"Uncle and uncle, you don't care when your grandfather died. Now you've come together when you take advantage of it. Isn't it a bit inappropriate?"

Su Xun looked at Su Xiang and Su Yuan and others, said blandly, words with a bit of ridicule.

To tell you the truth, with his present wealth, he doesn't care about this little money at all.

But it doesn't mean that if you don't care, you have to give it to these two white eyed wolves. He can't swallow it.

I can give you my things, but you can't come to grab them. That's Su Xun's attitude.

When Su Xiang heard this, he immediately clapped his hands and pointed to Su Xun and swore: "what do you say, get out of the way, do you have any place to intervene in the adult's affairs? You don't even know how to grow hair

After scolding, he pointed the spear at Su Li and Zhang Yan: "third, is that how you two educate your son? There is no education at all. Is there anyone who speaks to the elders like this? "

Su Yuan and others all agreed with each other and sneered at Su Xun's family.

"That's to say, Kui is still a college student. I read all about dogs."

"What's the use of spending so much money to go to college? Do you earn more from my family after graduation?"

"Old three, your family is too shameful. Do you still have our two elder brothers in your eyes?"

Su Xiang and Su Yuan's faces were extremely sour and bitter, and their mouth foam splashed, as if Su Xun's family had done something immoral.

Zhang Yan and Su Li scolded each other, but they were not angry.

But they can't tolerate each other abusing their precious son.

"Shut up Zhang Yan gave a sharp reprimand, protecting Su Xun like an old hen, and confronting Su Xiang and others: "if your own son is not competitive and can't go to college, he is jealous of my son Xiaoxun. It's great to earn two stinking money. My son is better than your son!"

"Chi ~" Su Dong sneered scornfully, looked at Zhang Yan and said sarcastically: "third aunt, I make more than 100000 a year. Do I need to be jealous of Su Xun? Now there are more college students, and they don't get thousands of yuan a month. "

He stopped for a moment, then looked at Su Xun jokingly: "there are so many college students now. If Su Xun can't find a job in the future, for the sake of relatives, I can ask him to move bricks for me at the construction site."

"Ha ha ha ha..." When Su Zhao heard this, he burst out laughing and said to Su Xun gloating, "Su Xun, brother, thank you for your kindness. At least you don't have to worry about looking for a job after graduation."

The two of them spoke to each other and sang in unison. They belittled Su Xun and revealed a sense of achievement.

Su Xiang and Su Yuan are both smiling at this scene. They feel that their son is very capable and gives them a long face.

Su Xun just couldn't deny it. In his current situation, he had not paid attention to these dogs and cats for a long time. Naturally, he couldn't be angry with them.

In Su Xun's eyes, they are mud irrigation, and Su Xun is a beautiful porcelain. Will porcelain fall in value and be compared with mud irrigation?

But he was not angry. His mother was angry. Zhang Yan was very angry: "I'm so angry. Please say it again!"


At this time, the gate of the courtyard was suddenly knocked open. A middle-aged man ran in in a hurry and said breathlessly, "Oh, what are you still fighting about? Li Shu of the county, here he is. Come to your house immediately and get ready to meet him. Don't let people see the joke."

Hearing this, everyone in the yard was stunned. It took a long time to react.

"Uncle Wu, Li Shu, remember how he came to Sujia village and what he came to do."

"Yes, Li Shu, remember what happened."

A group of people kept asking, after all, for them, the head of the county is already a big official.

"How do I know? The village head asked me to inform you in advance. Li Shu, Ji is coming this way." After the middle-aged man finished, he also looked at Su Li suspiciously: "I said Su Li, did you do anything, otherwise Li Shu, why did you come to your house?"

"I I didn't! " Su Li looks honest and honest, and his eyes are full of confusion.

"Don't guess." At this time, Su Dong stood forward, with a proud smile on his face: "Li Shu, I think he should have come to see me. He must have heard that I was here, so he came to his third uncle's house."

Just a few days ago, he dragged his friend into Li Shu's restaurant. He showed his face in front of Li Shu's restaurant and said that if you have time, you can come to our Sujia village.

Originally, he said casually that he didn't think Li Chaoyuan would come. Unexpectedly, he really came, which made him surprised, happy and proud.

"Oh, yes, how can you forget, Xiao Dong? You've had dinner with Li Shu!" Su Xiang suddenly realized that his face was full of pride. After all, it was his son.Su Yuan had a flattering smile on his face: "brother, you and your sister-in-law have a good son. Xiao Dong is the most promising person in our village."

"Yes, at least better than some college student." Su Yuan's wife echoed, obviously pointing at mulberry and cursing locust tree.

Su Zhao also said with a smile: "brother, even Li Shu and Ji have come to see you. You are really good. Don't forget that I am the one in the future."

Su Dong was flattered and enjoyed the feeling. He patted Su Zhao on the shoulder and said, "don't worry. The family doesn't talk to each other."

After that, he walked up to the family and said with a smile, "third uncle, third aunt, what's so great about last university? Su Xun will have me in the future, OK? "

Su Li and Zhang Yan look very ugly, but they don't say anything.

"Ha ha ha ha..." Su Dongzhi laughed with satisfaction, and then looked at Su Xun again: "come on, Su Xun, you say, do you think you will be better than I am now?"

He felt that his heart was full of happiness, and he had a sense of elation. What's so great about college students? It's not as good as me.

"No more than you." Su Xun shook his head.

The smile on Su Dong's face was even more obvious: "it's still a little self-knowledge."

Su Xun gave him a little smile and said the next sentence: "because you don't deserve it, I won't compare with a piece of rotten shit, because even if I win, there's nothing to be proud of."

“…………” The smile on Su Dong's face solidified, and he was furious: "what did you say? Who do you call rotten shit

"Come on, stop it!"

Seeing the quarrel again, the middle-aged man was a little annoyed and said: "what are you still doing? Let's move. Go outside with me to pick up Li Shu. Remember!"

As soon as his voice fell, a steady baritone came into everyone's ears.

"Pick up what, don't bother. I don't have long legs. I can walk by myself."

Voice down, a calm middle-aged man came in, he is the head of Yutian County - Li Chaoyuan.

Accompanying him were the village head and branch secretary of Sujia village, as well as the leaders and guides of several counties.

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