Nine in the morning, Yu'an District sheriff's department.

As soon as I went to work, a big sensation happened.

Qin Fen, the deputy director general, the leaders of the four groups, the deputy leaders and several directors, a total of more than a dozen people were handcuffed and taken away by the relevant departments.

It is said that it is because of duty crime.

This kind of thing is very common after the era, even blatant, but do not let people get specific evidence, or it will be over.

Qin Fen is the best example.

"Deputy director Qin, Gude Maoning."

As soon as Qin Fen was about to be pushed into the car, Su Xun came over. He looked at Qin Fen with a smile and said a word of English.

"You took the books." Qin Fen gritted his teeth.

Su Xun took out his mobile phone: "I don't want to mention the account book. I want to engage in we media recently. I just uploaded the first video. You can help me see it from the perspective of the audience."

Su Xun handed over his mobile phone.

The title of the video is "the refreshing green on the head of the Deputy Secretary for public security of Yu'an district".

The content of the video is the picture of Qin Fen's wife and husband in a daze.

"I'm a grass mud horse!" Qin Fen felt the great humiliation. He gritted his teeth and growled, "that account book can burn you to death. You know how many people that account book has involved. Do you think it can kill me? you must be dreaming! A lot of people on the ledger don't want me to go in because they're afraid I'll talk when I go in. "

"So, in order not to let you in and talk, they won't let you in." Su Xun said something meaningful.

Qin Fen was stunned at first, and then reacted quickly. He was dripping with cold sweat and yelled: "I want to be escorted by armored vehicles. I have a major case to turn myself in. I want to confess it. I want to report it!"

Su Xun's words made him wake up suddenly, that is, in addition to protecting him, there is a better way to keep him quiet, such as killing him on the way to escort.

Because the part of the account book that Cao Tian handed in only contains information about his bribery.

So the relevant departments did not realize the seriousness of the matter, only as an ordinary job-related crime case, the protection ability is very weak.

Unfortunately, the staff in charge of the escort ignored his clamour and forced him into the car.

After all, Qin Fen is not the senior deputy director of the Public Security Department of Yu'an district.

In this way, under the eyes of all the Public Security Department of Yu'an District, deputy director Qin and his followers were taken away.

This is no less than a major earthquake by the Secretary for security.

But then a new earthquake came.

Su Xun was promoted to the leader of the first criminal investigation group and Meng Hai was appointed the deputy leader of the second criminal investigation group.

The main reason why Meng Hai became deputy was that his credit was not as good as Su Xun's and Cao Tian's.

Everyone was shocked.

Although it's good to have made great contributions, NIMA's promotion is too crazy.

In a day's time, he has directly changed from a first-class security officer to a group leader. Looking around the world, can he find a faster one?

Everyone knows that Cao Tian has a background. After all, can he be a leader in the air? Can he do without a background?

But now it seems that Cao Tianna is not the general background ah!

Even such a ridiculous letter of appointment can be obtained.

Everyone's heart is full of envy, envy and hate, wish that the person who is promoted is himself.

A lot of people almost regret it. If they had been obedient to Cao Tian early, they would have been able to get a job with so many vacancies this time.

"Team leader Su, Congratulations, congratulations on your promotion."

"Team leader Su, congratulations..."

"Hello, chief, I'm from your second team..."

A group of people surrounded Su Xun. After all, he was xiangmomo and Cao Tian's right-hand man.

As for Meng Hai, because of the gunshot wound in his leg, he didn't enjoy the feeling of being surrounded by people kneeling and licking.

On the other side, Qin Fen died.

At the intersection of a traffic light, the escort car was forced to stop by a muck truck. Then a man with a jet fired four times through the window and killed Qin Fen.

Then he committed suicide. Finally, after investigation, the shooter suffered from cancer and could not live for three months.

Qin Fen's death was expected by Su Xun and Cao Tian, but it also made these people realize that there was something inside the case.

Yu'an District Secretary for public security office.

"Ah, it's easy at last. Even the chair is soft."

Cao said, with a big smile in the sky.

"Brother Cao, the first team is completely empty now..." Susian, this is a VIP.

Cao Tian waved his hand: "don't worry, I've made a report on it. Just as a group of students graduated from the police academy, I'll give you blood transfusion first."

"Police cadets?" He likes to frown more than those who dare to fight in society.Moreover, the police school students are all new. Maybe they haven't even seen blood before leaving the school. It's hard to bring them.

Cao Tian also knew what he thought and said: "the police cadets have good discipline. You can control them. Besides, the second team is full of old youths. Just let them mix them when they go out on duty."

"OK, brother Cao, I'll get off work first." Su Xun nodded.

It's not too much to be absent from class.

Cao Tian asked casually, "where are you going?"

"Yao Yao has to pester me to tell stories..." Su Xun showed a helpless expression.

Cao Tian eyebrows a pick: "Liu Xuan that boy's heart is not big, love jealous, I personally advise you not to go too close with Yao Yao."

"Don't worry, I'm not going to soak her." Su Xun waved his hand and left.

Cao Tian looked at his back and shook his head.

I'm afraid she's going to soak you.

Forget it. I have to talk to that girl after I go back.

He looked at the TV on the wall.

"This is the morning post of the seventh district. A male Zombie King who appeared in the eighth district some time ago has been missing for three days..."


Wang family outside the district.

Wang Li is drinking tea in the living room.

After the death of his son, he looked as if he had been ten years old overnight, and his eyes were no longer bright.

At this time, a son of the Wang family came in breathlessly: "village head, I found Su Xun, but something happened."

"What accident?" Wang Li's fierce light is exposed.

Wang's son said: "that guy didn't know how to hold the thigh of the new director of the Public Security Department of Yu'an district. Now he is the leader of the first criminal investigation team."

“…………” Wang Li Li widened his eyes and asked incredulously, "how long has he been away? How can he become the leader of the inspector level?"

"Yes, it's because it's so strange that I overheard it." The children of the Wang family are also very puzzled and a little envious.

Wang Shi Li was silent and his face was uncertain.

Originally, according to his idea, after finding Su Xun, he killed him by all means at the first time.

But he never dreamed that the original tramp had changed into a police officer with 20 people in charge.

It's hard to do.

However, thinking of his only son, Wang Shili was angry again, spitting out two words from his teeth: "do him!"

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