"In fact, although there are people who have committed heinous crimes, most of them are just like ordinary people. 80% of them are people who are forced by the world to live, or they would not like to do it."

Along the way, Su Xun took Yao Yao and explained to her.

Liu Xuan disdained and said with a sneer: "it's funny that you, a public security officer, speak for criminals. These criminals not only destroy social harmony, but also affect the city's appearance. They should all be arrested in prison."

His voice fell, and in an instant, dozens of eyes fell on him almost at the same time.

Liu Xuan's face changed and he knew that he had said something wrong.

Though that's what he really thought.

But it's a big problem here.

Because, isn't it equivalent to scolding a bald man in front of a monk?

"Boy, what did you just say?"

A young man in a leather jacket came to Liu Xuan and looked at him with poor eyes.

Next to the leather jacket, three young men were standing askew, obviously in a group.

Liu Xuan some empty, but do not want to recognize counsels, mouth hard way: "how, I said wrong?"

"You can shut up. If you can't speak, don't talk on your horse." Su Xun gave him a speechless look, stepped forward and said to the leather jacket, "my friend was traumatized when he was a child. He has some brain problems. Please don't worry about him."

Although he also hated Liu Xuan's self righteous son who looked down on the people at the bottom.

But since he came together, he couldn't just sit by.

Hear Su Xunming scold his brain disease, Liu Xuan heart fire, but did not attack out.

Because he also knew that Su Xun was helping him out, otherwise he couldn't come down.

The leather jacket looked at Su Xun, and then put up a middle finger to Liu Xuan: "fuck, if you have a brain disease, don't go out, or you'll be killed sooner or later, mad, silly beep."

"Who scolded you Liu Xuan, who had already held back his anger, was instantly angry. When did Liu Da Shao suffer this kind of injustice?

Su Xun helped me. I'm finished.

Sure enough, just ready to leave the leather jacket and stopped, reached for Liu Xuan's collar: "Grass Mud Horse, little than son, I scold you, how."

"You dare to move me. I'm from the Liu family!" Liu xuanqiang fought against him and revealed his identity.

The leather jacket was just stunned for a moment, and then scolded: "there are many people in your Liu family. I'll make money by pinning my head on my belt. It depends on your face."

Liu Xuan's identity is actually very useful, but it is for people who have a head, a face and a position.

But it doesn't work for leather jacket. People who are barefoot are not afraid to wear shoes.

In a hurry, even the head of Seoul City, he dares to take out his gun and die.

Therefore, Liu Xuan's self disclosure of his identity is not only useless, but also arouses the bloody spirit of class struggle in leather jacket.

In this era of chaos and lack of resources, class contradictions become more and more acute.

This is the epitome of the two kinds of age.

Usually, they may not interfere with each other, but as long as there is a fuse, it can explode.

Parades can be seen everywhere after the era.

I didn't expect that my identity couldn't frighten the other party. Liu Xuan, who had just been ignited, suddenly became angry again, but he didn't show it on his face.

After all, there are still some.

"Brother, it's almost OK. He's cheap, and I'm tired of it, but it's not so bad."

When the skin jacket scolded enough, Su Xun came forward again to persuade the other party.

"Go away! The grass mud horses are all birds of a feather. They don't have any good things. They have a few big heads of garlic. The federal government increases taxes. You rich people also try to squeeze us poor people in different ways. Sooner or later, the poor people will be forced to take guns and trample on you bastards. "

Some of the leather jacket's leaders didn't let Su Xun off and yelled at him.

"Well said!"

"That's right, mad. If I hadn't been forced to live by these people, would I have come here to sell medicine?"

"That's to say, I can see clearly that honest people just can't survive these days, and Laozi's land is occupied by developers."

"A bunch of bastards..."

The onlookers cheered one after another, one by one telling their own experiences and venting their discontent. They became more and more excited, and the scene became more and more agitated and dynamic.

Never seen such a scene, Liu Xuan's face turned white. He felt as if those red eyed people would rush up and tear himself up the next second.

I can't help complaining about Su Xun.

If he had not brought Yaoyao here, he would not have come and this would not have happened.

Yao Yao is also a little uneasy. She sympathizes with the sufferings of these people, but she is more worried about the safety of her three, because these people seem to lose control of their emotions at any time.Su Xun looked at the leather jacket and said, "if you're a bull, you'll go to whoever bullies you. You'll shoot him. I admire you for being a man, but now you're playing like a social loser in front of the three of us..."

"Teach me to do things with me?" The leather jacket rudely interrupted Su Xun's words and directly pulled out the gun to aim at his head.

"Ah! Su Xun

Yao Yao screamed, so frightened that she lost her face and raised her heart to her throat.

Liu Xuan was too scared to say a word.

Looking at the black muzzle of the gun, Su Xun's face was cold. He took out a small book and hit each other in the face: "I'm a grass mud horse. You don't listen to me. I'll tell you in another way."

"You dare to hit me when you step on the horse!" The leather jacket felt the burning pain on his face, his eyes were wide open, and he put the muzzle of the gun directly on Su Xun's forehead.

A younger brother picked up the small book that had fallen on the ground, looked at it, and his face changed greatly: "brother, he is the leader of the criminal investigation team of the Department of public security."

Sook's eyes changed in different degrees.

Liu Xuan realized that the little Ben who had just hit the leather jacket's face was Su Xun's security certificate. He was going crazy and yelled at Su Xun: "are you going to kill us? Still irritating him

He carried out the Liu family, and the other party was not afraid. Could Su Xun, a leader with nepotism by the back door, make the other party afraid?

This will only further infuriate the other party and make them die faster.

"Fool, shut your mouth to me." Su Xun gave him a cold stare.

Liu Xuan did not expect that the other party would dare to scold him: "you..."

He just spat out a word, and the next second he saw the leather jacket's face change. Then he put away his gun, handed the card back to Su Xun with both hands, and said politely:

"team leader Su, I'm sorry, I haven't come to congratulate you on your promotion. I didn't expect that I met you in this environment for the first time. I didn't recognize you. I just offended you. I hope you'll forgive me."

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