
Huang Mao fell to the ground with a scream. His heart was bleeding and his mouth was bleeding.

He screamed the most in the car just now, and now he died the fastest.

"Damn it

Looking at the Yellow haired body, Chen Xiao couldn't help saying something rude.

"Brother, don't you think Xie is just two new recruits? This kind of shooting and mentality is like a rookie. "

The driver didn't even dare to stretch out his head. He only dared to raise his hand over his head and shoot at random. In his heart, he said hello to the eighteen generations of Xiefeng.

"It's not far from the Department of public security. I must be shocked. Send a text message to Xie Feng and ask him to lead the team. Otherwise, we'll die. We won't die in the hands of the two guys on the opposite side, and we'll have to be caught by other public security officers."

Chen Xiao clenched his teeth and said that he had changed another cartridge clip, which was also the last one.

Because in his opinion, threatening two new recruits is just a matter of great importance to bring a spare clip.

But now it seems that this spare clip is obviously not enough.

The driver sent a short message to Xie Feng in a panic.


In the dormitory, Xie Feng, who received the text message, suddenly got up: "all get up, check the equipment and set out."

As soon as his voice fell, he walked out of the bedroom.

I can't help but scold Chen Xiao for being a waste. I can't do such a small thing well. Now that I'm being held up, I have to ask myself for help.

But Xie Feng had to go again, because their interests were deeply involved.

Walking out of the dormitory building, I saw that the two groups and four teams on duty tonight began to gather and prepare to go to the police. It was obvious that someone had already called the police.

"Team Liu, let's go out this time. I just received the message from the informant."

Xie Feng said to Liu Ming, the leader of the fourth team.

"Well, since I'm your informant, I won't take credit from you."

Liu Ming agreed without hesitation. First, everyone had a good relationship. Second, he didn't want to take risks.

After all, he is 40 this year. He has no chance of promotion. He just wants to retire smoothly, and he doesn't want to be shot again.

"Thank you, team Liu. Let's go back and have a rest. I'll be the host some other day. Let's not say more. Let's go to the police first."

Two minutes later, a police car pulled the alarm bell and drove out of Yu'an district.


At the end of Dongtang street.

In the face of Su Xun's general accurate head and Meng Hai's random shooting, Chen Xiao and the driver are still struggling to support.

Because I didn't pay too much attention to this matter, I didn't bring many bullets and people when I came out tonight, otherwise I wouldn't be so embarrassed.

After all, Chen Xiao never dreamed that the two new recruits in Xie Feng's mouth were so powerful.

This is the strongest combination of the Security Department of Yu'an district.

The driver got a shot in his right hand and is now shooting with his left.

"Brother Xiao, if Xie Feng doesn't come again, we won't be able to hold on. We're almost out of bullets."

The driver said in a sweat.

Chen Xiao can still keep calm: "don't panic, we don't have many bullets, the other side must be running out soon. The security officers usually only carry a spare cartridge clip when patrolling, first consume all the bullets, and then fight close to them to get rid of them."

Mad, I don't believe you're so good at shooting, and you're still so good at it.

"Kang Kang..."

The gunfire is still going on, but the intensity is obviously lower than before.

Because there are not many bullets left on both sides, they are more cautious in firing each shot.

"Lying trough, you shoot so accurately."

Meng Hai held Su Xun in his breath.

He didn't expect that Su Xun was really a sharpshooter. No wonder he was so confident before.

Su Xun was convulsed: "I didn't shoot you again. Could you stop being so disgusting?"

"Seriously, think about what I said last time. Although you can't shoot me, you can shoot my sister." Meng Hai is still in the mood to find his brother-in-law. What does his sister have to look like to get married.

Su Xun was not in the mood to talk with this guy: "you can't just hold on all the time. They are almost out of bullets."

"We're almost out." Meng Hai said.

Su Xun was very calm: "that's just right. Use close combat to solve them directly."

Thinking of Su Xun's skill, Meng Hai thinks that the popularity of guns limits his development.

As they went out, Chen Xiao and his driver got up to shoot.

"Kang Kang..."

"Kang Kang..."

When Su Xun pulled the trigger, a donkey rolled and dodged a shot. The bullet from his gun hit Chen Xiao's shoulder.

Meng Hai didn't have such good skills as him. He was late and was shot in the right leg and fell to the ground.The guns in their hands were empty.


Chen Xiao lost his empty gun and walked out from behind the car with a grim smile: "boy, even if I hurt my shoulder, I can still kill you."

"You brag." Su Xun said without expression.

Chen Xiao's fierce light revealed: "I am not bragging force, soon you will know."

"I know your mother." Su Xun threw the empty gun in his hand. Almost at the same time, he sprinted.

Chen Xiao sidestepped to avoid the pistol.

"Be careful, big brother."

The driver gave a cry of surprise.

Chen Xiao quickly turned back, his pupils suddenly shrank, because Su Xun's side kick was in front of him. He subconsciously raised his hand and crossed his arms to resist.


One foot fell on his arm.

"Click -"

accompanied by a clear sound, Chen Xiao's forearms deformed at the speed visible to the naked eye, and his bones were broken.

"Ah, ah

Chen Xiao uttered a scream, and looked at Su Xun in horror: "strengthen people!"

In his opinion, only those who have taken the enhancer of zombie crystal core can have such great power.

"Strengthen your mother."

Su Xun kicked it out again.


Chen Xiao's body seemed to have been hit by a car and flew backwards. It was ten meters before he fell to the ground. A mouthful of blood spurted out.

Meng Hai looked at the scene stupidly, with only one thought in his mind: is this still human?

If you kick that leg on yourself, you can't be kicked.

Chen Xiao was a little desperate. He wanted to fight close to Su Xun, but he was hanged all the time.

Mulder, is this the new sheriff?

Xie Feng, I fuck you!

"Majestic ~ majestic ~ majestic ~"

an alarm bell was heard.

Chen Xiao, who was already desperate, saw a light called hope.

As long as Xie Feng leads the team, he doesn't have to die.

Su Xun noticed the change of his face.

A guy who attacked the police was excited when he heard the siren.

What does it mean?

It means the sheriff who came here can save him.

He offended a Xie Feng when he was in the city. Then he was shot by the other side when he was on patrol at night.

So this person is mostly called by Xie Feng to shoot and warn himself. The person who comes here now must be Xie Feng, who is here to save people.

Su Xun's eyes flashed a sneer.

Immediately took out the mobile phone to Cao Tian sent a text message: brother Cao, let the special team come to the end of Dongtang street, urgent! Hurry! Hurry!

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