Cao Tian takes Su Xun and Meng Hai into the director's office in the office building.

It's a large independent room with air conditioning and rest room.

So regardless of the age, ordinary people can't live any longer, and they can't suffer these rich and powerful people.

"Close the door and sit down."

As soon as he entered the office and turned on the air conditioner, Cao Tian took off his coat.

With the advent of Cataclysm, the global climate is either hot or cold.

It's better in the district. Women can wear skirts at least during the day. When the temperature drops sharply at night, they can wear skirts when they go out. That's beautiful and frozen.

After closing the door, Su Xun sat down on the sofa, but Meng Hai was quite familiar with him and walked around the office with his hands on his back.

"I just arrived yesterday, and I'm not responsible for several things in Sili, so you may be excluded at the beginning, and you'll have to suffer a little bit."

Cao Tian sat on the chair and gave them a shot first.

Meng Hai flicked his elegant traitor's head and said: "brother Cao, as the son of the richest man in our village, I have only eaten sugar since I was young. I'm afraid I can't get used to suffering. If I suffer, I have to do it. He has to rob his sugar."

"There's personality." Cao Tian expressed his admiration, and then said, "don't take the initiative to look for trouble, but don't give advice. I'm the boss of this department after all."

"Don't worry, brother Cao." Su Xun showed a harmless smile, like a simple big boy.

Cao Tian yawned: "you can go to the criminal investigation team and do a good job. As long as you have the credit, there is absolutely no resistance when it comes to inspectors in a month."

He once again expressed his deep background.

After the new era, the management system was different from that before the new era. For example, the criminal investigation team was not only in charge of criminal cases, but also in charge of public security.

It belongs to the group with the largest number of policemen, so there are two criminal investigation groups, one special police group, one anti drug group and one economic investigation group in a department of public security.

"What should I do if I want to be the director general?" Su Xun blinked at Cao Tian.

Cao Tian said with a smile: "then you have to do more meritorious service. Let me be promoted first, so that I can make room for you."

"Well, I'll go and catch the Zombie King and come back tonight. Let me be the director directly." Meng Haihu said a word.

Cao Tian did not continue to talk, picked up the phone on the table to call out.

"Hello, Cao Si, this is the first criminal investigation team."

There are two criminal investigation teams, one and two.

The first group governs the first and second teams, and the second group governs the third and fourth teams.

"Is captain jocelli there?" Cao Tian asked.

"Cao Si, team Qiao is not here. He has taken people out."

"Well, there are two martyrs in the first team. Haven't they made up for it? I'll make it up for them and let a team of people come to my office to pick it up. " Cao Tian finished and hung up.

Although the group leaders and directors didn't like to see him when they first arrived, these ordinary police officers still have to be respectful.

Before people came, Cao Tian told Su Xun and Meng Hai about the current situation in the Public Security Department of Yu'an district.

Qin Fen, the former director general, is most likely to be promoted.

But Cao Tian suddenly parachuted Qin Fen, so Qin Fen was very upset about it.

In addition to the special police group, the leaders of the other four groups are all Qin Fen's people.

The reason why Cao stood here was that he was a brother of the special police team.

However, the special police group is quite special. As a trump card, its firepower is powerful, but it can't give Cao Tian much help in fighting for the right to speak in Sili.

That's why he needs to cultivate his own people.

"That's the situation. It depends on the skills of both of you."

Cao Tian looked at Su Xun and Meng Hai and said.

"Dong Dong..."

There was a knock at the door.

Cao Tian said, "come in."

"Director of the report, Xie Feng, the third level security officer of the first criminal investigation team, was ordered to welcome the new colleagues back."

Ordinary public security officers are divided into one to three grades, representing different salaries and benefits.

In addition to meritorious service, they can also be promoted by their seniority. They can be promoted to one level a year, and three years later, they will be three or three levels of public security officers.

The new recruits like Su Hai and Meng Hai are just like this.

"Go ahead." Cao Tian nodded to Su Xun and Meng Hai.

Su Xun and Meng Hai get up and follow Xie Feng out of the director's office.

"Take one, man?"

Meng Hai took out a cigarette from his pocket and handed it to him. He wanted to set it up.

Did not expect Xie Feng cold face swept the cigarette that he handed over one eye, lukewarm say: "I am a common public security officer is not used to this kind of good cigarette."

Meng Hai's hand was a little embarrassed. He pursed his lips and took the cigarette back.Xie Feng didn't take them to get familiar with the departments and buildings in the Department, so he took them to the dormitory of a criminal investigation team.

The dormitory is very big. There are five double beds in each dormitory, that is to say, each team has one dormitory.

Three people in the dormitory are playing cards with their bare arms.

See Xie Feng take two people to come in, is to stop the action in the hand one after another.

"Brother Feng, just these two guys crowded the positions of Dafei and Erfei?"

A small Flathead looked at Su Xun and Meng Hai with poor eyes.

Obviously, like Cao Tian, they have also squeezed other people's positions.

Xie Feng said: "don't talk nonsense. These two members are the team members that the director of the Bureau has personally added to us. At first glance, they have unique skills. They are definitely not ordinary people. We should pay more attention to them."

It's not easy for him to have two vacancies. As the right arm of the first team leader, Joe Kerry, it took him a lot of effort to see the hope of putting his two cousins into the Department of public security.

As a result, at this time, suddenly two people fell down and let him draw water yesterday. The gifts and dinner money these days were wasted.

In this way, it was strange that he could have a good look at Su Xun and Meng Hai.

"Stunt? It's not true. It's not true

A young man with a short inch lost his cigarette end and looked at Meng Hai with a smile: "brother, the head shape is very personal. What unique skills do you have? Just in time, you two can perform some ancient unique skills, such as old, tree root, old, Han cart, Guanyin seat, lotus and so on."

"Ha ha ha ha..."

The other three people, including Xie Feng, all burst into laughter and their eyes were full of banter.

"Good." Meng Hai nodded and looked at the young man with a smile: "but I'm not used to acting with men. I'd better call your mother and call her. She and I have been partners for more than ten years. It's easy to use. As soon as we fart, your mother will know what posture I want to change."

His voice fell, and the laughter in the bedroom stopped abruptly.

"I'm going to blow up the thorn as soon as I come here."

The young man with a short inch is very angry and reaches for Meng Hai's collar.


Before he touched Meng Hai, Su Xun kicked him out and hit him heavily on the iron bedstead.

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