Wang family outside the district.

Wang is offering incense to his son.

"Minghui, you go first. Dad will send Su Xun down to accompany you soon."

After the incense, Wang Shuli gently touched the photo, unconsciously it was already full of tears.

This picture is the last trace his son left in the world.

He didn't even have his only son.

What else to worry about?

Don't say it's Su Xun.

Even Lao Tzu, the king of heaven, can spare his life to shoot each other.

"Step on..."

With a rush of footsteps, Wang Shuqiang and Wang Shujun came in quickly.

Wang Shujun, who used to smile like a Maitreya Buddha, now has no smile, only a worried and gloomy face.

"What are you doing here?"

Wang Li Li turned around and asked. In fact, he had already guessed about it.

"Brother, do you want to fight against Su Xun?" Wang Shuqiang asked directly.

Wang Shili went to the chair and sat down: "yes, Ming Hui's Revenge must be avenged."

"Elder brother, Su Xun is not a ruffian now. Is he a group leader with the rank of inspector, or a confidant of the director with a deep background? If you move him, what should we do with the Wang family?" Wang Shujun was a little excited.

Wang looked up at them: "are you Minghui's second uncle and third uncle?"

"Of course, but big brother, Ming Hui is dead. Do you want to catch up with the whole Wang family for him?" Wang Shuqiang was so excited that his mouth foamed.

Wang set up a voice to improve a few points chant: "since still recognize Hui is your nephew, then don't stop me to revenge."

"I don't agree. Ming Hui is dead and should not be buried with the Wang family."

"I don't agree, brother. Calm down, you will kill the whole Wang family."

Wang Shuqiang and Wang Shujun showed firm opposition.

Because Wang Li's only son died, but their son and daughter are still there?

Therefore, they must not sit back and watch the whole Wang family be implicated by Wang's paranoia.

Wang set up a light said: "late, I have sent people to go."

"What Wang Shuqiang and Wang Shujun were so surprised that they quickly took out their mobile phones to make a phone call.

"Hello, Xiaoxu, immediately find a way to send me the mobile phone number of Su Xun, the leader of your criminal investigation team. What? You don't know? I don't care what you do, you must get it, you must be quick! "


In Seoul.

Su Xun, Yao Yao and Liu lick had just finished visiting Haitang street and returned to the hotel parking lot.

"It's getting late. I have to go back. Why don't you two keep playing?"

Su said to them that he bought some furniture online. It's time to send it home later. He wants to go back to collect the goods.

After all, that kind of old yard, let the delivery man put the express at the door, it is estimated that it will be taken away in 10 minutes.

"Well, Yao Yao, I'll take you to a very interesting restaurant." As soon as Liu licked his eyes, he said in secret that this guy was finally gone.

However, Yao Yao was obviously not interested in the restaurant he was talking about. Instead, she looked at Su Xun and said, "why don't you take us to the place where you live? You are friends now. You can't even know where you live."

The smile on Liu lick's face disappeared, and there was a touch of gloom in his eyes.

Although Yao Yao was indifferent to him originally, after Su Xun appeared, it was obvious that Yao Yao was even too lazy to deal with him.

As the old driver of licking dog, he couldn't figure it out.

She and I are a perfect couple. Where can we not compare with Su Xun?

Although ten thousand people were not willing to get together with Su Xun, he was more worried that Yao Yao went to Su Xun's home alone, so he had to follow him.

The place where Su Xun lives is not far from Haitang street. He lives in an area that has not been demolished. Even his architectural style is similar to the old buildings on Haitang street.

It took more than ten minutes to get there.

The car stopped at the gate of the yard.

"Damn, is this place for people?"

As soon as he got out of the car, Liu Xuan couldn't help saying something.

He couldn't imagine what it was like to live in such an old house.

"You don't talk. No one is dumb." Yao glared at her.

Su Xun, who was opening the door with his key, said with a smile, "the house is really old, but it can be regarded as a shelter."

At this moment, a taxi came over and stopped at the gate of the yard on susian's right hand.

The three didn't care. After all, it's no surprise that the neighbor took a taxi home.

A man in a sportswear and pants, zipped to the top, a baseball cap and a canvas bag came down from the taxi.

Su Xun glances at him, confirms his eyes and meets the right person."Climb down!"

With a loud drink, Su Xun rushed over and directly knocked Yao Yao and Liu Xuan to the ground.

"Ah Yao Yao let out a cry of pain.

"What are you doing on the horse?" Liu Xuan was furious.

"Kang Kang..."

Almost at the same time, the gunfire started.

Liu Xuan and Yao Yao were directly stunned, which reflected that Su Xun was just saving them.

Su Xun was also confused.

The shooter ran in this direction because he was looking at the muzzle.

Originally, he thought it was for Yao Yao or Liu Xuan, a rich family.

Now it seems that they are the ones who are involved.

"You stay behind the car."

Su Xun directly pulled out the matching gun and the baseball cap to shoot.

"Kang Kang Dang - "

" Kang Kang Dangdang - "

baseball cap has a strong psychological quality. If you miss a shot, you don't panic in the face of fighting back. You use a taxi as a shelter to shoot calmly.

Bullets from both sides were flying around, hitting the car with a clear sound.

"It's a bit of a tie. Let's do it together."

The baseball cap said something to the car.

"Fuck, I'm supposed to be a driver. It's not reliable to do something."

In the car, a middle-aged man got out and took a gun to shoot at Su Xun's direction.

Yao Yao and Liu Xuan are holding their heads behind the car, shivering at the random gunfire, just like two quails.

"Ding Ding..."

Suddenly, Su Xun's mobile phone rang.

With one hand, get through.

"Su Xun, I'm wang Shujun. The village head asked someone to kill you..."

Wang Shujun's anxious voice suddenly stopped because he heard the gunshot from his mobile phone.

"Grass mud horse."

Su Xun was gentle and easy-going, and then hung up the phone.

"Hold it for me."

Throwing the mobile phone to Yao Yao, Su Xun jumped onto the roof and rolled.

"Kang Kang..."

A few bullets almost touched his body.

Su Xun aimed at the middle-aged man and fired his hand.


The middle-aged man was shot in the heart, scolded the word "Cao" in his mouth, and then fell to the ground slowly.


Baseball cap's face changed greatly, and then with a roar, he stood up and shot Su Xun.

He can live a little longer with a cat.

Unfortunately, he felt that he had lived too long and had to stand up.

Think it's a movie? Stand up with a roar, and you get an attack bonus right in front of you?


A hair into the soul, straight in the eyebrow.

Baseball cap body rigid, mouth bleeding, vaguely said: "fuck, is not that a little ruffian, the old dog said Diwang village."


I hit my body on the ground and I couldn't sleep.

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