"No It's all right

Looking at Qin Fen leaving, the traitor was relieved and collapsed on the floor.

But the youngest wife looked anxious: "let's run. He is the deputy director of the Department of public security. He won't let us go so easily."

"What are you talking about! Why didn't you tell me before you stepped on the horse The traitor flicked up from the ground.

The second wife said, "at that time, I told you that I had a husband. What else did you say that I had a husband? Did you blame me for making me more excited?"

"I don't know if your husband is the deputy director. He's dead, dead, dead."

Traitor, husband flustered a batch, the whole person is going to cry, pale as a piece of paper.

If I had known that this woman was the wife of the Deputy Secretary for public security, I would have given him a hundred courage to touch her.

The second wife dressed in a hurry: "it may be too late to run now, otherwise, when the people he arranged come, they can't run away."

Put on the skirt, ran into the house, quickly took their own gold and silver jewelry and savings, and then ran out, not caring about the traitor just in her body, husband.

"Wait for me, you."

I don't care what happens to my family after I run away. Now I just want to live.

In the twinkling of an eye, all the people in the room ran away.

Su Xun swaggered from the balcony into the living room, went to the bathroom, then pried open the ceiling and took out a Book wrapped in a black plastic bag.

The corners of his mouth rose and a smile came up. Su Xun left quickly and disappeared into the night.

"Kang Kang..."

Two shots were fired not far away from the community.

You don't need to look at Su Xun to know that it must be Qin Fen's second wife and the traitor. His husband died.

Qin Fen is the deputy director of Yu'an district. There are many people on the ground. It's nothing more than a phone call to find someone to shoot.

But Su Xun didn't feel for them.

Adultery, husband adultery and wife are not good people.


Sitting in the car watching the shooter carrying the two bodies away, Qin Fen drove back to the community again.

He came back to get the books back.

Walking into the bathroom, looking at the prized ceiling, the whole person's face changed greatly.

He quickly took out his mobile phone and dialed a phone out: "let the shooter you arranged not deal with the body, find a place to wait for me."

He thought the account book was taken away by the traitor, the husband and the wife.

After all, although he didn't tell anyone that he put the account book here, it's hard to ensure that the young man saw him put the account book after all these years.

About ten minutes later, we found the body with the shooter.

But I searched all over my body and bag, and I didn't find the account book.

Qin Fen looked at the shooter with deep eyes: "did you take it?"

"What What? " The shooter's face changed and his eyes flickered because he did take the gold and silver jewelry in the lady's bag.

But his reaction made Qin Fen misunderstand that he had taken the account book.

Qin Fen did not hesitate to draw his gun.


The cigarette end in the shooter's mouth fell to the ground. He looked down at his heart. He looked at Qin Fen with astonishment and disbelief.

Unexpectedly, a deputy director of the other party killed himself for some money.

"Don't blame me. If you blame me, blame you for taking something you shouldn't have." Qin Fen said coldly.

This account book is related to his life and family. He can't be careless or careless.


The shooter fell to the ground heavily.

My last thought before I die is that rich people are really stingy and evil.

Qin Fen went forward to search for him, but the sweat on his face became more and more. Except for a pile of gold and silver jewelry and banknotes, there was no sign of the account book.

"Why not."

"Where the hell have you been?"

He went to the car again, but he still got nothing. He felt that everyone was going to collapse.

How can such a big account book disappear?

Soon he dealt with the traces left by himself at the scene, and was unwilling to leave.

He couldn't find the account book. I'm afraid he couldn't sleep well in the next few days.

Mad, where the hell is the ledger.



In Cao Tian's home, he was wearing a pajama, looking at the account book in his hand, but he didn't react.

As soon as he got home and fell asleep, Su Xun woke him up with a phone call, which made him feel a little explosive.

"Qin Fen's account book of offering and accepting bribes and taking advantage of his power to seek benefits recorded every account in detail."

Sitting on the sofa, Su Xun was very familiar. He picked up an apple and peeled it.

Cao Tian awoke from his drowsiness, and then quickly opened the account book in his hand."Good, good, Su Xun, you are really good. How do you know he has an account book? How do you know where to put it? "

Cao Tian couldn't help laughing. He hit Su Xun hard and couldn't hide the joy on his face.

With this account book, Qin Fen is finished.

"Ha ha." Su Xun laughed perfunctorily, did not answer this question, but put forward a suggestion: "I think you can only hand in the part of bribery, and keep the part of bribery."

"Treachery." Cao Tian criticized, and then showed a smile: "this also need you to teach me?"

The people who can make Qin Fen bribe are all dignitaries in Seoul.

Keep this account book, those people have to consider their attitude towards Cao Tian.

"On this account book, the leaders of the four teams have to change. The leader of the first criminal investigation team is yours. He has not run away."

Cao Tian didn't treat Su Xun badly, not to mention that he didn't have many people who could be promoted.

"Brother, what are you laughing at at night?"

A voice of complaint came into their ears.

Go by reputation.

Cao Yaoyao came down from the upstairs, her hair was in a mess, and she was wearing a pink suspender nightgown.

The white fragrant shoulders and straight long legs are dazzling white under the light.

"Ah, Su Xun, you are here anyway."

Seeing Su Xun on the sofa, Cao Yaoyao widened her eyes and looked down at what she was wearing. Then she ran upstairs with a red face.

In front of relatives can not pay attention to the image, but in front of other people can not.

Looking at Yao Yao, Su Xun laughed and said goodbye to Cao Tian.

"Brother Cao, it's getting late. I'll go first."

"Go, I'll have to send the books to the director overnight." Cao Tian said.

Su Xun nodded, then got up and left.

"Hello, Su Xun."

Just out of the villa, Yao Yao's voice came into the ear.

Su Xun looked back and saw Yao Yao standing on the balcony on the second floor waving to him.

"What's the matter?" Su Xun asked.

Yao Yao holds her chin in both hands: "take me to play tomorrow. By the way, continue to tell me about your years outside the district."

"See if I have time. Good night." Sue looked back and strode away.

Yao Yao curls her lips. Anyone who wants to make an appointment with Miss Ben can make a circle around the blue star, but you don't want to.

It's really Good. I have personality.

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