"He did."

Cao Tian points to Su Xun.

Cao Zongtang just looked at Su Xun.

Su Xun saluted: "good old marshal."

Although he is not a blue star, he sincerely admires the old man who has worked hard for his country and people all his life.

"The young man killed it alone?" Cao Zongtang looked at Su Xun.

Su Xun said: "it was all a fluke. At that time, the Zombie King had been injured."

"The end of the eighth district?" Although Cao Zongtang has retired, he is obviously still concerned about major events.

Cao Tian said it all over again: "grandfather, it's like this. At that time, Su Xun..."

After hearing this, Cao Zongtang took a breath and patted Suxun heavily on the shoulder: "good, really good guy, good, very good!"

As an old soldier who has been fighting with zombies for half of his life and has encountered the Zombie King for three times in his career, he knows the strength of the Zombie King very well.

Zombie King in addition to the strength, the more important thing is to have adult intelligence, make them more difficult to deal with.

Even if it was a Zombie King who was injured, Su Xun, an ordinary man, could kill each other, which was absolutely unprecedented since the great disaster.

"Grandfather, when I go back to Tianjing this time, I just want to help Su Xun refine this crystal nucleus into medicine." Cao Tian looked at Cao and said.

Cao Zongtang nodded, knowing the purpose of Cao Tianxian's coming to see him, because he knew the power of a king level zombie crystal.

Immediately said in a deep voice: "with my old bone, no one can take away this crystal nucleus. It can only belong to this little su."

"Step, step..."

At this time, a disorderly sound of footsteps, followed by a group of people rushed in.

"Dad, second uncle, third uncle and fourth uncle, what are you doing?"

Seeing these people, Cao Tian had a bad feeling in his mind.

But at the moment, no one paid any attention to him, and everyone's eyes were focused on the dark blue nucleus.

"Crystal nucleus, it's really king level crystal nucleus!"

"That's great. With this Wang level crystal nucleus, we can have a senior fortifier in the Cao family."

"Yes, Xiaotian, you are very capable. I didn't expect that you came back with a king level crystal nucleus quietly."

Everyone is emotional. Mr. Cao is more than 80 years old. Because of his years of fighting when he was young, he had many hidden injuries.

Now that he is old, these incurable dark wounds begin to recur. For Cao Zongtang, every recur is no less than walking in the gate of hell.

Even Cao Zongtang's personal doctor said that he could only hold on for one year at most.

For the Cao family, the most precious thing in the whole family is Mr. Cao.

As long as Mr. Cao doesn't swallow his breath for a day, no one dares to target their Cao family blatantly, and their Cao family can continue to prosper.

But once Mr. Cao died, the political opponents of the Cao family would not be polite.

Although the Cao family is not afraid of these, entanglement with these people will slow down the development of the Cao family.

But now that we have a king level nucleus, everything will be different.

Even if Mr. Cao drives the crane to the west, as long as there is a senior fortifier in the Cao family, then the Cao family can continue to maintain the status of being detached in the seven districts.

So how can they not get excited?

At the beginning, I couldn't believe it when I heard the news. They all rushed to the backyard.

"Shut up! All shut up, cough... "

Mr. Cao gave a roar and coughed violently because he was too excited.

"Dad, don't get excited. Don't get excited."

"Don't worry. Take your time when you have something to say."

Everyone was startled. The scene just like a swarm of flies was quiet.

Cao tianduan passed the water cup on the stone table and gave him a drink

"You tell them." Mr. Cao's voice dropped and he took the glass and began to drink.

Everyone in the Cao family looks at Cao Tian.

Cao Tian said: "Dad, aunts and uncles, I want to explain one thing to you. This crystal nucleus is not mine, but his. His name is Su Xun, so this crystal nucleus has nothing to do with our Cao family."

Hearing this, the crowd exploded in an instant.

"What? Xiaotian, are you stupid? What does it mean that it has nothing to do with our Cao family? Is he your man? Isn't his stuff yours? "

"Yes, Xiaotian, it has nothing to do with our Cao family. What else do you bring here for? Isn't this nonsense?"

"We can give him other compensation, but the crystal nucleus must belong to our Cao family."

It's not easy to see the hope that the Cao family will continue to be brilliant after the old man Cao drove the crane to the West. Unexpectedly, Cao Tian broke it. Of course, people can't accept it.

Su Xun didn't respond. His face was always calm.Cao Zongtang was so angry that he smashed his water cup on the ground.

"PATA -"

the water cup made of ceramics is split in an instant.

Everyone was so scared that they were smart, and then they all shut up.

"Say it? Why not Cao Zongtang asked with a gloomy face.

People are still silent. In Cao's family, Mr. Cao has the absolute right to speak.

Cao Zongtang snorted coldly: "the Zombie King was killed by other people's Xiao Su, and the crystal nucleus is his. No matter it's outside or our own people, who dares to make a wrong idea, don't blame me for being rude!"

All the people were not willing to hear this.

Cao Zongtang sighed: "Xiao Su can kill a Zombie King without taking the fortified medicine. If he takes the advanced fortified medicine, he will only be stronger. The people in the seven districts will have a layer of security when facing the zombies. This is the blessing of our seven districts. This crystal nucleus is not used on anyone, and it works well on him."

As soon as his voice fell, a middle voice rang out.

"Lao Shou, Chang is right!"

All of them subconsciously follow the prestige. Xiang Hongfei, dressed in velvet, comes in with no guards.

"Marshal Xiang." "Marshal Xiang." "Good marshal."

Everyone in the room said hello and saluted, because many of them were under Xiang Hongfei's hands.

Xiang Hongfei said: "Lao Shou, the idea of Chang is the same as mine. Only when this crystal nucleus is used on Su Xun, can it exert the greatest effect."

Voice down, he looked at Cao Zongtang respectfully asked: "old head, long recently good health?"

"Not yet." Cao said casually, then pointed to Su Xun and introduced him: "this is Xiao su."

"Are you Su Xun?" Xiang Hongfei was surprised because Su Xun was younger than he thought.

Su Xun replied, "Marshal Hui, I'm Su Xun."

"Well, it's good. It's our seventh district face." Xiang Hongfei patted him on the shoulder.

It seems that big people like to do a pat on the shoulder.

It was the same before Su Xun.

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