What is surprise?

Surprise is to be caught off guard, unexpected, make you surprised and happy.

The situation has changed. Now John, George and others are surprised and Su xunxi is happy. Together, this situation is called surprise (* ❛❛❛ *).

broad and profound culture. So, explain, there is nothing wrong with it. Old fellow iron (* / omega-*).

"We can talk about..." George looked at Su Xun and said in a hoarse voice, with sweat oozing from his forehead.

Su Xun shook his head and interrupted him. He said jokingly, "I'm sorry, but I don't want to talk to you."

George's face turned blue and white when he heard this. He just used this name to humiliate Su Xun.

"It's God's greatest gift that you scum can be buried in the great rivers and mountains of our dragon kingdom. To be a dog, you should know how to be content." Su Xun's face was like a spring breeze smile, and he said softly.

John's eyes were red and his teeth were gnashing. "God, the Wilson family won't let you go!"

"Don't worry, they come to me, and I will send them to accompany you, so that you can get together in heaven. After all, there is a saying in our dragon kingdom that a family should be neat."

"I'm naturally kind-hearted and can't see blood, so I won't see them. Let's send them on the road."

As the voice fell, Su Xun turned and left, carrying his backpack and humming an unknown tune, walking briskly to the direction of Sujia village.

After walking several hundred meters, there was a burst of whips and gunfire in the rear, and mixed with several miserable calls, which startled the birds in the forest.

A minute later, everything calmed down again, and there were a few less unimportant rubbish in the world.

Su Xun stopped and compassionately closed his eyes for three seconds. May there be no bullets in heaven, Amen.

He himself felt that he was too kind, kind as God (P ≥ w ≤ q).


At the same time, Li Chaoyuan, the head of Yutian County, learned from his friends in the city that Su Xun, the chairman of Qingyun international, returned to his hometown in a low-key way.

He felt that this was a good opportunity not to be missed. He immediately took the people from the county government to Sujia village to meet Su Xun.

After all, as long as Su Xun is willing to leak some money from his fingernails, it's a big investment for Yutian County!

Yutian county is too poor to attract investment. In their opinion, susian, a native of Yutian County, is more or less willing to contribute to his hometown.

Even if it is not here to invest in the development of enterprises, donated a school, repair a road or ah!


On the other side, after walking for about 20 minutes, Sujia village was already far away, and many people were busy in the farmland on both sides.

"Oh, Xiaoxun is back. It's may day."

"Yes, third grandfather, you are still in good health!"

"Xiaoxun has come back. The college students are different. Their clothes are really beautiful."

Along the way, many people said hello to Su Xun. When he met his elder, Su Xun also took the initiative to say hello.

There are only 40 or 50 families in Sujia village. All of them are surnamed su. They are a little familiar with each other.

Su Xun's home is at the end of the village, which is relatively remote. There is a large bamboo forest behind, and the scenery is pretty good.

"Brother, this is too much for you. When Dad passed away, you didn't care. It was our funeral. You all said that the old house left by Dad belonged to us. Now we are sharing it equally. Isn't this bullying?"

As soon as he got to the door, Su Xun heard his mother Zhang Yan's indignant voice. He was stunned.

"Xiaoyan, you can't say that. At the beginning, who could have thought that there would be a boss coming to our shabby place to set up a farm? Dad's old house has been demolished. Let's get some points no matter how. "

"Yes, it must be divided equally..."

Then there was a disorderly quarrel. Su Xun frowned and pushed the far door in.

I saw the hall full of people, have their own parents, and uncle two uncle family.

At this time, a group of people were fighting red in the face. Seeing Su Xun come in, they subconsciously stopped quarreling.

"Xiao Xun, why don't you call in advance when you come back? Look, I haven't cooked my meal."

"Yes, why don't you tell me in advance so that I can go to the town and buy some good food."

Su Xun's parents were the first to respond. They both ran out of the hall with ecstasy and reached for the things he was carrying.

"Oh, the college students are back. It's really different to go to college. At least they are dressed like dogs."

At this time, a strange taunt interrupted the joy of the family meeting.

Su Xun followed his reputation and spoke to his eldest uncle Su Xiang's son and his cousin, Su Dong.

After graduating from Sudong primary school, he went out to work. He worked as a small package foreman in the county, and his annual income was quite good."Ha ha, brother, look at the watch he has. It's a fake from the stall. It's different in big cities. Fakes are so beautiful. Sushen, I'll give you ten yuan. How about bringing me a watch when I come back next time?"

Another younger youth followed suit, and looked at Su Xun with disdain and ridicule.

He is the son of Su Yuan, the second uncle of Su Xun. He is also his cousin. His name is Su Zhao. Looking at the suit, he actually sells insurance in the county.

Both Su Zhao and Su Dong look down on Su Xun. In fact, Su Xun knows that they are jealous that they can get into the University and that they are the best university in the province.

Some people are like this. If they can't do it by themselves, they don't want others to do it. If others do it, they will be envious. If they can't eat grapes, they will say that grapes are sour.

"What are you guys talking about? Try again."

Su Li was calm and scolded. He was generous and didn't like to haggle, but he was very protective of his son Su Xun.

"Hum!" Su Yuan snorted coldly and said with disdain, "third brother, what are you doing with such a big anger? Are Xiao Dong and Xiao Zhao wrong? What's the use of going to college? It's a waste of money. They're already sending money home. "

"That's to say, my Xiao Dong can earn more than 100000 yuan a year, and your Su Xun?" Su Xun's great uncle and mother had nostrils in the sky and looked proud.

Su Xiang was also elated and said, "our family's Xiao Dong is a person who has had dinner with the county leaders. Does your family's Su Xun have this ability?"

"Big brother, their family's Sushen is still spending money, not to mention earning money. They don't know what they learned in college." Su Xun's second aunt cocked her legs and knocked melon seeds in her mouth. She said a word.

Su Li and Zhang Yan were all livid with their words. After all, they always regarded Su Xun as their pride.

Instead of paying attention to the shortsighted relatives, Su Xun looked at his parents and asked, "Dad, mom, what's going on?"

"What else could it be..." Zhang Yan sighed and said to Su Xun with an angry face.

When Su Xun's grandfather passed away, Su Xiang and Su Yuan were pushed by you, and I didn't want to pay for the funeral.

In the end, Su Xun's father, Su Li, couldn't see it any more. In a rage, he paid for the funeral.

The old house left by Su Xun's grandfather belongs to him, which Su Xiang and Su Yuan have personally admitted. Anyway, the old house is worthless.

I didn't expect that this year, the boss of the city would come here to engage in breeding. The old house occupied an extremely important area, so the other party was willing to pay for the demolition.

There is not much money, but there are tens of thousands of them. The money is the same as the one picked up in vain.

Su Xiang and Su Yuan can't sit still now. They come to the door for a fight every two days and ask for a split.

Today, they all called their sons back from the county to support themselves. That's why Su Xun saw this scene when he came in.

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