Xie Feng smashed on the bedstead, then fell to the ground, and was directly kicked by this foot.

"Brother Feng, are you OK, brother Feng?"

Help the other four.

"Damn them Xie Feng gnashed his teeth and spat out four words.

The four helped Xie Feng to the bed and sat down. Then they took out their batons and rushed to Su Xun and Meng Hai.

They have to bear to be new people.

But Su Xun and Meng Hai were so reckless that they were all angry.

When Laozi are new people, they can only bear it. Why can't you two?

So ah, some people, even if they can't, can't see others resist.

"Mad, look who does it and who dies."

Meng Hai had never practiced martial arts or experienced systematic combat training, but his momentum seemed stronger than that of Su Xun. Without hesitation, he met him and held a man's waist. They rolled to the ground to fight.

"Hoo -"

when the baton roared, Su Xun easily dodged, grabbed the baton and kicked it out.


A security officer flew out, but the baton was left in Su Xun's hand.

Su Xun held a baton and hit the other two people directly. They didn't even have a chance to fight back. The baton said hello to him.

He has a sense of propriety. The bottom line is that as long as he can't fight to death, he will fight to death.

If you don't do it, you don't do it. If you do it, you will hurt each other at one time.

In the corner, Meng Hai and cuntou youth are rolling on the ground, as if no one can help them.

Suddenly Meng Hai bit the young man in the ear.


Cuntou youth didn't expect such dirty moves. He screamed and almost subconsciously released Meng Hai.

Then Meng Hai quickly got up, picked up a baton from the ground and said hello to each other.

After five or six minutes of fighting, the four security officers curled up on the ground and shivered. Only then did Su Xun and Meng Hai stop.

"Ah, OK?"

Su Xun looked at Xie Feng on the bed and said a word of English. He was very grounded.

"Boy, you have the ability to go on like this all the time."

Although he was a little scared in his heart, Xie Feng, as an old oilseed, knew that his heart could be empty, but his mouth must be firm.

"Thank you very much. This dress won't let you down."

Su Xun patted him on the face, and his eyes were taunting.

Meng Hai directly went up to bed his hair: "smelly silly beep, you still want me to lock my throat. Look at your hairstyle. It's like NIMA's reform through labor prisoners. Give us back our prestige, and don't pee. Look in the mirror. In front of your uncle and second uncle, are you powerful?"

In his view, mattress hair is already the most dangerous trick in the world.

Xie Feng's face was blue and white, and his heart was full of humiliation and anger, but he could only bear it with his unyielding eyes.

The more Meng Hai locks his throat, the more he pinches his hair.

These movements are not painful, but they are particularly humiliating.

"Boy, you are going to live in this dormitory in the future."

Xie Feng is really unbearable, red eyes, shortness of breath, teeth biting threat.

"Pa Da!"

Meng Hai took out the key to the villa in his pocket: "do I need to squeeze my bedroom with you poor people? I live in a villa, dashabi. Do you see that? "

Su Xun had the impulse to take off his shoes and pull out the soles of his shoes.

It's too cheap.

"Well, poverty limits their imagination. Let's go." Su Xun said to Meng Hai.

Meng Hai threw the traitor's head, put up a middle finger to Xie Feng, and left behind Su Xun.

Staring at the back of two people, Xie Feng's eyes reveal a touch of resentment.

"Brother Feng, are these two grandchildren Cao Si's relatives so crazy?"

Cuntou youth wiped the blood on the corner of his mouth and got up from the ground.

Xie Feng said coldly, "so what? Now Si Li has the final say, he is just a mere skeleton. He will not be able to stay away until he can't afford to stay.

After that, he stopped for a moment, gritted his teeth and said: "this matter, we can't forget it like this!"

"Wind elder brother, otherwise tell Qiao team, let Qiao team deal with them." A young man had an idea.

Xie Feng glared at him: "are you stupid, five people, bullied by two new comers? Do you think it's very glorious?"

"Well What should I do? That little white face can fight. " The young man who was scolded said it weakly. Thinking of Su Xun, he felt his face hurt again.

Xie Feng's eyes twinkled with cold light: "if you can fight again, you'll be two new comers. This Yu'an district can make them turn the sky."

…………"Go to the villa first?"

In the corridor, Meng Hai has a big heart and doesn't take the conflict seriously at all.

Su Xun rolled his eyes and said, "go and get these clothes first. Today is our first day at work. We dare to run around. Isn't this an excuse to give to others?"

"Damn, the grandson just now is not ready to take us to get supplies. We can't find them ourselves." Meng Hai swears and has no quality.

Su Xun ignored him and stopped a clerk: "brother, please ask where the logistics department is. We are new recruits. Let's get some clothes."

"New? Go to the third floor and turn right. " The clerk looked at Su Xun and left.

Su Xun took Meng hai to the third floor and found the office of the director of logistics department. After signing, he received two sets of uniforms, batons and guns.

Now the police officers are always equipped with guns, because the danger is too high.

After receiving the clothes and police equipment, they are ready to go back to their dormitory, because they have to wait for Xie Feng to arrange tasks for them.

can't help it. Joe has the final say.

"Ma De, that boy will definitely get revenge for himself. I really don't want to see him, or tell brother Cao?"

Put on a new uniform, Meng Hai also looks like a non mainstream rascal, and has not changed his temperament.

Su Xun thought that this guy was easy to destroy the positive image of the public security officer in the people, and he was a traitor who was involved in the people's ranks.

"Ask brother Cao for everything. What does he do when he puts us in the Department of public security? It's for the two of us to help. He didn't find two dads for himself. "

Su Xun said a word without salt and salt, and he had already entered the dormitory of the first team of the criminal investigation team.

In the dormitory, Xie Feng's five people are smearing safflower oil on each other, and the scene is full of philosophy.

Seeing Su Xun and Meng Hai, the five men immediately got up and watched them warily.

"You You're not finished, are you

Xie Feng stammered, trying to be tough, but it's too hard.

Su Xun said faintly, "you haven't assigned us a task. What are we responsible for?"

It seems that Su Xun is here to give them a task.

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