The eighth district is in a unique position in the whole blue star pattern.

After the cataclysm, ethnic groups did not live together and then divided into different countries. For example, there were many black and white people in the seven districts, but they were still Chinese.

The second district is dominated by black people, the third and fourth districts are dominated by white people, the fifth and sixth districts are dominated by yellow people but not Chinese people, and only the seventh district is dominated by Chinese people.

The eighth district is the island people's ruling area, which is the smallest region of the whole blue star. At the beginning, the coalition government planned to divide it into the seventh district to become a province.

As a result, the first area was invaded by the corpse tide jointly made by two zombie kings. At that time, the technology of refining fortified medicine was not mature, and there were no advanced fortifiers on the human side.

The cold and frozen wasteland and wild land with radiation have separated the regions from each other, so it is impossible to provide rapid and effective support.

So the first region on the blue star was destroyed by waves, and the land suitable for human survival became a zombie paradise.

The fall of the first district left several other big districts living in panic. The islanders took this opportunity to declare their independence and establish the eighth district.

Therefore, District 7 and District 8 are also the closest districts on the whole blue star. After all, the eight districts were originally planned to be divided into seven districts to set up provinces, so they are very close.

This is also the reason why eight districts can arrive at Tianjing City as soon as they get the news today.

The islanders defeated the black and white people in the eighth District, won the dominant position and established the eighth district.

With the support of the third and fourth districts, the people of the island established the eighth District, which made Bluestar still maintain the original layout of seven districts and made contributions to the resistance of zombies.

As for the first district, it has become a historical pain and disappeared in the long river.

To sum up, the islanders have something to recommend in some aspects, which is quite impressive.

But that's all. In this critical moment of human survival, there is still selfishness and shortsightedness.

Their narrow territory and shallow history before the era limited their pattern.

Otherwise, tonight Koizumi's second step on the horse will not do this kind of thing to make human pain and Zombies happy.

"An ordinary man?"

Looking at the young man standing in front of him, Junichiro Koizumi, holding a samurai sword, flashed a scornful joke.

As a person in the eighth District, even if he planted spies in the seventh district, he could not get as detailed information as Xiang Hongfei.

So he didn't know that the Zombie King was killed by an ordinary man who didn't take the fortifier.

However, even if he knew it, he would not believe it. On the contrary, he would think it was a smoke bomb released by District 7 to intimidate or confuse District 8.

After all, this kind of thing is too shocking.

"Yo, brave kid, I'll give you a good one and cut off your head with a knife."

Koizumi's two words fell down, and his sword trembled in his hand. The cold light was clear, and he cut Su Xun's neck with a knife.

In his view, killing an ordinary person is as simple as killing a chicken with a single knife.

When the blade fell, Su Xun picked up the dagger in his hand.

As for why we don't use guns to strengthen the fight between people?

Because the gun is not as effective as the cold weapon for the advanced enhancer, because the advanced enhancer has fast speed and quick reaction, and can really avoid bullets.

And you won't die if you take a few shots. The skin, bones and internal organs are strengthened with medicine.

But if a knife goes into the other person's heart or cuts off the larynx, it will be strengthened to death.

Of course, with the strength of ordinary people, most of them can't even pierce the skin of advanced fortifiers, or at most scratch the skin.

Because one of the characteristics of advanced reinforcers is thick skin, just like that of advanced zombies.


The dagger collided with the samurai sword, making a clear sound, sparking with lightning all the way.

The second-hand samurai swords in Koizumi almost flew out.

"How can it be!"

As he slid back, the scorn in his eyes was gone, replaced by shock.

Although he just cut it casually, it should not be stopped by an ordinary person.

It's not scientific at all.

Then he thought of something. His eyes were fixed on Su Xun, and his eyes were full of killing intention.

An ordinary person who doesn't take an enhancer has been able to catch him. If he takes an advanced enhancer, Zone 8, no, it should be the whole blue star. Who else can hold him down?

Moreover, he appears here in a police uniform, which indicates that the drug being refined by the Institute is probably prepared for him.

Once let him grow up, he will be the enemy of the Empire.

Koizumi Nakai will never allow this to happen.

"You're good, kid, so you have to die."

Junichiro Koizumi is serious."The name is not wrong. I'm a middle school student. If you want to fight, come quickly. Where's your mother?" Su Xun hooked his finger to Koizumi's two fingers.

Although his performance is light, in fact, he also raised his heart to his throat. Just after Koizumi's random knife, his right arm was slightly numb.

A high-level fortifier is so strong that two high-level fortifiers can kill a Zombie King.

You can imagine how tough a Zombie King is without any injuries.

There is only Koizumi, a senior fortifier in the eighth district. In order to deal with the Zombie King, his strength and losses are countless.

Su Xun really picked up a big leak.

"Baga, Lulu, dead, dead drop!"

Junichiro Koizumi clenched the knife in his hand, turned into a shadow, and came in a flash, carrying it and chopping it.

Su Xun dodged a knife, but the second one came in a flash, which forced him to block it with a dagger.

"Dang -"

accompanied by a clear sound, the dagger in his hand was cut directly, and the blade was about to pass through his chest.

This knife will definitely open the door.

"Koizumi of grass mud horse, look at your father."

At this time, Cao Tian yelled angrily, his automatic step aimed at Koizumi and pulled the trigger.


As soon as Koizumi's face changed, he turned the knife into a shadow to avoid the bullets.

Although these bullets could not kill him, they could also hurt him. His main purpose was for the crystal nucleus. Susian only found it by accident.

Killing people can be killed at any time, but the crystal nucleus can't be obtained or destroyed today, and there will be no chance in the future.

Xiang Hongfei must be on his way here. There will inevitably be a big fight at that time. It's not a good thing if he is injured at this time.

So after dodging the bullet, he gave up Su Xun and rushed to the closed door of the research institute with one punch.


The special steel plate gate is hard concave, and there is a gap. If he punches a few more, the steel plate gate will be opened with his fist.

"To NIMA."

Seeing this scene, Su Xun, who was just relieved, bent down to pick up two grenades from a corpse and rushed to make a gesture of dying with him.

"Baga, asshole, I will kill you!"

Koizumi was so angry that he could only jump up abruptly to avoid Su Xun's suicide attack.

"You brag."

With a loud shout, Xiang Hongfei, who set out alone from the troops and guards, arrived.

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