"Su Xun, what are you doing?"

While Su Xun aimed the gun at Wang Minghui, the four people around him also aimed the gun at him.

They didn't expect Su Xun to do this all of a sudden.

Wang Minghui's face turned white and his heart was flustered, but he still pretended to be calm: "Su Xun, my Wang family treats you well. You can't get revenge for kindness."

He didn't expect that he hadn't started yet. Su Xun started first, which caught him off guard.

He had just seen Su Xun's shooting method. Now he didn't dare to move, and he didn't dare to take risks.

"Not to your mother, I worked for you, but you brought me to carry the pot?" Su Xun scolded impolitely and was aimed at by four guns. He was still a steady group.

Hearing Su Xun's words, the four people around Wang Minghui frowned slightly, but the hand holding the gun didn't shake at all.

After all, they are members of the Wang family. They don't know what happened, but they will only stand on Wang Minghui's side.

Wang Minghui swallowed a mouthful of saliva: "Su Xun, you shot me, today you can't leave, so, you take the gun away, I let you go."

"Seriously?" Su Xun's eyebrows picked, and then he was suspicious: "you lost your gun first."

"Well, to show my sincerity, I'll lose it." Wang Minghui did not hesitate to throw the gun away. After all, Su Xun pointed the gun at his head. It was useless for him to have a gun in his hand.

What's more, he still had four guns aimed at Su Xun, and he was not afraid of Su Xun's trouble.

Hold the bastard down first. As long as he is safe, he will be shot.

But at the moment when he lost his gun, the gun had not landed, and the gun in susian's hand rang.

"Kang Kang Kang --"

four shots in a flash.

All four of Wang Minghui's men were shot in the middle of their eyebrows and fell to the ground with a look of consternation and reluctance in their eyes.

They don't have time to react.

How can there be such a fast gun in the world? Even people who take fortified medicine can't reach the shooting speed.

It can only be said that they thought too much. On the Earth similar to the blue star before the era, there was a foreigner who shot twice in a few seconds from drawing to shooting. (it's true. If you're interested in it, you can search the video online. It's amazing.)

Wang Minghui was also muddled. He didn't react until the four fell to the ground. He wanted to pick up the pistol he had just thrown away.


This time his palm was punched through.

"Ah, ah

Wang Minghui let out a scream, covered by the bullet hole, his bloody right hand curled up on the ground and wailed.

"Let me carry the pot? I'll let you die. "

Su Xun stepped on his body and looked down at him with a gentle smile. The muzzle of the gun was aimed at his dog's head.

"No, don't kill me, kill me, my dad My father won't let you go. He has only one son. He won't let you go... "

Looking at the black muzzle of the gun, Wang Minghui, who had been excited by the battle, was scared to death and cried like a 180 Jin child. He was so miserable.

"Thank you for caring about me when you are dying. Don't worry. If I kill you, I will break up with you. I'm sorry. I'm a scum man."

As the voice fell, Su Xun pulled the trigger and saw him off with a fixed smile on his face.

After all, if people are dying, don't shake your face. You are as kind as him.

"Kang Kang Kang..."

The continuous gunfire rang out in the forest. Until the bullets were finished, Wang Minghui had already changed his face and his head was broken.

"It's not your fault to be silly, but it's a big mistake to think others are as silly as you are."

Su Xun scolded, wiped the fingerprints on the gun, threw them away, and then quickly disappeared in the mountains. He still had a gun at his waist.

Many people saw him go into the mountain with Wang Minghui.

What's more, Wang Minghui died so miserably. At first sight, he knew it was retaliatory body whipping shooting at close range.

In addition, Wang Minghui framed him.

So Wang Li Li will definitely doubt him, find him and take revenge for his son.

As for the evidence?

In recent years, public security officers do not necessarily talk about evidence when handling cases. Can they expect Wang to talk about evidence?

Since Su Xun started to kill, he was ready to be avenged by Wang.

With his skill and accomplishment, it's not so easy for the Wang family to kill him as soon as they enter the city.

Although the public security in the city today is not as strict as before, the private armed forces certainly dare not gather hundreds of people in the city to attack each other with guns as they do outside the district.

The most dangerous thing in the city is to use a grenade or something. It's something that the outlaws dare to do. If they do one vote, they will run away, regardless of the consequences.

In general, large-scale conflicts are solved with cold weapons, and only small fights and minor disturbances are carried out.If you dare to be like this outside the District, you're hitting the government. Hehe, can't you be a special police officer in the public security system?

What's more, even if the security system can't work out and the garrison is directly allowed to enter the pass, even the most desperate people have to kneel down and shout for their father, and then wait to die.

So as long as Su Xun enters the city, when the younger brother of the Wang family comes, he will destroy one and come to a group, and then he will run away.

In about twenty minutes.

The rest of the Wang family found it.

I saw Wang Minghui's body on the ground.

To tell you the truth, if it wasn't for the familiarity with Wang Minghui and the clothes, I would have hardly recognized him.

"This It's a big deal. "

The head of a two rooms over there says dryly.

No one else spoke.

Wang Minghui is the only son of Wang Jianli.

Before Wang set up as the head of the village, he led a team to rob the mine with people and was injured below, so he lost his fertility.

So Wang Ming Hui is his life, root, now Wang Ming Hui died so miserably, Wang Ming Hui is afraid to be crazy.

"Take the body back first. No matter who it is, I'm afraid it won't stop."

At half past six in the evening, the Royal ancestral hall.

Wang Minghui's body is in the yard.

Wang Li Li stood quietly beside the body and said nothing.

But it is this performance that really makes everyone palpitating.

"Uncle, someone said that when they saw Su Xun and Ming Hui go into the mountain together, everyone died, so Su Xun disappeared."

Three room a leader is a person to stand up to say.

"Look for it." Wang Li Li spat a word out of his teeth.

Then the body a stagger, in front of a black, directly fainted in the past.

After all, he failed to hold on.

"Village head!" "Uncle!" "Big brother!"

The ancestral temple courtyard is a mess.

At this time, Su, the culprit of Wang's fainting, has come to Seoul.

"What are you doing, ID card."

He was stopped by the soldiers at the checkpoint.

There are four entrances and exits in Seoul, each of which is equipped with a card and a platoon of troops.

"Brother, my sister is going to have a baby. I came from other places all night."

Su Xun handed over his ID card.

When he became an adult, he dealt with the ID card. There was no need for a ticket to do this. It was just for the convenience of population statistics and management. All districts encouraged him to do it.

And with the ID card to buy a residence permit, this is a necessary prerequisite.

You can enter the city with ID card, but you can't buy real estate in the city without residence card.

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