Xie Feng remembered that he still had the right.

"The new comer is in charge of night patrol for three consecutive days, from 11 p.m. to 7 a.m.," he said

"Then you can rest during the day, right?" Su Xun asked.

Xie Feng wanted to say that he had to be on duty in the superintendent during the day, but after thinking about Su Xun's fist, he finally swallowed it back: "yes."

The other four looked at each other. When they first came here, they were on the day shift and the night shift for three consecutive days.

In the heart all can't help but scold Niang, scold Xie Feng this bullying dog thing.

"All right, you go on."

Su Xun nodded and left with Meng Hai.

Xie Feng scolded something in a low voice, then took out his mobile phone and called out: "Xiaozi, take your people to do something for me tonight..."


After leaving the Department of public security, Su Xun went to buy a mobile phone. After all, the original mobile phone was taken away by the bandits Hu ziyong.

Hu ziyong paid the price of his life for this.

"You go to see the villa, I won't go. I'll find a place to rent a house."

Su Xun said to Meng Hai.

"If I want to live together, why, I'm afraid I'll burst into your room in the middle of the night, Ju?" Meng Hai put his arms around Su Xun's shoulder.

Su Xun felt a chill and nodded: "yes."

"Shit, then I'll go." Meng Hai saw that Su Xun really didn't want to live with him, so he waved and left.

Su Xun inquired about where there was a house to rent nearby, and then came to a street behind the Department of public security.

He has only one demand for the house, which is cheap.

All the houses in this street are self built houses with courtyard. They haven't been demolished yet. The rent is 200 yuan a month. You can take home appliances and get a bag to live in.

His salary in the Department of public security is 600 per month, and he can only consume this kind of house.

No matter what age, the house is so expensive, including the rent.

Su Xun signed a contract for half a year at one time, and the rent was paid quarterly. In the face of Su Xun's uniform, there was no deposit.

In this way, Su Xun had a home in the seventh district.


Eleven in the evening.

Su Xun and Meng Hai were in uniform, driving Sili's patrol car around Yu'an district.

After the era, it is not as chaotic as before. At this time, there are not many people in the street.

Only those entertainment places, such as night shows, are still crowded and bustling.

"The city is busier than our village. There are so many shops open at night."

In the driver's seat, Meng Hai was driving, his eyes swept over the little sisters' silk and stockings at the gate of the night show.

"Nonsense, can the villages outside the district compare with the cities in the district?" Su Xun was speechless. Meng Hai's brain circuit was always strange.

They just stroll around and get familiar with the streets in Yu'an District, which is helpful for them to handle cases in the district in the future.

It was two o'clock in the evening.

At this point, even the entrance of the entertainment place is deserted.

Two people drive the car over and over the streets, it seems a little bleak and lonely.

"Why don't you find a place to play? Nothing will happen tonight."

Meng Hai's character of jumping off is too lonely to bear. His mind is full of Naizi of those little sisters just at the gate of the night show, ready to move.

"Find a restaurant that's not closed for supper."

Su Xun didn't want to go shopping like this. He was almost carsick after riding on his horse.

"What's the snack? I'll invite you to eat Naizi at the night show." Meng Hai went directly to the nearest night show, and he remembered the location of these shows in his mind.

He is also famous for saying that these places are the most chaotic and prone to crime, all for his work.

"Buzz -"

at this moment, accompanied by a burst of engine noise, an off-road vehicle came from the opposite side.

Meng Hai didn't care.

"Shua -"

suddenly, the car opposite turned on its high beam, which interfered with the sight of Meng Hai and Su Xun.

"Rush through." Su Xun called out.

You can't panic or stop at this time, because the other party is obviously coming for them.

Meng quickly lowered his head and stepped on the accelerator to the end. The patrol car sped up.

A man sticking out of the back window of the SUV pulled the trigger at the patrol car with a gun.

"Kang Kang..."


When the gun hit, the window glass was directly broken. Su Xun and Meng Hai were not hit because they lowered their heads, but the flying glass debris also hurt them.

"Boy, this is Yu'an, you have to obey the rules, or the next bullet will not hit the window."

The shooter yelled, then backed in and the SUV sped away."Step on the horse, turn around and catch up."

Su Xun wiped the bloodstain cut by the glass slag on his face and said with gnashing teeth.

Meng Hai didn't hesitate. His driving skill was very good. He turned around and accelerated. Then he said, "it's too far away, and the car's performance is different. Our car can't catch up with him."

"It's OK, you just chase, as long as I can see the tires of the SUV."

Su Xun pulled out the pistol, loaded it and said coldly.

"You are a sharpshooter."

Meng Hai joked that he didn't think it was so far away. In the state of movement, Su Xun could use a police pistol to puncture the tires of the SUV.

However, seeing Su Xun's cold expression, he knew that it was useless, so he chased at full speed.

"Brother Xiao, those two security officers seem to be catching up."

In the off-road vehicle, the driver saw the flashing lights of the patrol car from the rearview mirror.

"Mad, you can't be shameful, big brother. Just do it. They'll die."

A young man with yellow hair on the co pilot said.

In the back row, the young man who just shot at him glared at him: "it's OK to do Xie Feng a favor, but for the sake of his charge of killing police, do you think I'm crazy?"

After that, he added: "if it's jocelli, he's in the position of deputy group leader. He's really promoted. He can take care of our business more."

"I'll talk about it." Huang Mao gave a smile.

Chen Xiao yawned: "throw the nail down and let them repair the tire slowly."

"All right." Huang Mao gave a grim smile and poured a box of triangle nails out of the window.

This kind of nail can pierce the tire.

At this moment, two shots were fired.

The driver just wanted to make a joke. The next second, the off-road vehicle blew up its tire and lost its balance. It skidded for a long time. It crashed into a car on the side of the road and stopped.

"Lying trough, shooting is so good."

Huang Mao shook his head and said something in shock.

"Well, NIMA, since they have to die, let them die in honor."

Chen Xiao rubbed his forehead on the front seat, flashed a fierce light in his eyes, put his gun out of the window and fired several shots at the patrol car.

"Kang Kang..."

At the same time, taking advantage of this opportunity, he opened the door on the other side and rolled down. Then, under the cover of the car body, he fired and forced the patrol car to stop.

Su Xun and Mei pangzi also kicked open the car door as a cover, and then got off and used the car door as a shelter to fight back.

"Kang Kang..."

Bursts of gunfire broke the silence of the night.

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