The refining of Wang's crystal nucleus was very careful. It was not finished from 12 noon to 7 pm.

Cao Tian can't stay any longer. After all, no matter how beautiful a beauty is, she will be annoyed if she stares at her for so long.

"Go out if you can't sit still."

Tang Yumeng said that her goal of calling Su Xun in had been achieved in the daytime. Naturally, it doesn't matter whether the other party is still in or not.

On the contrary, it's a bit inconvenient for these two big men to stay here.

The corners of Su Xun's mouth twitched. The woman was really merciless. She wanted Ben Shuai's blood and began to drive people away.

Cao Tian couldn't wait to drag Su Xun up: "it's useless for us to wait here. Let's go out for some air."

Su Xun left the Institute with Cao Tian.

The research institute is located on the ground floor. They walk in the corridor where they came again and then take the elevator up.

Out of the gate of the Institute, it was dark outside.

The 100 guards were still standing like javelins, motionless.

"It's a pity that it's too remote. There's nothing to eat or play around."

Cao Tian stretched a waist, some regrets said.

Su Xun looked around and replied casually, "nonsense, this kind of place must be far away from the downtown."


Military headquarters, Xiang Hongfei's office.

The office was full of gunpowder.

Two middle-aged men in District eight uniform are looking angry.

"Xiang Hongfei, are you too shameless? I hurt that Zombie King. I must return the crystal nucleus to me!"

The middle-aged man is Koizumi Zhonger, the marshal of the Third Army in the eighth district. At this age, he is the only one who dares to yell with Xiang Hongfei.

Because they have the same status and the same strength, they are both high-level fortifiers.

In the face of angry Koizumi, Xiang Hongfei has always been a calm attitude: "brother Koizumi, you are wrong. What do you mean you hurt? Of course, who killed is who, let alone killed in our seven districts?"

"Baga! Asshole! That's from our eighth district! " Koizumi is going mad.

It's not easy to meet a single Zombie King. It took a lot of effort to hurt him. Unexpectedly, he ran away and let the people in the seventh district pick up a bargain.

He can't even pick up a few other people in District seven.

Because the enmity between the eight districts and the seven districts has a long history, which can be traced back to hundreds of years before the disaster.

Although the whole mankind United after the great disaster, the enmity between the races can not be eliminated without saying. There is no big friction between the seven districts and the eight districts, but the small friction has never been broken.

If the crystal nucleus falls into the hands of the people in the seven districts, it means that there will be another senior strengthening person in the seven districts, and their strength will completely crush the eight districts.

What's more, this nucleus should belong to them.

How can Junichiro Koizumi accept this?

The more angry Koizumi was, the more smile Xiang Hongfei had on his face: "the crystal nucleus is already being refined. Marshal Koizumi should go back to his home. This crystal nucleus has witnessed the profound friendship between our two districts. On behalf of the people of the seven districts, I would like to express my gratitude."

"Baga road!" Koizumi's face was livid with anger, as if the top of his head was about to smoke: "Xiang Hongfei, if we can't get this crystal core, our eight districts will never stop!"

Voice down, directly with the adjutant turned away.

"Fuck, threaten me? I'm scared to death. I have to eat more rice tonight. "

Xiang Hongfei curled his mouth and took a sip of tea. After all, he almost burst into laughter.

Looking at Junichiro Koizumi's angry but helpless appearance, he felt very happy.

Junichiro Koizumi, who left the military headquarters of the seventh district, took the adjutants and guards to the streets.

"Marshal, do we just give up?" The adjutant asked reluctantly.

Koizumi's two eyes flashed a touch of madness: "give up? We don't give up two words in the dictionary of eight districts. "

If Su Xun is here, he must say that your dictionary in District 8 is copied from our dictionary in District 7.

"Everyone change into regular clothes and go to the northern suburb Research Institute in District 7!" Koizumi said coldly.

The adjutant's face was solemn: "Hi."

Never let the crystal nucleus belonging to zone 8 create a senior fortifier for zone 7.

Even if it is rather destroyed, it can not increase the strength of the seven districts.

Even though they have experienced a lot of disasters, it is still worth learning.

They only thought that with one more senior fortifier in zone 7, the top combat power would surpass that in Zone 8, breaking the previous balance.

But I never thought that it would be a great thing for Bluestar to have one more senior enhancer.

A few minutes later, Junichiro Koizumi, who changed into his regular clothes, took his guards to the northern suburb Research Institute.

While there is only Xiang Hongfei in the seventh district, he still has the strength to do it.Otherwise, there will be no such opportunity in the future.

Five minutes later, Xiang Hongfei got the news, and his face suddenly changed.

He did not expect that the people in the eighth district were so short-sighted. At this time, for the sake of a little past gratitude and resentment, they could do such a move.

"Inform the guards of the research institute that the enemy is coming, and they must guard the Research Institute."

"Immediately mobilize the nearest army to the Research Institute for support."

"I'll let you know what pain is today, the little baga and Koizumi Zhonger who are stepping on horses."

Xiang Hongfei issued two orders in a row. He was so angry that he took the guards to the northern suburb Research Institute in person.

Because Junichiro Koizumi is a senior fortifier, if he doesn't go, the guards of the research institute can't stop him at all.


North suburb Institute.

Su Xun and Cao Tian lie on a tree to see the moon.

Don't ask why you look at the moon, because there are no stars.

"Mr. Su, Mr. Cao, please come down quickly. The headquarters just called and said that Koizumi's two men from the eighth district had killed him."

A captain yelled at the two men in the tree.

"Islanders?" By this name, Su Xun knew that the people in the eight districts were the islanders before the era.

Cao Tian jumped out of the tree and explained casually: "the word" island "has not been called for a long time, but it's true."


Suddenly, there was a gunshot and a soldier fell to the ground.

"When they come, call me. The order above is to hold the Research Institute and wait for reinforcements." Roared the captain, pulling the trigger first.

"Kang Kang..."

"Dada dada..."

The gunfire pierced the night sky, killing the final tranquility of the northern suburbs.

"Stab -"

suddenly, a cold light flashed, a guard fell to the ground, and a middle-aged man in Samurai uniform appeared.

It's Junichiro Koizumi.

"Senior fortifier, commander-in-chief of the eighth district and third army, No. 2 Koizumi." Cao Tian recognized him.

Su Xun said in a deep voice, "give it to me."

Only in this way can we delay time, or Koizumi will kill all the others here.

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