On the way back, Su Xun, Cao Tian and the school official took the same car.

"Introduce yourself to Chen Xiaoze, the robe of Xiaotian."

For the first time, the school official formally extended his hand to Su Xun.

"Su Xun, brother Cao's younger brother." Su Xun knew that it was from this moment that the other party really took a fancy to himself.

Before, although he was easygoing, he never wanted to make friends with him, otherwise he would not even say his name.

Chen Xiaoze laughs: "modest, your strength, Xiaotian should be your younger brother."

"I don't think I'm going to be a laggard." Cao Tian is still playing with the Blue King level zombie crystal core in his hand.

After all, it was the first time he saw it.

He admired both Su Xun's strength and his luck.

The Zombie King was besieged in the eighth district and escaped with serious injuries. Unexpectedly, he was met by Su Xun.

It's like he picked up a leak. It's God's blessing.

Of course, we must have the strength to find this leak.

The Zombie King was also very unlucky. He had been out for such a long time. Unexpectedly, he met Su Xun with such a change.

Cao Tian told Chen Xiaoze: "arrange a helicopter for us to take us to Tianjing."

The capital of the seventh district is Tianjing City.

"Little problem." Chen Xiaoze made an OK gesture.

Cao Tian then explained to Su Xun, "it's about the crystal nucleus of the king level zombie. It's estimated that things will soon spread out. We'll go to Tianjing overnight to avoid long dreams."

The longer you delay, the greater the risk.

Su Xun nodded and didn't speak. He was speculating about Cao Tian's background.

Cao family name, home in Tianjing, military background.

Then his identity is ready to come out.

"I don't know what's the relationship between brother Cao and marshal Cao?" Su Xun asked Cao Tian.

Before Cao Tian spoke, Chen Xiaoze said with a smile, "that's a deep relationship. Marshal Cao is Xiao Tian's grandfather. So if he can't help you keep this crystal nucleus, no one in the seven districts will be able to keep it."

Because he had already guessed, Su Xun was not too surprised.

Marshal Cao, whose full name is Cao Zongtang, is the commander-in-chief of the three armed forces.

Although he has been retired for many years, as long as he is still alive, his power will not dissipate.

Today's commander-in-chief of the seven regions and three armed forces is a chief of staff under Marshal Cao.

Can be called the real tiger old aftertaste in.

"I didn't expect that brother Cao was still a top three generation soldier." Su Xun made fun of him.

Cao Tian didn't think so. He said in a deep voice, "if you can't get along in the army, you've entered the police system. You've lost face to the old man. There's nothing to be proud of."

He abandoned the army and joined the police in order to be able to take the road of policing and enter politics, because the Chief Secretary can participate in the election of district councillors in the city.

The director can directly participate in the election of city council members, and then participate in the election of speaker as a city council member.

What he is going to take is the way back.

First, he was promoted to director, then directly participated in the election of city councillors, and then separated from the police system to participate in the election of city councillors.

As speaker, he will be able to compete for the election of city head or deputy in the next term.

It's not difficult for Cao family to achieve all these things.

Unfortunately, he was the only one who chose to be a politician in the Cao family. He ran counter to the Cao family's pure military family and was deeply discussed within the Cao family.

Even the old man has his own opinions on him. He has changed from attaching great importance to him to letting him go. Otherwise, he would not have worked in Seoul, which is so far away from Tianjing.

Because what he longed for was a higher position and greater power. No matter how high he climbed in the army, he could only manage the army.

This time, I went back to ask for the master's help, which was a great favor to Su Xun.

A few hours later, he arrived at Chen Xiaoze's regimental headquarters at 3 a.m.

A military helicopter has been waiting there for a long time.

Su Xun and Cao Tian boarded the plane under the supervision of Chen Xiaoze.

"Let me know as soon as you have any news." Chen Xiaoze said.

Cao Tian nodded: "don't worry, what's the matter here in Seoul, you also help me stare at it."

The Public Security Department of Yu'an district has just cleared up the obstacles, and he has to leave before he has fully accepted people's support. He is worried that things will change.

Chen Xiaoze made an OK gesture.

"Boom -"

the propeller cut through the air and made a deafening noise. The helicopter lifted off the ground and flew to Tianjing.

"Give your brother Meng Hai a call so that he can leave the hospital in advance and squat in Sili."

Cao Tian said to Su Xun.Although he said hello to Chen Xiaoze in advance, Chen Xiaoze was outside the district after all. After he left, there was no one in Sili to stare at, but he was still worried.

Su Xun takes out his mobile phone and calls Meng Hai.

"Buckle your chicken, moximoxi."

Soon, Meng Hai's familiar voice came from his mobile phone, mixed with the voice of flirting with the female nurse.

Su Xun said, "be serious. I'll go to Tianjing with brother Cao. Maybe I can't come back in a short time. You can leave the hospital first and go to Sili to watch."

"Well, I just got acquainted with the little nurse. She is the second one who can appreciate my hairstyle after you. If it wasn't for your call, I really didn't want to leave the hospital."

Meng Hai said something regretfully, and her mobile phone was accompanied by a little nurse's laughter.

"In this way, hang up and go to work in Sili tomorrow morning."

When the voice dropped, Su Xun hung up and said to Cao Tian, "it's done."

Cao Tian nodded, then took out his mobile phone and dialed out: "Xiaohua, I'm going to Tianjing at noon tomorrow. I'll come by helicopter. You can drive to meet me outside Dongmen city. Well, that's it."

After hanging up the phone, Cao Tian said to Su Xun, "sleep for a while. It's estimated that you can't arrive until noon."

Then he closed his eyes.

Su Xun expressed his admiration. There was a lot of noise in the helicopter, so he couldn't sleep.

Cao Tianneng fell asleep, it is estimated that many years of military career before him made him used to it.


Eleven o'clock at noon.

The helicopter landed in the field outside Tianjing City.

Without permission, the helicopter can't fly into the city, or it will be directly shot down.

When he was on the plane, Su Xun saw an off-road vehicle on the ground.

After the plane landed, the door of the SUV was opened, and a young man in his twenties, wearing sunglasses, got out of the car and came quickly.

"Brother Tian."

"Introduce it." Cao Tian patted him on the shoulder: "Cao Hua, my third uncle's son."

"This is Su Xun, my right-hand man in Seoul."



Su Xun and Cao Hua shook hands.

"OK, let's see the old man first. I have something important to tell him."

A moment later, the SUV roared into Tianjing.

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