Zombie Wang Xinghong's blood eyes met Su Xun's eyes, which were as deep as the stars.

The corner of Su Xun's mouth rose, and he raised a smile, which was just a little ferocious and cruel.

The Zombie King knew in a flash that he had been cheated.

"Pooh -"

when he was injured and not on guard, the dagger stabbed into his heart, and the dark red blood was everywhere on sutian's body.


Lying on the ground, Su Xun kicked out.

The Zombie King with a knife in his heart flew out and smashed on the ground.

Su Xun stood up from the ground.

"Lying trough, what's the situation?"

When Zhang Yuanli saw this scene, he didn't want it.

"Cough You You are treacherous

The Zombie King kept coughing up blood and pointed to Su Xun with a shaking hand. His eyes were full of reluctance.

He never thought that Su Xun was pretending.

After all, his position for Su Xun was that he was an ordinary person who had never taken any fortified medicine, so he underestimated him from the beginning.

And that's what happened.

More, of course, because he was injured.

Otherwise, even Su Xun's sneak attack will not succeed.

"Tell me about you, but you destroy the tradition of your zombies, abandon the army, and sneak into the city alone. Didn't you ask for it?"

Su Xun said slowly, stepping on the Zombie King with one foot, and pulled out the dagger.

"Puyi --"


The Zombie King's body twitched violently and said with difficulty: "every time our king level zombies go out, they are under the pressure of a large army, and they will be monitored by the satellite as soon as they move You You... "

The Zombie King is a little out of breath.

After all, zombies are not dead, they are living dead.

"Oh, I'm still a cultured zombie. I'm injured. If I don't hide well, I'm still out in the waves. Isn't that a death wish?"

Su Xun's voice fell, and his hand fell, stabbing into the neck of the last time.

"Pooh -"

this time, the Zombie King is really dead.


Without the Zombie King, the little fish were out of order in a moment, one by one, they became just like a fool, and they were mercilessly harvested by bullets.

However, the number of victories was large, and the scene was in a stalemate for a while. There were only 300 people left in a full camp of 500 people.

Craniotomy hand Su Xun opened the Zombie King's brain and took out a dark blue crystal nucleus.

This is the king zombie nucleus.

It's a fortifier that's extracted from it. It can transform an ordinary man into a super man.

Su Xun put away the crystal nucleus.

"Buzz, buzz..."

Just then, a roar of the engine came.

Dozens of military vehicles roared in.

"The reinforcements of the regiment are coming. My brothers, fight for me, dry up all these scum, and die here!"

Seeing these military vehicles, Zhang Yuanli felt full of strength.

"Dada dada..."

The machine guns are roaring and the bullets are like fire dragons.

In less than ten minutes, the battle came to an end, and more than 5000 zombies were all handed over here.

Then Cao Tian and the officer jumped from an armored car.

"Cao Ge."

Su Xun was a little surprised and walked over. Obviously, he didn't expect Cao Tian to come.

"Are you all right?" Cao Tian asked with concern.

The school official explained: "Xiaotian just came to me. When he heard that you were trapped by a zombie, he had to come with you. It's true love for you. I think his wife must be jealous. She didn't pry the corner by a woman, but was pryed by a man."

"Go away." Cao Tian scolded angrily, and then patted Su Xun on the shoulder: "it's OK. You are my cadre now. If you have an accident, it's equivalent to breaking my arm."

"By the way, isn't there a Zombie King in the second report? Why haven't you seen it all the time? " The school official looked at Zhang Yuanli and asked.

Zhang Yuanli smelled that Yan's expression was a little strange, and pointed to the corpse that had been craniotomized not far away: "commander, where is the Zombie King.

School official:

Cao Tian:

Looking at the miserable corpse, the two directly trampled on the horse with a muddled face.

"This Who saved you by passing by? " Asked the officer.

Zhang Yuanli pointed to Su Xun: "he did it."

School official:

Cao Tian:

Two people two time muddle force.

"No kidding." The school official yelled.

Zhang Yuanli was very aggrieved: "commander, he really killed me. How dare I make such a joke?"The school official and Cao Tian look at Su Xun.

Su Xun took out the blue crystal core: "brother Cao, last time you said that if I could take out the king level crystal core, would it still count if you helped me make the medicine?"

In this case, you can't hide it if you want to.

Cao Tian and the school officials were forced three times.

"The trough! You really did it, brother. From now on, don't call me brother. I call you brother. I'm your brother. "

Cao Tian was very exaggerated, his eyes were staring at the blue crystal.

"Have you taken any medicine before?" Asked the officer.

Su Xun shook his head: "no, I know the medicine can only be taken once. If I have taken it, I don't need this crystal."

"Hiss -"

the school official took a cold breath, didn't take the strengthening potion, and killed the Zombie King alone. If he took another advanced strengthening potion, wouldn't he go to heaven?

"Do you mind having more older brothers?" The school official looked at Su Xun and asked seriously.

Su Xun

The school official took a deep breath: "I'm kidding. You have to be glad that it's me and Xiao Tian who are here tonight. Otherwise, you can't keep this crystal nucleus."

A blue crystal core represents the quota of a senior fortifier, which is enough to make anyone blush.

If it wasn't for Cao Tian's sake, he wanted to take the artillery of the whole regiment and aim at Su Xun to snatch the crystal nucleus.

It's no exaggeration.

"Can it not be spread today?" Cao Tian looked at the school official and asked.

The school official shook his head: "there are so many people in the whole league, not everyone I can manage."

"Next, you're under pressure. This nucleus is a hot potato." Cao Tianyou sighed.

Su Xun only said, "you said last time that if I took out a king level crystal nucleus, you would help me make a high-level strengthening liquid."

"Damn, I have to realize all the bullshit I blow out with tears in my eyes." Cao Tian was speechless, but he was sad.

"Ha ha ha, let your boy like to brag all the time." The school official laughed happily, and then said to Su Xun, "although brother Cao likes to brag, he can do what he says and his background can do. You don't have to worry about that."

"I'm not worried at all, because I always believe in brother Cao. Brother Cao can do anything." Su Xun licked it seriously.

Cao Tian: "well, what else can I say?"

Although a few people chatted easily, they all knew that the mountain rain caused by the crystal nucleus of the king level zombie was coming.

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