After su xunliang issued his sheriff's certificate, his attitude took a 180 degree turn.

Yao Yao and Liu Xuan are staring big eyes.

Liu Xuan, in particular, is unbelievable.

Even the Lius are not afraid of leather jackets.

How can you be frightened by a senior sheriff who relies on a group relationship?

He didn't believe that these people in Yu'an District didn't know Su Xun's background.

Of course, they know Su Xun's background, so the attitude of leather jacket changed greatly.

As the most informed people in Yu'an district.

What happened to the Secretary for security this morning has already spread all over Haitang street.

When the first deputy director of the Bureau, Su Meng, was still in charge of the first three days.

With this contribution, he was promoted directly from a first-class public security officer to the leader of a criminal investigation group.

From this, we can see that he is the confidant of the new director Cao Tian, and we can also see the strong background of Cao Tian.

Such a strong enough, but also won the trust of the boss of the rising star, leather jacket certainly dare not offend.

What's more, county officials are not as good as county officials.

They were living in Yu'an district. In the future, Su Xun was in charge of their business.

It's exaggerating to say that all illegal activities in Haitang street should be pulled out, but it can also make people sleepless at night.

Su Niao, for example, can't find a better person to communicate with because he can't find a better person.

But the middle and lower class of leather jacket had to rely on Su Xun to eat.

Who dares to offend those who can lose their jobs?

Su Xun didn't pick up the sheriff's certificate. Instead, he turned to Liu Xuan and asked, "did I kill you?"

If it wasn't for Liu Xuan, how could it happen?

Hearing this, Liu Xuan's face was blue and white. He felt the burning pain on his face, as if he had been slapped hard.

"I didn't get promoted by the director of Tiange. If I want to enter the police system, I can still be a team leader." Liu Xuan is still dead. He will never admit defeat to Su Xun.

In his opinion, it's nothing more than nepotism. Is there little relationship in his family?

Leather jacket saw that Su Xun and Liu Xuan didn't deal with each other, so he assisted: "ha ha, it seems that my friends don't know much about group leader su. Last night, group leader Su was shot when he was on patrol. After a fierce gunfight, he killed one person on the spot and arrested two people. Then he found the evidence of duty crime of deputy director Qin Fen and beat him down, which is believed to be the reason why director Cao mentioned him as group leader, because Su Xun was the leader The team leader has the ability. "

After hearing this, Liu Xuan's eyes were full of horror. Obviously, he didn't think that Su Xun had done so many things in one night.

Directly help Cao Tian control the whole security department.

Yao Yao opened her mouth slightly and looked at Su Xun with a twinkling star. She admired and admired him. Although the leather jacket was simple in a few words, she could imagine the thrill.

Look at Liu Xuan, and then look at Su Xun.

They are all of the same age. Apart from their family background, what can Liu Xuan do better than Su Xun?

This person is afraid of comparison. Once there is comparison, it's over.

Liu's hope for a beautiful woman's return is even more remote, almost nil.

"What's your name?" Su Xun took back his sheriff's card, looked at the leather jacket and asked.

"Captain Su, my name is Wang Hao. I do some arms business," he replied

"Does it matter if Chen Xiao gives it to you?" Su Xun remembers that Chen Xiao also sells arms.

"I know him, but I'm not a friend. I played earlier than him, and my business is a little bigger than him," he said

"Tea another day." Su Xun nodded casually, dropped a word, and then turned to leave.

Seeing Su Xun's back, Wang Hao grinned and kicked his younger brother: "come on, go and find out where there is good tea to sell."

"Brother, what do you want to buy tea for? Don't you always drink coke? " I wonder when my elder brother changed his route.

Wang Hao did not have the good spirit to scold a: "you know a fart, is gives Su group leader."

"Big brother, that's just a polite word." Little brother said speechless.

Wang Hao said with a smile, "are you polite? I don't understand. I'm serious. "

Only those who climb up the pole can seize the opportunity.

Su Xun said politely that he would have tea another day.

He wanted to grab the pole and climb up. Of course, it was impossible for him to invite Su Xun out for tea, because Su Xun would not agree.

So he bought tea under this name and sent it to his door. He came and went, didn't he?


"I was scared to death just now, especially when the man pointed the gun at you, his heart almost jumped out."

Yao Yao after afraid of patting his chest, mouth, shirt for a while turbulent, ups and downs, sloshing fierce.Liu Xuan was jealous when he heard this: "Yao Yao, why don't you care about me?"

"You asked for it, but for you, what would have just happened?" Yao Yao gave him a white look.

Liu Xuan said unconvinced: "it's Su Xun's fault. If he doesn't bring you here, it's even more impossible that what happened just now."

"As I said, I begged him to bring me." Yao Yao defended Su Xun.

Liu Xuan hummed twice and said, "a group of violent people should all be abrupt."

"You want to die?" Su Xun raised his eyebrows.

Liu Xuan looked around and was relieved that no one noticed him.

Then he began to accuse Su Xun: "even if the people of the Department of public security don't crack down on crime, they still talk to people gently. Isn't that a waste of our taxpayers' money?"

"Tell brother Cao that." I don't think it's stupid for Su to stay in the study area.

Liu Xuan stopped talking for a moment.

Seeing that the atmosphere was not right, Yao Yao quickly changed the topic: "did you watch the news? The Zombie King who appeared in the eighth District disappeared. People in the district were in a panic."

"I know. I know. It's a male zombie. It hasn't been found for three days. I don't know which city in the eighth district. What do you think this zombie wants to do when he leaves the army and sneaks into the city?" Liu lick actively took over the topic of Yao Yao.

Su Xun replied casually: "maybe he came to our seventh district? Of course, we can't find the people in the eighth district. "

"How can it be? After the Zombie King was found in the eighth District, all the nearby districts were on alert. He would never get in." Liu lick confidence said.

Yao Yao sighed: "I hope so. If you just come to the seventh district and meet the Zombie King, it's too bad luck."

The terror of the Zombie King is not his personal ability, but where he appears, there will be hundreds of thousands of zombies attacking the city.

This zombie mixed into the city, but there was no sign of the zombie army, which is very puzzling.

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