Ten minutes later, the SUV drove into Tianjing City.

It was also the first time that Sushen saw the capital of the world.

There are many high-rise buildings, numerous buildings, various vehicles on the street, and pedestrians coming and going in a hurry.

This scene looks no different from the metropolis on earth.

Compared with Seoul, Tianjing does not know how prosperous it is.

"Brother, if you want me to say that you are doing well in the army, you'd better come back, because your grandfather is not very happy with you when you go to the police system. If you go to see him now, I'm afraid you will learn a lesson."

While driving, Cao Hua said this after several times of hesitation.

"Don't worry about me," Cao said

"Me?" Cao Hua some Lengshen: "what's wrong with me?"

"What's the matter?" Cao Tian sneered: "don't you know that your parents are making arrangements for your marriage?"

"Lying trough!" Cao Hua's face suddenly changed. Looking at Cao Tian, he said, "brother, are you still short of people? I think I can be a good sheriff. "

"You can be a wool, wash yourself and wait for your daughter-in-law." Cao Tianxing happily said a word, with a smile on his face.


At the same time, the military building.

A middle-aged man was sitting in the office, his feet on the desk, looking through a military book.

Middle aged people are at most in their fifties. They have a clean head, short inches, thick eyebrows and big eyes, and bulging arm muscles. They look very intimidating.

He is Xiang Hongfei, commander in chief of the third army of the seventh district.

He used to be a chief of staff, and he was also the best chief of staff in the seventh district.


A voice rang out at the door.

"Come in." Xiang Hongfei stares at the book head in his hand and shouts without raising it.

"Step on..."

With a burst of boots hitting the ground, a middle-aged man with the rank of Lieutenant Colonel walked in: "marshal, there is important information in the seventh district."

"Yes." Xiang Hongfei spits out a word, and his eyes never move away from the book in his hand.

"Yes." The commander replied, then put his feet together, opened the folder in his hand, and his face changed.

Xiang Hongfei didn't hear the voice. He looked up and said, "what are you doing? Can't read? "

"Marshal, big deal." The lieutenant commander swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and then said: "it says that the injured Zombie King in the eighth District died in the No. 3 field of the seventh district. He was killed by Su Xun, the head of the criminal investigation team of the Public Security Department of Yu'an District in Seoul. Cao Tian had already brought Su Xun and Jinghe to Beijing at 3 am."

"What did you say?"

Xiang Hongfei suddenly gets up and stares at the commander in front of him. Then he grabs the report in his hand.

After watching it, he patted it on his desk and said in disbelief, "can an ordinary person who has not taken any fortified medicine kill a Zombie King?"

Even if it's a Zombie King who is injured, it's also a Zombie King. At least the intermediate strengthening people can't take it down.

The strength of an ordinary person is even stronger than that of an intermediate fortified person, which is outrageous.

His first thought was to suspect that the information was false.

But he soon dismissed the idea.

Because it's meaningless to submit this false information. It's a felony if you can find it once you check it.

So it shouldn't be fake information.

But because of this, he was even more confused.

"Marshal, I don't believe it either, but that's what the intelligence says, and it's very detailed." The commander dropped his voice and said carefully: "marshal, this crystal nucleus..."

"Shut the back of your mouth." Xiang Hongfei interrupted him coldly.

Of course he knows what the other person is trying to say.

Marshal, please change your face

"Get out and run around the building ten times." Xiang Hongfei pointed to the door and yelled.

"Yes, marshal!"

The commander dropped his voice, turned around, clenched his hands and lifted them up, then ran away.

Xiang Hongfei took another look at the report and muttered to himself, "dog said, are young people so crazy now? It's so powerful without taking medicine. I'll see if you want to go to heaven after taking advanced strengthening medicine. "

Voice down, put away the report, stride out.

He got the news here. I believe many people have also got the news.

According to the calculation of time, Cao Tian and Su Xun set out by helicopter at 3 a.m., and they should have arrived in Tianjing by now on their way to Ziyun mountain.

Therefore, he also wanted to go to Ziyun mountain to frighten those people who have misdeeds.

Although Su Xun was not a member of the military headquarters, he was a member of the seventh district at a younger age and a member of the human race at a higher age.When he takes the strengthening medicine, there will be another strong man in the human race, and he may be the strongest strengthening soldier so far. That will definitely help the human fight against zombies. Why not?

People who can sit in their seats are basically selfless. They do everything for the sake of their compatriots in the seven districts and for the sake of all mankind.

Because they are already the top Group on the blue star.


Cao's compound is located in Ziyun mountain, a suburb of Beijing.

At the foot of Ziyun mountain, there are soldiers with guns standing guard and patrolling all the year round, and they don't know how many pairs of eyes they have hidden in the dark.

The family living in Ziyun mountain is the most respected existence in the whole seven districts.

For example, the finance minister of the seventh district, the security minister, the marshal of the army, and even the governor of the seventh district all live here.

It is no exaggeration to say that if a missile comes down, the military and political system of the whole seven regions will be paralyzed.

Of course, when a missile can reach Ziyun mountain, it means that zone 7 is almost over.

Ten minutes later, the car stopped at the gate of Cao's courtyard.

Su Xun and Cao Tian got out of the car and quickly walked into the gate and went straight to the backyard.

"Xiaotian is back More... "

"Just back."

Someone on the road saw him say hello, but Cao Tian just perfunctorily, but did not stop at his feet.

The Cao family's compound was very large. It took five minutes to walk to the backyard.

The backyard is full of bamboo, which makes it more quiet than the front yard.

They went into a small yard.

In the yard, an old man in a white training suit was boxing.

The old man has white hair, old age spots appear on his face, and his boxing action is no longer so simple and decisive, but his eyes are bright.

He was Cao Zongtang, the last commander-in-chief of the three armed forces in the seven districts.

Seeing Cao Tian come in, Cao Zongtang didn't stop, but he was still fighting. His face didn't change, as if he was not moved by foreign things.

"Grandfather, I have something to show you."

Knowing that the old man was angry with himself, Cao Tian didn't talk nonsense. He directly took out the Blue King level zombie crystal core.

Cao Zongtang suddenly stopped and widened his eyes. He first looked at the crystal core, then at Cao Tian's hoarse voice and asked, "where did you come from?"

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