

several bullets shot in the past, and the third man was hit in the middle of the eyebrow by Su Xun and died on the spot.

The second was also shot, covering his belly and lying on the ground.

"Grass Mud Horse, I'll fight with you!"

The second bit his teeth and scolded angrily. He stood up and raised his gun.

"Kang Kang -"

before he could pull the trigger, several bullets had passed through him.

The second man's eyes were wide open and his body fell to the ground slowly.


The moment he fell to the ground, he pulled the trigger, but the bullet was fired into the sky.

"Old three! Second

Looking at the tragic death of the two brothers, Hu ziyong, who was shot in the leg, had a shrill voice and burst into tears.

"It's OK, Hu ziyong. Don't cry. I'll send you down to accompany them now."

Wang Minghui hid behind a stone and yelled from a distance.

After all, Hu ziyong still had the power to resist, and when he fell to the ground, they couldn't see him and didn't dare to rush forward.

"Wang Minghui of grass mud horse, the most damned is you."

Hearing Wang Minghui's voice, Hu ziyong broke down and shot several times.

"Boom - Da ~"

with the clear sound of impact, he had no bullets.

"He's out of bullets. Hit him!"

Wang Minghui was delighted. A group of people rushed directly behind the bunker with guns. They saw Wang Minghui dragging his injured right leg to reach for the second gun.


Wang Minghui's side pulled the trigger.


Hu ziyong screamed. He was ready to take the gun, and his right hand was directly pierced by the bullet, dripping with blood.

"Hey, Hu ziyong, it's time for you to go."

Wang Minghui smiles cruelly, and slowly raises his gun to Hu ziyong's head.


At the sound of the gun, Hu ziyong was hit in the head by a bullet, his pupils lost focus, and died.

But the gun was not fired by Wang Minghui.

Wang Minghui was stunned. He suddenly looked back at Su Xun, and his pupils narrowed.

Su Xun held the pistol and said faintly:

"he has to die in my hand, so do you."

"I'll remember in my next life that I'm very careful, and I'll always report my flaws."

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